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7 Screenshots

About This File

Tired of lazily scrolling the web, all that time searching an infinite amount of content as you're bombarded with endless ads... well, swipe no more! Install a LED sign by Mooz Productions and cast your gaze to the pretty lights all while getting hit with ads at the same time. You'll never want to look away!   


A sign that Includes 12 custom pics of various female and futa models in rotation


Q: Where can I find the images?

  • They are there, I promise. This sign is an object that contains an animation which scrolls through its preloaded images automatically. So, just pick a metal frame color (it does not matter which), place it down, go into live mode and it will scroll through the images once every in-game hour or so. There are about 20 images in total, 12 of which are custom, so don't worry if you see a couple vanilla pictures pop up here and there. Sometimes you need to advertise local soups with your smut to you know. ;)


REQUIRES: City Living Expansion Pack 




Pair this mod with my other mods and make your next community lot pop! 


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