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Deepest Depths

bodabira 01







Leandra, Serana and Beor were told to search for a man called Septimus Signus on the northern coastline of Skyrim.
I hope this damned man is even there because I don't want to balance on the ice for too long. Leandra said and jumped to the next part of the ice.
I know what you mean but I think it's worse for Beor. We are vampires we don't care if it's cold but I think he is freezing right now. Serana told her.




After a while they found the entrance to a cave and a boat tied up in front of it.
I think we found his outpost. Leandra told the others and entered the cave.
Inside it was surprisingly warm and a man stood there researching something. After a while he recognized the three and told them that he was expecting them. He then told them the location of the Elder Scroll and gave Leandra two items. One edged one round. The edged one was a lexicon and the round a key to a place called Blackreach.




Okay let's proceed. Leandra said as they walked over the bridge leading to a dwemer ruin.
HALT! A voice screamed.
The three turned around and saw a courier running towards them.
Are you Beor the Wild? He asked and Beor nodded. I have this letter for you. I was told that it was urgent.
He took the letter and opened it. No, no, no. It can't be... He mumbled.
What is it? Leandra asked him as she saw that he cried.
My sister... she's dead. I -I have to return home if that's alright. He said.
Oh gods! Of course! We'll meet in Falkreath when I'm finished her okay? And you know I'll always love you. Leandra said shocked.
He tried to smile but failed. Of courese. I love you too. Bye. He hurried away.
Seems like we're the ones who need to retrieve the Elder Scroll. Let's go. Serana said and entered the ruin.
Leandra nodded and followed her. As they continued the came across an insane khajiit who talked to his dead brother and attacked the vampires on sight.




After cutting through countless falmer and dwemer machines they arrived at a large room.
You see that? Thats's a centurio. It'll attack if it recognizes us. Leandra whispered to Serana.
The women tried to sneak by it but as soon as they were in his field of view it was activated and started to attack. Leandra cast a lightning spell at it but it didn't even flinch.




After a while Leandra managed to cut a pipe and the centurio fell down, deactivated.
That was quite a fight. Look I've found a key. I think it'll unlock that gate up there. She told Serana.




They unlocked the gate used the round key Septimus gave them and arrived in Blackreach.
Wow! That's beautiful! Leandra said in awe as she opened the door and saw large, glowing mushrooms and dwemer ruins in this huge cave.
Indeed it is. Serana agreed.




After they explored the deepest city they found at last the tower wich was supposed to contain the Elder Scroll. Leandra placed the lexicon within the pedestal and pressed some buttons until the Elder Scroll was released.








And now we have all the Elder Scrolls we need. Come on I want blood and I don't want to drink the blood of these creatures. Leandra said and left the room.




After a ride with an elevator the two women arrived at the surface again.
Ah I missed the fresh air! Serana said and took a deep breath. Come on down the mountain is a castle full of bandits we can feast on. She continued to say and started to walk downwards.










Ah finally some blood again! Leandra exclaimed and kneeled down to drink the blood of the bandit infront of her.
Exactly. Serana said and also drank the blood of another bandit.




Okay let's continue. Leandra said after they both satisfied their bloodlust. We don't want the other vampires to kill Dexion for his blood, do we? She chuckled.
No we don't. Serana tried to stay serious but began to giggle.
There they are! Attack these foul beasts! Attack! A voice screamed.
Leandra turned around and saw a Vigilant of Stendarr with some Dawnguard soldiers running toward them.
Oh come on! Leandra thought as she drew her blade. Those pathetic mortals will learn their lesson soon enough.




Suddenly a mage cast a spell and the weather cleared.
No, no, no! I don't wear my helmet! My vampiric powers will be useless. She thought and fought more fierce to win.










Hands up or I'll kill your companion! The vigilant yelled and put his sword at Serana's throat.
Leandra sheathed her sword and put her hands up. I yield.
Good. You know I should hunt vampires but I always wanted to know how it feels to fuck one and I think your friend is just made for that. He said and walked towards Serana.




No please! Don't do this! Leandra said.
The vigilant turned slowly around. Oh? A vampire with feelings? Get her down and strip her armor! He ordered as he put off his robes.




He raised her to her feets and put his arm around her throat. He then lifted up one of her legs and thrust his member in her dry pussy.
No please... She tried to protest but he put more pressure on her throat so she would shut up.






You're as cold as -nghhh- the snow and I think it's time to fill -nghhh- you up with something -nghh- warm. He chuckled as he continued to fuck her. Your pussy is at least better than -nghhh- the ones of those cheap -nghhh- whores!














Suddenly Leandra felt how the Vigilant pumped his hot semen inside her.
You know, if you let one of my comrades fuck you I'll let you go. He said as he removed his cock and put on his robes again.




One of the soldiers stepped forward, removed his armor and grabbed Leandra's breasts. Shortly after that she could feel his throbbing member slowly entering her pussy.
Those tits of yours are perfect, vampire! He said. I don't want to hear anything from your or I'll cut your tongue out! He then continued to pull his cock forth and back and Leandra felt his balls hitting her ass.
















After he also filled her up the Dawnguard and the Vigilant of Stendarr went away, leaving Serana and Leandra in the courtyard.






Why am I beeing always raped? I should be the strongest beeing in all of Tamriel but I'm defeated and violated by the most pathetic foes. She thought as she sat there, not able to stand up.






Afer the incident they returned to Castle Volkihar, only to find out that Dexion was blind and couldn't read the Scrolls anymore.
Dexion I'm sorry but I don't have any use for you anymore. Leandra said and wanted to go to the thrall master.
M'lady please wait! All around Tamriel are so called Ancestor Glades. If you find one here you can read the Elder Scrolls without the risk of becoming blind or insane. I think the one in Skyrm is in the pine forest. He said, undoubtly hoping to continue his life.
Leandra smirked. Interesting. If this turns out to be correct I'll... reward you. She said and made her way to Falkreath where she hoped to meet Beor.




Fortune smiled upon her this day and she found Beor at the graveyard.
Beor! How are you? She asked him.
Well we burried her. I'm still sad but life has to go on. How have you been? He asked and smiled a bit as he saw Leandra.
I'm good. We have the last Elder Scroll but the Moth Priest is blind so we have to find a place called Ancestors Glade and draw some bark from it. With the bark I'll lure the moths there to me and then I can read the Scroll and uncover the location of Auriel's Bow. She told him as they hiked up the mountain.




This has to be the place! Leandra said after they found a cave in the pine forest. Come on let's read this Scroll!




She harvested the bark and walked around to attract the moths.




After she had enough she began to read the Elder Scroll.






Okay I know the place! Come on let's go! Leandra said excited.



I hope you enjoyed this chapter and here are some extra shots! (Please leave feedback :P)












Recommended Comments

I'm "shocked" that Serana "allowed" to be raped. She's very powerful vampire and probably I missed something in the story that says about it.

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I'm "shocked" that Serana "allowed" to be raped. She's very powerful vampire and probably I missed something in the story that says about it.


Well he didn't really try so we may never know how it would've ended if Leandra didn't intervene. :)

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