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An alternate start




Here is an alternate start and sneak peek to my skyrim story, mainly to introduce some of my characters. Below is a brief overview. The lore is way more complex than this but I don't want to write an entire book in one post. I have about 2000 screenshots worth of story I was going to start posting here, but I decided to start over from scratch because I didnt like various aspects of my screenshots (such as lighting) at the time I took them. Also, my characters evoled too much since I started.


I don't know when I will start the actual playthrough story, I need to make some assets and redo my load order a bit. I mainly need to make alot of .png assets for thought bubbles and text bubbles and so on to streamline the process of adding dialogue to screenshots. so it shouldnt't be too hard. When I start the real story the dialogue will mostly be in the screenshots. The playthrough story I want to make will be lewd but hopfully believable. It will push up close to some fetishes and taboos but generally it will be on the more tame side. My priority is telling s Skyrim playthrough story, It's going to be about the lore first and foremost, but there will be sex and nudity along the way.



This set is not a part of my palythrough story, It is simply an introduction to some characters and a sex scene because those are always fun.



NOTE: I tend to be a very fickle person. I may never post again or I may upload every couple months or every couple weeks. I might do 100 hours on a playthrough and then jsut abruptly stop. While I do intend to do a






Casron is a Redguard through and through. He started his life the son of pirates whom commandeered thalmor warships. He was captured after an incident where he caught a legion ship on fire and was forced to make a choice; face the chopping block or conscript into the legion. He chose the legion, and quickly was reconized for his usefulness as a battlemage. Casron is young and very adventerous. He wears wooden skulls in his beard to mark all the thalmor ships he stole before joining the legion.


Dante Narsis and Lifa Narsis


The fake "brother and sister" duo. Lifa was born a noble but her parents were murdered by the thalmor and stripped of her position in Summerset. Young Lifa was then exiled at the age of 3 to Wayrest. She lived as an orphan on the streets there for three year until she met a 4 year old Dante Narsis whom was the son of wealthy noble breton merchants. Dante saw the young starving Lifa and gave her a large sum of money that he was too young to know the value of. Lifa later watches Dante almost die in an accident and casts a healing spell so powerful for someone so young that she is placed under investigation by the thalmor. Dante's parents after learning Lifa saved their only son's life take the girl in and learn what little she knows about her past.


Learning of this, Dante's parents forge documents for Lifa and smuggle her across the border into Skyrim where she can be hidden from the thalmor and protected by various people in their trade network. Dante at the age of 14 is sent off to a military academy in the imperial city and is found to be extremely proficient with the spear and tactically brilliant. He is offered a position in the Legion Elite corps. This is where he meets Casron, the ex pirate. The military academy and Legion Elite corps are both very strict and Dante is basically shut off from the outside world until he turns 20. Because of this, Dante is very nieve, especially when it comes to women's advances on him. He has low self esteme from having a scarred face from disease.


Lifa has a very hectic mind and often does odd things. She learns alchemy throughout her adulthood and utilizes it in various ways, many of which are sexual or mind altering in nature, but her true talent is healing salves. She is very sexually open, but also picky on who she opens up to. She is often in multiple friendly relationships that involve sex but rarely with anyone she doesn't trust completely. The name I gave her "Lifa" is translated to "life" or "to be alive" so she is very often associated with water, sex, healing, and other things of that nature. Although, as the future dragonborn she tends to do a good bit of killing too, often using enchanted swords, bows, or daggers. 


Lifa and Dante awkwardly have to pretend to be brother and sister in public due to Lifa's forged documents. Dante and Lifa's relationship is one of lifelong friends that protect each other from their own impulses, but also use each other for sex.


Loria Bluespring


Loria is a wood elf who came to skyrim under similar conditions as Lifa and they became friends, she is a new character that I am still working on so I don't have alot of lore for her yet. 















Dante - I think we may be overdressed, Cas.

Casron - I'll say!

Lifa - (giggling) I told you it was the bath suite! The inn didn't have any other way to pay us for the healing potions I sold, so we are here for the week.

Dante - (timmidly) So you invite us for lunch, but there doesn't seem to be much food? I may be nieve, but I'm not stupid.





(Lifa twirls her body around)


Lifa - I think Cas and Loria may want to have a private conversation. Come with me?








Lifa - You look very regal, Dante. You are right about being overdressed though.

(lifa playfully pushes him onto the bed and helps him undress)

(Dante remains silent)
















Lifa - (laughing) Well? Out of words?

Dante - (stammers) I...yeah. You are amazing, you know?












Dante - What do you want me to do when...?

Lifa - (panting) Not now...

Dante - Lifa... it's not waiting...

Lifa - (panting) just...Inside...


After a brief moment Dante exhales deeply.









Lifa - (breathing Heavily) I can feel... (she stares at him) I've...not let anyone do that before.

Dante - (Sighs) I hope you have a potion for that.

Lifa - I do! (she giggles) 

Dante - I think I'll wait outside, I've got a bit to think about to say the least.


Dante leaves the Bathing suite to let Lifa clean up and soon Casron does the same.





















Apologies if parts of the entry are messed up and there are a couple duplicate photos or anything. I had to upload for like 4 hours jsut to upload 23 photos because they kept failing =/ so ignore anything under this line.







Edited by yorpers


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