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Mod Design Syle



First, I need to get my general approach to creating a mod sorted out.


1. My mod(s) will be focused on a single game change. This means:

a. no feature creep.

b. no unrelated hidden features, such as changes to a characters faces.


2. I will make every effort to keep it as simple as possible. This means:

a. find the simplest method to accomplish my goal. If necessary, change what I am doing, even if I have to start over from scratch.

b. no additional requirements, such as other third party mods, specific female (or male) body mods, or outfits.  Exceptions: FO4SE and its' extensions, and official DLC.


3. Most important of all, remain true to the mod concept. Try not to get distracted with a cool idea, such as adding interior cells or creating a new drug, at least until the primary parts of the mod are complete. Remember rule 1.a.!!!



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