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Considering getting Sims 4 just for WickedWhims

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Hi there!


So, I've never played a Sims game before and to be honest, it's never really interested me until I saw the marvelous work people in this community have done for it. That said, I'm really just interested in the sexual aspects of it and I have a few questions in that regard:


What is the learning curve to get to the point where I'm comfortable with the game enough to use WickedWhims?

How difficult is it to mod? My experience with modding is mainly in Skyrim.

Will I need just the base game or will I need the expansions as well?



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You can be able to fully manage the game after one hour or two max.

You mostly need just the base game, the extra addons are not really used.

Modding it is quite easy, just drop the mods inside a specific folder and you are ready to go (but you have to enable mods and scripted mods in the game options.)

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