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[SOLVED] Soul trap enchantment for armor?

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So that.

I found very old archived topic. There is no answer.


There is a mod Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim, there is a spell in it "Soul Cloak", but I can not understand the logic of this work.

Is it possible to make a enchantment on the armor, so that when dressing it activate Soul Cloak?





1. Create magic effect for enemy



2. Create spell which will be superimposed on the enemy using effect from step 1



3. Create effect for enchantment



4. Create enchantment, magnitude enchantment is a raduis



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Permanently?  That's pretty OP, since armors have no recharge.  I would guess that's why nobody made one.


An alternative that's almost as good though lies in Apocalypse as well!  You can use the spell, "Ocato's Recital" to cast up to three spells automatically whenever you enter combat.  You can make one of those spells, "Soul Cloak", and then you will always have that active in combat.


Soul cloak works like any of the other cloak or mage armor spells, cast it just before combat begins and it is automatically applied. 


Ocato's Recital works as follows:  Outside of combat, cast Ocato's recital.  Then, equip the Soul Cloak spell in your left hand, and cast it.  Now that spell is "remembered" and will get automatically applied to you each time you enter combat.  You can equip and cast up to 2 more defensive spells (like say stoneflesh and flame cloak) immediatly to have those stack as well.  To cancel the spells you set up, just cast Ocato's Recital again.


Edit:  I may be wrong about how Recital works based on re-reading the description on the Nexus page, the instructions are a bit obtuse.  If the above doesn't work, you can try:  Equip Soul Cloak in left hand, Ocato's Recital in right, and cast Ocato's recital.  Equip next defensive spell in left hand, cast Ocato's Recital.  Repeat for third.  Equip nothing in left hand and cast Ocato's Recital to forget remembered spells.

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