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About This File

New Version 0.4: Laundry stinks!


This is just a small mod that adds a random chance for characters with the Brainless Bimbo side effect to get distracted and skip doing their morning chores, finding a job, going to work or doing laundry as planned. Instead they may waste all their time or end up at the mall.


The probability of this happening depends on your character's intellect. You can change the base frequency in the mod options. The settings are:

  • Frequently:     Intellect level 1 - 1 in 2 chance | Intellect level 10 - 1 in 8 chance
  • Occasionally:  Intellect level 1 - 1 in 4 chance | Intellect level 10 - 1 in 16 chance
  • Rarely:            Intellect level 1 - 1 in 8 chance | Intellect level 10 - 1 in 32 chance

You can set these separately for chores, work/finding a job and doing laundry and also turn each of them off completely.


Keep in mind that even at a 50/50 chance you may still get several workdays in a row every so often.


Note that this currently overrides the Live-in-Maid side effect. I figured this makes sense as it's not intentional laziness that's simulated here. Also, it gives players another way to see the forced maid scenes with stepdad. And there's always the option to turn it off.


This little project was mostly intended as a way to get into XCL modding and try the new aspect-oriented programming. As such it requires Mod Loader 1.1.4 or above.

Edited by KTX_Katalin
New version

What's New in Version 0.4   See changelog


Added the 'skip laundry' mechanic. Be aware that I haven't been able to test this very thoroughly yet. If you find any issues please let me know here or on the game's discord.

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