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Well, I have begun...but not where I thought I would begin.  I had assumed I would already be building my mod.  Not So!


While trying to start modding, I discovered a lot of gaps in my knowledge.  Little things like getting the Creation Kit to behave the way I needed. Why is it still necessary to "fix" the default settings for the CK? I spent several hours yesterday getting it to load multiple masters and several other things, just so I could use the darn thing.


This morning, thinking I was now ready to go... more "discoveries".  It seems I need a bunch of third party apps also... Audacity, NifSkope, silent voice generator, some community add in resources.  And a few hundred YouTube tutorials on mod design and CK tips and tricks. And that doesn't even begin to touch on scripting. 


Right now, I am sure there are experienced modders laughing about this. My God, you folks went through all this? A respectful tip of the hat to you. Hope I am up to it.


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Right now, I am sure there are experienced modders laughing about this. My God, you folks went through all this? A respectful tip of the hat to you. Hope I am up to it.

Scripting straight up sucked the joy out of modding for me for years. Not that it was difficult, more that it was ungodly tedious and felt completely unrewarding for the time it took. Having to copy scripts and create quests just to add dialogue lines was probably the most unfriendly to user experience thing I have ever encountered in the CK. I'm definitely not laughing, I hope you have more patience than I do because this shit made me abandon so many ideas. I just can't be bothered to bring any quest mod ideas into fruition because it feels more like work that I'm not getting paid for than something I am doing for fun.



Best of luck.



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@yorpersThanks for the encouragement, and the warning.  I hope it doesn't get much worse, because right now I am in shock. My patience is ok, but my tolerance for needless complexity is quite low.

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