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Walking, running animations/Animated Camera


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Hi all, I hope this is an easy answer considering the time that has lapsed since people started doing these animated cameras etc. (Nearly 4 years ago!)


First off, I am new to 3dsmax and animation in general so I do apologize for my naivety and anything that may be blindingly obvious or for wrongly assuming my settings are known to everyone. I am currently animating a camera alongside custom animations in my 3dsmax 2015 scenes in order to create a short film/machinima in the game Fallout 4.


I have the correct tools set up including Havok Tools etc, and generally, through tutorials I have been able to make some excellent progress and the results in my opinion are pretty good.

Now, the problems I am having is that while I can load vanilla animations from the game and succesfully implement them into the game along side an animated camera, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get moving (as in walking, running, etc) animations to work. When I load the animation in game, the actor/player does the animation but stays in the same spot. There are many people asking the same question on the web and youtube etc but no one has given a solid answer.


Unfortunately, the few people on youtube who have managed to do this have completely vanished and have no options to message them on youtube either. Shade, who has uploaded the animation kit I use onto nexus said so himself in the comments that he has not yet tested it but assumes it has something to do with moving the root bone (this was many moons ago now, so this has probably changed!)

This sounds plausible to me, but in my project, the root bone is locked, and I am unable to move it (or find out how to unlock it). Maybe the answer relies in the annotations/dope sheet?


Is one able to shed any light on this?


Here is all the relevent information, which I hope gives you an idea of the workflow and how my max scenes look.

I use..

F4BipedCATImport - to import the vanilla animations.

F4BipedCAT - this is where I animate and keyframe the camera and export the final animation file.

Creation Kit - This is a program whereby I copy the animation file into the Game directory.

Here is a picture of what it my 3dsmax animating scene looks like - https://ibb.co/VBTxdMs


Here are some videos of what I am trying to achieve:




With the final result being something like this masterpeice - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MF6vwvt7_Ac

Please ask questions! I'll try my best to answer. And Thank you very much for any answers and insight you might give.

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