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Molag Bal NPC and the Vampire Lord Ritual


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Translation by University of Gwylim Press; 3E 105


As brighter grows light, darker becomes shadow. So it passed that the Daedra Molag Bal looked on Arkay and thought the Aedra prideful of his dominion o’er the death of man and mer, and it was sooth.


Bal, whose sphere is the wanton oppression and entrapment of mortal souls, sought to thwart Arkay, who knew that not man, nor mer, nor beastfolk of all Nirn could escape eventual death. The Aedra was doubtless of his sphere, and so Molag Bal set upon Nirn to best death.


Tamriel was still young, and filled with danger and wondrous magick when Bal walked in the aspect of a man and took a virgin, Lamae Beolfag, from the Nedic Peoples. Savage and loveless, Bal profaned her body, and her screams became the Shrieking Winds, which still haunt certain winding fjords of Skyrim. Shedding a lone droplet of blood on her brow, Bal left Nirn, having sown his wrath.


Violated and comatose, Lamae was found by nomads, and cared for. A fortnight hence, the nomad wyrd-woman enshrouded Lamae in pall for she had passed into death. In their way, the nomads built a bonfire to immolate the husk. That night, Lamae rose from her funeral pyre, and set upon the coven, still aflame. She ripped the throats of the women, ate the eyes of the children, and raped their men as cruelly as Bal had ravished her.


And so; Lamae, (who is known to us as blood-matron) imprecated her foul aspect upon the folk of Tamriel, and begat a brood of countless abominations, from which came the vampires, most cunning of the night-horrors. And so was the scourge of undeath wrought upon Tamriel, cruelly mocking Arkay’s rhythm of life and death through all the coming eras of the et'Ada, and for all his sadness, Arkay knew this could not be undone.





So... anyone else had the thought after Dawnguard that performing the summoning ritual for Molag Bal on his summoning day, and asking to be given power, might be an awesome adult mod and alternate route to become a pure-blooded vampire?


The quest would arguably pretty simple. Turn up at his shrine on Evening Star 20th. (Or don't even bother with a summoning day; just let the player roleplay its the correct date.)


You do a made up summoning ritual with in-game anims, he poofs into existance, and proceeds to 'rape/make rough love' to the PC. (Maybe give males the Harkon route, and give them an over the top quest full of stupidly difficult objectives). Fade to black, PC 'wakes up' as a Vampire Lady (or Lord), in Vampire Lord form, perhaps surrounded by dead and naked NPCs, villagers, in a temple, or even in a bandit camp that had really bad luck.


The hardest part would be the NPC of Molag Bal. But then, thinking about it, an massive, red Argonian, with all the Daedric body bits, may do the job admirably. It just depends on iff it stil looks like an Argonian after a bit of messing about and perhaps a few new textures.


A simple Dremora would do as a stand in while the quest was built. It says in that tale, that to do the deep he was in the 'aspect of man', which would mean for the ritual he could very well turn up as a typical looking Daedra. It would also be served by a new, more violent, animation, as its supposed to be a coupling with a high fatality rate. His size would also likely be a problem; most of the sex mods atm change both partners scales to match up, which kind of defeats the purpose with this mod.


Sadly its still all beyond my talents, but its so fitting with the lore, and even part of the storyline, that surely others can see the value in it being a project that perhaps only Lovers Lab would take up?

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I've thought about this a lot. I knew that it would very obviously be something that wouldn't be put in the game by Bethesda because of the process of the ritual. Of course, after hearing the storyline through Serana, you very much want to know exactly what that process is. I haven't completely experienced all of Dawnguard's content yet, so I wasn't sure if there was something as far as a book or some dialog that went further on the whole process of Malog Bol. Wasn't sure if Malog was part of the game at all. Perhaps I've come across something and just don't remember. It's hard for me to keep up with all the gods in the game.


Here on LL us adults who generally are a little more open minded, I think, would love to see this mod come to light. From what I've seen the transformation of becoming Vampire Lord wouldn't be difficult. Like you mentioned, just the form of Malog Bol. I don't know the lore/storyline of Malog, but perhaps taking human form for the ritual wouldn't be so bad. It would be cool though for his presence to be really powerful in some way. I guess it would have to be brutal. Perhaps once Malog has done his part, a line of daedra finish the process, one right after another.


Another possibility, maybe as a vampire you seek out Malog out of curiosity. Finding him and meeting him to ask questions or whatever. Ultimately, this being a bad idea because you become trapped in this situation and are forced into the ritual irregardless for his amusement. I don't know, just thinking out loud here. All in all, I'd love to see something with a quest with Malog that follows an adult storyline theme.

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It would be good if you could roleplay it it as a naive accident, as a grab for power without knowing what you are getting into, or a knowing choice as it seems to have been with Harkons family.


As noted in the story; even when he could walk Nirn with all his power intact, he walked in the aspect of man, much like Sanguine does for his drinking game, and even after as a Dremora. While it would be cool to see Molag in his glory, it would likely make the quest much easier to put together in man-like form.


A Dremora rape train would be somewhat interesting, but personally i'm interested in the mod idea for roleplaying, screenshots, and interest in lore inspired adult mods.


Sadly, there is no indication that someone who is already a vampire can become a 'lord' through anything but the bite of a pure blood. Though i'm sure Bal could manage it easily enough. In the story it makes it seem that the rape and the drop of his blood played a large impact on the creation of Lamae. Though perhaps not the fact she was a virgin, because Serana's mother clearly couldn't have been, and she was a daughter of Coldharbor too.

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