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About This File

Python script to help you update your mod when a new version comes out. Intended for use on Windows, may not work correctly on other OS.


Description: A python script that looks at old twee, new twee, and your mod, then outputs up to 5 files. The files are as follows:

  • missing.txt, passage titles that have been deleted or renamed
  • mismatches.txt, passage titles of passages that are a mismatch between old and new twee
  • new_mod.twee, passages from your mod, exactly as they were before, if the passage is unchanged in the new version
  • old_passages.twee, the original passages from xcl.twee
  • new_passages.twee, the new passages from xcl.twee

(WARNING: if for some reason you had a file with the same name, it'll be overwritten) The intent is that new_mod.twee should contain the majority of your passages, and you can be confident they will work in the new version. old_passages.twee and new_passages.twee are created to allow you to compare the diff, so you can easily understand the change. To compare them, open in an IDE such as vscode, right click the file name, and select compare.


How to use:

  1. In the same folder as mod_updater.py, include the following (file names must match):
    1. mod.twee - Your mod
    2. old_xcl.twee - The old X Change Life twee file
    3. new_xcl.twee - The old X Change Life twee file
  2. In the correct folder, run the script, requires having python3 installed. WARNING: If for some reason you have a file with the same name as files output by this mod, it'll be overwritten.
    python mod_updater.py
    1. To install python3: https://www.python.org/downloads/
    2. Google it if you have questions. I'm not going to help you with this.
  3. Check missing.txt and mismatches.txt to see if there were any passages that changed
    1. These files will not be created if there is nothing to display.
    2. If not, your mod is all finished in new_mod.twee
  4. Use IDE to compare new_passages.twee and old_passages.twee by right clicking the file name in IDE
    1. These files will not be created if there is nothing to display.
  5. Manually edit your passages that are mismatches, and add them to new_mod.twee


Licensing: Feel free to edit and reupload as necessary for your purposes


Known Issues: Not exactly known, because I have no idea if this works on mac and linux. They may have different file paths and newline characters, and I can't test it.

Edited by bobdotnroe

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