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Pretty faces in Oblivion?


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Hey... I'm really new to oblivion. Did the whole ES III, then jumped to V, and just now got my hands on IV. My question is; in all these body mods, I see really shapely and beautiful faces, but after installing the mods, I can't figure out how to implement them... I've been installing mostly from Nexus, using the MM. When I go to character creation, I just have the base sliders. Am I doing something wrong?

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They are custom faces and races added to the game. You could:

-Install XEO from here

-Go on the nexus for oblivion (or some other moddding site) and install custom race mods there.



If you are completely new to oblivion, I'd also check out this thread. It still has valuable info even if you don't want to install Lovers.

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Besides the advice our resident Mad One gave you...


If you're willing to learn something new sooner or later you'll have to fire up the Construction Set. You can learn how the full range of the sliders works, and see how models and races are put together.


Your progress will most likely lead you to programs such as Wrye Bash, and other utilities that may be used to tweak and enhance character appearance even further.


However, starting out nice and slow with a premade race and experience the differences by yourself is a good, safe starting point: it shows how much potential Oblivion holds, and how it can be turned into a very immersive, and pleasant visual/aural experience with just a bit of careful design.

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