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  • MAPS

Map of the Eastern Continents

Wonders of Eros


MAP - Climate Overlay

(overlay state of completion = final or near final)


MAP - Continents Overlay

(overlay state of completion = final or near final)


MAP - Fundamental Map Divisions Overlay

(overlay state of completion = final or near final)


MAP - Geopolitical Divisions Overlay (with Borders and Names)

(overlay state of completion = very far along with only a few areas being subject to change)


MAP - Geopolitical Divisions Overlay

(overlay state of completion = very far along with only a few areas being subject to change)


MAP - Racial Majority Overlay (This overlay shows what sentient race is most populous in a given area. Please keep in mind that just because an area is color-coded for one race does not mean that that race constitutes an outright majority.)

(overlay state of completion = very far along but a lot is still subject to change, including multiple areas that are already color-coded)


MAP - Societal Overlay - Magic

(overlay state of completion = very far along but things are still subject to change, including a few areas that are already color-coded)


MAP - Societal Overlay - Political System (This overlay shows what political system a country or region adheres to)

(overlay state of completion = near final)


MAP - Societal Overlay - Religion (This overlay shows what religion is predominant in a given area)

(overlay state of completion = not particularly far along but most color-coded areas are near final)


MAP - Societal Overlay - Sexism (This overlay shows the extent to which the society of a given area is misogynistic, egalitarian or misandrist)

(overlay state of completion = very far along but things may still change somewhat for a few color-coded areas)


MAP - Societal Overlay - Slavery - Female

(overlay state of completion = not particularly far along and highly subject to change)


MAP - Societal Overlay - Slavery - Male

(overlay state of completion = planning stage)


MAP - True-to-Life Scale Earth Overlay (This is the country overlay but with two UKs and one Africa added for enhanced sense of scale)

(overlay state of completion = very far along with only a few areas being subject to change)




List of Countries and Territories:



Ahmastir [a-muh-stir] “Land of Settlements”

Gvenr [guh-ve-nir] (up for revision)

 Mmorogol […]

 Orokam […]

 Oromord […]

 Sovverein [so-vuh-rayn]

Andanoore [an-dA-nor]

 Alenrud [ay-len-rUHd]





 Ambradil [am-bruh-dil]

 Eimsvaar [ayms-vAHR]

 Enightenliss [e-nie-ten-lis]

→→ Aregnt

→→ Da Cassio

→→ Da Lomda

→→ Da Martii

→→ Da Masegrhamt

→→ Da Monx

→→ Da Noraus & Ven Tremeeisteriise

→→ Da Nosta

→→ Da Nox

→→ Da Pau

→→ Da Soi

→→ Dessognt

→→ Fel Damoint

→→ Fel Etegrsend

→→ Fel Meveeise

→→ Fel Moccaint

→→ Fel Moggui

→→ Fel Sereein

→→ Fel Voggain

→→ Gireein

→→ Lassaint

→→ Mon Assoir

→→ Mon Davii

→→ Mon Giraun

→→ Mon Lamain

→→ Mon Loccain

→→ Mon Se-Gau

→→ Mon Veraun

→→ Ondegrsont

→→ Ondegrsont-Gaiion

→→ Pan De Millois-Giot

→→ Permaint

→→ Ser Ciil

→→ Ser Cromaint

→→ Ser Foraint

→→ Ser Gilluiin

→→ Ser Haluiiranui-Loccain

→→ Ser Henesa & Da Vida

→→ Ser Heregs

→→ Ser Miggua

→→ Ser Missaun

→→ Ser Neccegr

→→ Ser Piil

→→ Ser Ressiio

→→ Ser Viian

→→ South Ondegrsont

→→ South Seccua

→→ Ven Gran

→→ Ven Kiien

→→ Ven Miien

 Geddalinth [ge-dA-linth]

(OUTDATED!) → Goekmient [gok-meent]

 Gond […]

→→ Eiyagond […]

→→ Formagond […]

→→ Ielsgond […]

→→ Mermagond […]

 Kanesgale [kayns-gayl]

 Lisshai [li-shie]

 Nortrud [nort-rUHd]

















































→→→ Satoon [sA-toon]








































→→ Commerce League

→→→ Mesrera [muh-sre-rA]

→→→ Senrell [sen-rel]




































→→→ …


















 Pantis [pan-tis]

 Raklakai [rA-klA-kie]

 Tribesmoor [triebs-mor]


Eiyamith [ay-A-mith] “Lands of Men”

 Addarrin(d) [ad-uh-rin(d)]

 Cavverrin(d) [ka-vuh-rin(d)]

 Hirmsfale [hUHRms-fayl]

 Hyrelm [hie-relm]

 Maidenfell [may-den-fel]

 Nindradil [nin-drA-dil]

 Nivindradel [ni-vin-drA-del]

 Queenswomb [kweens-woom]

 Ursalm [UHR-sAlm]

 Ustmaar [UHst-mAHR]


Idia [i-dia]

 Abenglaeid [a-ben-glayd]

 Ehklistvo [e-klis-oh / e-klis-voh / e-klis-toh]

 Everriss [e-vuh-ris / e-vuhr-is]

 Gleismlore [glaysm-lor]

 Neverrend [ne-vuhr-end]

 Saylen [say-len]

 Seodil [say-yo-dil]

 Summesleid [sUH-me-lied]


Veralia [ve-ray-lia]

→ Dengoloor [deng-go-lor]

→ Dibthock [dib-thok]

 Nesh [nesh]

 Peraninth [pe-rA-ninth]

→ Rig [rig]

→→ Marataar [maruh-tAHR]

→→ Regeeto [re-gee-toh]

→ Saphis [sa-fis]

→ Semmos [se-mos] (up for revision)




Edited by Wonders of Eros
update to the map


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