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[XCL] Gym Turn-ons [for v0.18a] 2.0.0

4 Screenshots

About This File

Back from the Dead! Adds visual stimulation events for males to Witness the Fitness gym.


Author: usagitriplesix


Reports of the demise of Gym Turn-Ons were premature, it seems, as it has not yet been made a part of the base game. For now, I'm bringing it back with revised code.


This mod works with v0.18b of X-Change Life, but will be discontinued eventually when the functionality is been added to the base game.



Gym Turn-ons

...adds occasional events where the male player character will notice attractive women at Witness the Fitness, and will get turned on as a result.


The amount he is turned on is dependent on his masculinity score, and if it's too low, “he” won't event notice them at all.



  • This is just a minor mod to better simulate being a straight guy in a city filled with hot women.
  • Yes, the images are all “lazy” AI-generated images with minimal touch-up work. Feel free to replace with images of your choice.



  • The .twee and .xcl files are both required. One has the code, and the other holds the images.

Edited by emes
Brought back for XCL v0.18a

What's New in Version 2.0.0   See changelog


  • Resurrected with better code for XCL version 0.18a!

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