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Idialia End of the road 1: the sheath sister




This is a story about what would have happened had Farkas been a bit more forceful. It starts the exact same, you will notice that the story up to the 12th picture is simply a copy paste from chapter 3, but then it forks, and the story isn't the same, at all, after that. Curious about where it goes, well then, it is here, below. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it ^^.

Day 7:

Finally, we are are approaching Riverwood. Farkas, who was supposed to take me only up to Ivarstead, actually walked me to my destination. He said that, since he was not looking for a particular fight but for any good fight, getting it where he was or where I was going didn't change much. From what he told me, in his own way of explaining, about the companions, I believe what he told me is part of the truth. I also believe that when he realised that I had no money and no way to get from Ivarstead to Riverwood on my own he took pity on me. I think that sir Farkas might be a brute, but a nice one indeed...

Right now, we are on the road, he just told me that the village is only a few minutes away. I can't wait. I never imagined that traveling was so exhausting... And dangerous! So I keep putting a foot in front of the other, trusting in the fact that I'll one day get somewhere. Farkas just stopped, as I pass him, he calls to me:

"Hey little elf."


It's always, little elf, lass, girl, wench and so forth with him, never Idialia. I told him my name didn't I? Anyway, I stop and turn towards him, I think that I know what this is about. In fact, I expected it way sooner.

"Yes farkas?"

He motions to me and I join him, felling my heartbeat accelerate slightly.

"You know lass, you should drop the hat, you are cuter without it" he tells me.

Smiling, I remove it and stuff it in my pocket.

"There, better? Was that all Farkas?"

Dear Mara, I hope so... And I hope not... It's been days that we travel together and I was pretty sure that he would take advantage of me. I feared it, expected it... Wanted it, maybe?

"I was thinking that I helped you a lot since you thanked me on that hill, for those skeletons. Reckon you might not have made it here without me. That true or not?"

"I... Guess it's true Farkas."

"What a bout a kiss then?" He asks.

A kiss? I expected more something like "Spread those tighs lass, it's plowing time!" What the hell is wrong with me, where is my mind going?

Seeing, that I don't say no, Farkas grabs my hips and pulls me to him. I don't try to resist, had I tried I don't know if he would have noticed the difference. Damn that armor is pretty bulky against me, and it smells like sweat and rust, and his lips are on mine and... Oh my...


He doesn't exactly have a sweet breath, and he holds me a bit to tight, but by Mara, is my heart fluttering hard! It's pleasant. I feel small and vulnerable, I feel like a little elf in his big strong nord paws. He kisses me pretty sweetly in fact, and eventhough I am not an expert myself, I'd say clumsily. Something tells me that it is not something he does a lot.


His eyes in my eyes, I kiss back with passion, not wanting it to end. I don't know how long it lasts, but finally we part.

I see him hesitate, then he smiles at me and says:

"You wanna play with it right?"

I feel my cheeks burning.

"I... Shouldn't"

"Shouldent? What kind beast is that? You want it lass, or not? Why don't you take a look to help you decide?"

He looks around to make sure that there is nobody on the road in any direction, then he starts removing is armor while I stay here wanting to disappear. When he turns to me completely naked though, my shame goes, while I admire him despite myself. He really is impressive. None of the men that I saw my mother entertain was so muscular, and none of them had such a... trunk between the legs...


I try to look away but my eyes keep coming back to his sleeping dragon. Who is sleeping less and less.

"Come on little elf, you can look, it won't bite. Come closer"

I should tell him to go away and stop pestering me. What I shouldn't do is kneel in front of him to look at it better. Yes, that's what I shouldn't be doing...


Sweet Mara, it is standing up by itself, without him or me doing anything to it. I know that I shouldn't take it in my hand either, and I am doing it, again...

Nobody's forcing me, I can't take away the responsibility, it is all my doing. If he doesn' think me a harlot after that...

Shyly now, I take this hot and strong dragon in my hand, feeling it rear his head as soon as I touch it."


"Yeah girl, start pumping. You know what needs done, you done it before."

Obediently, I start pressing it, pumping it, up and down, down and up, feeling it pulsate between my fingers. Wanting to please him, I quickly put my other hand on it, to feel it evenmore, and I look up to him to see if he agrees, apparently he does agree...


"Oh little elf! Magic fingers! That's what you have. Keep going. Keep going."

And going I keep.


There, kneeling in front of him, I am much closer to it's dragon than I was last time I did this. Fascinated, I look at it more and more. Its smell is overpowering, but not exactly unpleasant. I wonder how it would taste, I wonder how it would feel in my mouth, or in my flower, my sweet flower that I feel moistening itself between my legs.

Facinated by what I am doing, I don't see Farkas put his hand on my head, pushing me softly forward. I know he could force me, he doesn't. I Know I could resist, I don't.


Inch by inch, I get closer to it, its smell now overpowering. Finally, Taking him in my mouth isn't even a conscious decision.


Its taste fills my mouth, its size also. I have to breath through my nostrils because even like that there is almost no place left for air to go around his mighty dragon. Shyly, I Lick at its head and Farkas shivers, his grip on my head suddenly much stronger.

"Come on wench, take me in he says." 

Obediently, I take him deeper in my mouth, feeling him kiss the back of my throat.


With both his hands on my head, Farkas starts coming and going in my mouth. I breathe as I can when he pulls back, then take it in again, and again, feeling more and more lightheaded, feeling like a toy in his hands.


I lose all sense of time as I suck on him. My wolrd is his dragon, his smell, his taste, his girth.

Farkas's movements are getting quicker, more erratic. Suddenly his grip on me becomes irresistible and he forces himself deep in my throat.

I know the signs. He's about his seed in my throat. I close my eyes, welcoming it, when suddenly, he grips me by my hair and forcibly removes himself from my mouth.


Out of it, I stay there, panting, my eyes glued to his huge member, lost about what to do. Why did he stop?

"I don't care about your fiancee, girl, I won't let you go to waste like that." He growls.

"I... What fiance? I don't... Understand..."

"You don't need to understand, you need to get up, and then get out of those clothes."

"I... You want me to..."

"Yes. So come on, do it now."

I know that I shouldn't. Sucking him was bad enough, if I get naked, I know that things will get out of hands. I know also, that I really really, want things to get out of hands.

Slowly, I get up, And without any eye contact with him, I start undressing as he stays in front of me devouring me with his eyes, Pumping his big dragon to prevent it from getting back to sleep.


"Like that?" I ask in a small voice.

Of course, i know he won't want me to stop there. To be honest, I don't want to stop there either.


"Woah, that's sexy. Is that what elves use as underwear? I like it." He says. "But Oblivion no, that's not what I want, I want you naked for what's coming next."

My shame knows no bound when I undress in front of him, checking the road to make sure that there is n't anybody coming on either side. On the other hand, I can feel my heart beating like a smith on his anvil in my chest, for I know that he definitely won't stop at just looking.


As I kneel finally naked in front of him, he gets closer again, his dragon flaring towards me.

"Take me in your mouth, you little elven slut, you know you want it."

Elven slut? Why would those words make me happy? They do still. And he is right, I want it.


Again he is in my mouth, but I am also naked this time. I probably could actually have him finish in my mouth if I wanted to, to save my virginity, but I don't, so I get up as soon as he motions me to do so.


He kisses me roughly, and as his strong fingers start roaming on my body to settle between my thighs, I can't help but let a sigh escape me.


"You're already drenched you little elvish whore. That's what you wanted right?" He grunts to me between to kisses.

"I... I... Yes...."

His rough fingers are so much better than all the times I played with myself. My legs have no strength anymore, and if Farkas didn't hold me, I would fall. In place, he lowers me gently on the uneven pavement of the road.


Sitting on the ground, in front of him, I wait for him to pounce on me, ready for it, hoping for it, and he doesn't disappoint.


First, he puts his face between my thighs, and start lapping at my flower like a dog. Unable to help myself, I squeeze his head between my legs as my pleasure soars again.


"Hah, you taste good little elf, like some sort of sex candy, I could eat you all day." He says stopping after a while. "But we both know that's not what you really want, right, little elf pussy? What do you really want, come on say it." He says, still teasing my overflowing flower with his tongue between to sentences.

"I... Hah... Please, I want it. "I pant.

"Want what?"

"Your dragon! Your dragon in my flower."

"He actually takes his head out of between my legs, looking puzzled.

"My what in your what?" Then, the rare light of understanding shines on him and he smiles. "My... Oh right and your... That's what you call it heh? Well, good enough.


He positions himself above me, and suddenly plunges deep into me in one strong thrust. I fell something tearing in me, the pain is excruciating, but mixed in it is also the strongest wave of pleasure I have ever felt. I hear some high pitched scream and a part of me realizes that it is my own voice that I hear.

I kind of black out. A part of me is still conscious of Farkas plowing me like there is no tomorrow, of my own scream receding into an ongoing moaning, but a part of me is kind of detached from it. It's that part that hears the voice adressing me, a strong and ancient voice, fatherly and caring, and at the same time reeking of perversion and lust.

"So, already conquered heh? Will you stop here, or will you carry on forward? I won't lie, I expected great things from you. But well, it is what it is, and after all, I kinda made you like this, so who am I to judge. Wether or not this is the end of the road for you I wish you joy, my sweet daughter, and I don't worry, I know you'll bloom anywhere, at the feet of any master. Enjoy my daughter, enjoy, and let's see what you'll do afterwards..."


I don't have time to ponder the meaning or origin of that strange voice as my own sensations suddenly come back to me, drowning any rational thinking in a sea of overwhelming pleasure.


My eyes in Farkas's eyes, I moan as he grunts, meeting his trusts as he plows me mercilessly.


"Fuck lass! Huh! Not just! Huh! Your fingers! Huh! Huh! Huh!"

"Yes! Hahn! Yes Farkas! Hahn! Haaaahn!

"Your mouth! Huh! Huh! Your drooling cunt! Huh! Huh!"

"Yes! Yes! Hahn! Hahn! Haaaahn ! Yeeeeeeeees!"

"Magical! Huh! You're a magical fuck! Guah! Graaaaaah!


The whole world dissolves as I reach my biggest orgasm yet, feeling his dragon convulse in the depth of my flower, filling it with its potent seed. Farkas and I are screaming, but what? Who knows. Not like we were making a lot of sense before. After a far too short eternity, I feel Farkas sliding out of me to stand in front of me. Lost in a world of pleasure, I stay there, uncaring about anything but the after glow.


After a long silence, still stroking his still hard manhood absent-mindedly, Farkas looks down at me.

"I don't know how that's possible. I mean, I've emptied myself so hard I should be softer than a limp breton, but I think I can still go. Do you want to?"

I don't answer, stroking my flower, marveling at the new sensations, at the seed seeping out of me."

"Oh for Shor's sack!"

He grabs me by the legs and plunges deep inside me one more time as I yielp in suprise.


It isn't long before he is grunting again, before my moanings are interjected by incoherrent bable about how good, filled and fulfilled I fell.


Finally, after he has gifted me with his seed, and many orgasms again, I lay in front of him with my legs opened, as he left me, like a mindless doll.


"To Oblivion with Riverwood, or your fiancee. Anyway, You aren't a virgin any more, right? So you're coming with me to Whiterun, to Jorrvaskr. You're the best lay I ever had, and there is no way I'll pass on that."

I don't answer, lost in my own blissful world.

"Hey wench, Idialia? You're coming with me right?"

"Huh, yes Farkas" I finally answer, taken back here by my name, but I just don't know what I said yes to. Will he ravish me again? I don't know that I can, but if he has the strength, well sure.

"Right then, Get up, dress yourself, we're going, still some distance to cross, and I'd rather sleep in a bed, and I can't wait to present tou to the others also..."

He gets up, and starts putting his armor back on.

I start to do the same still fuzzy about what is happening. Did I really give my virginity to this bear of a man? On the other hand, with his seed still dripping out of me, kind of hard to claim the opposite. I start dressing up and ask:

"So, err... Farkas, what is happening? You're taking me to Riverwood?"

He looks at me as if I am not right in the head. Maybe I am not, I still feel kind of in a dream, everything is bright and soft, and I feel like giggling.

"No you stupid girl, I take you to Whiterun, now come with me."

He strides away, having donned his armor quicker than I could dress. Still lost, I run after him while finishing to dress.


(...) a few hours later (...)


I didn't pay attention to anything on the way to Whiterun. Actually, I was so lost in my thoughts that I couldn't say how long we walked for. The city itself is actually pretty big, maybe not as much as Daggerfall, but still, a true city. Considering my last time in a nord city, I guess I could have been afraid in here, but walking with Farkas by my side, I feel safe.

Farkas. The man who took my virginity, that I let take me away from Riverwood and followed here for... What exactly? He said that he wouldn't let me go to waste? Does he intend to propose to me? If not, what?

As I am lost in thoughts again, he takes me by the hand, leading me with authority.


"This way love, you don't have to worry about anything."

Love now? I don't know what to feel. I mean, he is nice in a gruff way, and he is a hunk, bur he clearly isn't exactly bright. On the other hand, being with him would mean, feeling like that on a regular basis... Oh by Mara, is my heartbeat quickening?


Without letting go of my hand, he leads me up some steps to a strange mansion that appears to have been built out of an overturned ship. Can't say that it appears very safe, but it for sure is original.

"That is Jorrvaskr" He tells me.

I guess that the ship, genuine or a copy of something older must have an historic reason to be here, and to have a house built under it. I won't ask Farkas, traveling with him I have come to realise that what he considers historical truth is sometimes very strange.


I won't lie, my hand feels good in his. I am ready to be his wife?

"Don't worry, come with me inside, do as I tell, and you'll be one of us."

"One of you? Aren't you a group of fighters? I hardly know from what end to take a sword!"

He bursts out laughing.

"Of course you won't be a fighter. But fighter or not, we take care of ours. Now don't worry, just stay with me, we'll go see Kodlak, just let me talk, and answer when he asks you something, and everything is going to be allright."

Somehow, i can't help but doubt that, but well, it is a bit late to turn back now...


We step foot in a grand hall, kind of dark but with a big central brasier illuminating it. In there some men in armor, and even a few women. One of the grizzled warrior approach and looks me up and down.

"Who's the lass Farkas? A new flame, or a gift to me?" He smiles at me but I can't look him in the eyes, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Better than that Skjor, you'll see. Now, where is Kodlak?" Answers Farkas.

"Down there in his quarters, I believe your brother is with him."

"Good, he'll help me explain. Now come along love."

Not giving me any option to refuse, or even to answer, he grabs me by the hand and strides forward. We go down some stairs, walk through a corridor, crossing path with 2 other men and a woman who all look at me with curiosity, and then we get into a sort of cozy parlor, decorated with trophies, in which two armor wearing men were obviously discussing before we interrupted them.


The younger one kinda looks like a leaner version of Farkas, probably this brother the man above mentioned, then I guess the older one is this Kodlak. Which still doesn't give me a clue about why Farkas took me to them. Feeling very self conscious, i just look at them when their eyes meet mine, waiting for Farkas to explain, to them and to me what in Oblivion I am doing here.

"Old man, brother. This one here is Idialia, an elf. I brought her to the companion, to join our great house." Says Farkas.

The one who must be his brother looks me up and down before saying:

"Joining the companion? She doesn't look like a fighter to me."

"Of course she's no fighter brother. I brought her her as a sheath sister.

"A what?" Interjects the older man.

"A Sheath sister, one who takes care of us for we protect her."

The old man appears to be confused while the brother looks away, apparently annoyed. As for me, I am mortified. So that's why Farkas brought me here, to be some sort of inhouse prostitute for him and his friends?


"Farkas, There's no such things as a sheath sister..." Starts saying the brother.

"Don't prank me Vilkas. You read to me about the old times. You told me of these girls who were there to please the great heroes. Are we not great? Then why do we only have an old hag like Tilma, or no-girls like Njada and Ria? Only Skjor gets to stick it to Aela and we end up with tired tavern wenches. Idialia's nice, and pretty, her cunt's sweet like a candy, and she fucks like Dibella. So I decided that I'd make her a sheath sister, if you don't want her, then I'll keep her to myself." He bellows.

I feel like disappearing, I am so ashamed. This oaf never had any intention of courting me, he brought me here to share me with his friends. I should storm out of here, but now that they are all looking at me like that, all I can do is stand there, overwhelmed by this turn of events.

As neither Vilkas nor Kodlak say anything, Farkas turns to me and says:

"Come on girl, undress for them, show them how pretty you are."

I turn to him, my shame reaching some new summits.

"Farkas, I don't think that..."

"It' no thinking time, lass." He interrupts me. "It's undressing time come on"

As when he took my virginity, I suddenly feel like I am watching this all from far away, as if it is happening to someone else. And as last time, I hear this voice, filled with care, but also with depravity.

"So this is it, my sweet daughter. This here is a choice to make that will have consequence. Will you find the strength to make a stand, to roam some other roads, some other destinies? Or will you submit, as is in your nature? But don't you worry, there is pleasure and degradation for you almost whichever road you take."

I come back to the present as Farkas shakes me.

"Idialia, get out of thoses clothes, now!"

"I... I don't..."


I don't think that he'd force me physically if I said no. Not in front of those two, and I don't believe it's in his nature. I could still leave. That's why I really feel like a harlot when i unbutton my dress with a sigh. Wearing only my underwear, I stand there feeling these men's gaze bore into me.


"By the nine! She really is pretty." Finally says Kodlak, ending this long silence.

"Right... Pretty is not the word I'd have used." Says Vilkas.

I just stay there, unable to utter a sound. Ashamed and, I have to admit it, getting hornier and hornier.


"So, we'll take her as a sheath sister?" Asks Farkas.

"Well..." Finally says Kodlak "I don't see why not."

"Master, You're not really considering doing such a thing?" Asks Vilkas.

"I really am, Vilkas. In his own words, your brother does have a point. It is true that Ria and Njada have sometimes complained about the male attention, and if Tilma never was called a "Sheath sister", when she was younger, she used to help relieve some tensions in our ranks. As for this girl, well, she appears willing. Tell me girl, are you willing? Do you want to be our Sheath Sister?"

"I... I am sir..." I hear myself murmuring.

"Then it is settled. Farkas, take this lass to Tilma to prepare her. During this time, Vikas and I will make some research into the sheath sister introduction ceremony."

" Right old man. Come along Idialia." Answers Farkas beaming, and he strides out of the room. While i gather my clothes in my arms to trot after him still in my underwear, I hear Vilkas asking:

"Do some research? You mean cook one up, right?"

I don't hear Kodlak's answer for the door closes behind me.


(...) later this evening (...)


Tilma, the old lady taking care of all of Jorrvaskr's housechores has taken care of me a good part of the afternoon. I had a good steamed bath (and by Mara I needed it). She then helped me do my hair, not that I needed help but I was glad for the company, it helped me turn my mind away from this choice I had just made. Is it too late to tell them that I made a mistake, that I just want to leave for Riverwood and forget that all of that happened? But I guess it is too late. Tilma kept telling me of envious she was of my youth, of the time she was in my place, of the honor it is to serve the companions, but by staying here, I am not becoming exactly what I tried to avoid by fleeing to Skyrim?

Anyway, Farkas has come to tell me to go up to the main hall in 5 minutes to be presented as a Sheath Sister to all of the Companions, and when I asked Tilma where were the clothes I gave her to clean, she told me to get up there in my underwear. By Mara, what have I done!

As I step in the great hall, I see that there are five armor wearing companions in front of the entrance, 4 men and a woman, Kodlak in the center, there are on the sides 4 others, 2 by side, men and women also, and then Farkas when he sees me, motions to me so that I face them, in the center, the fire at my back.


As I get in place, feeling all those gazes on me, I hear the girl to my left ask:

"What the hell is that? Who's that tramp?"

"Well, she's cuter than you that's for sure, Njada. Not that it's a challenge for anyone." Snickers the dunmer by her side.

There are  some laughs all around after that.

"SILENCE PUPS!" Bellows Vilkas. Then in a softer tone: "You can proceed with the ceremony Harbinger."


Kodlak looks down at me, looking stern:

"You girl, what is your name?"

"My name is Idialia, Sir."

"And I was told you came to us to be a sheath sister. Is that correct?"

At these words, the girl to my left whispers angrily:

"They're gonna make this bitch a shield sister? We don't even know who she is! And why is she almost naked?"

"Shut up stupid. He didn't say shield sister, he said sheath sister. Whatever that may be, I don't think it's the same." Whispers back the dunmer.


Maybe it isn't too late to say no. On the other hand, proclaiming my virtue to them while standing almost naked wouldn't be very believable. I look up to see Farkas looking at me, smiling and nodding silently. Looking down in shame, I answer:

"Yes, that is correct sir."

"Then show us your resolve. Remove those garments and entice us." He says.

Will my shame know no bounds? He wants me to get naked in front of them, to... Entice them? But It is too late to turn back now, I have willingly accepted it, so without a word, feeling my cheeks burn hotter than the fire behind me, I remove my last attempts at decency. Then, feeling like the whore that I accepted to become, I slide a hand between my tighs, finding my sweet flower already moist and puffy.


The quality of the silence has changed. I am guessing that even when I arrived in my underwear, most of the assembly still hadn't understood what was going on. I Believe that now, they have.

"Come on girl, move those fingers." Calls a bearded one on my right.

Nobody silences him this time.

"Would you look at that slut!" says the woman next to him.

To me, those comments are like oil thrown on the embers of my shame, and also, on my desire. Without any conscious decision on my part, I have fallen down on my knees.  My soft ministrations to my flower have led to what is now a vigorous rubbing and my pleasure is making me moan softly.


I keep masturbating in front of them, surrounded by jeers and catcalls, my shame and my pleasure soaring together, intertwinned, until my mind is taken away by another strong orgasm in front of them.


I don't know how long I stay out of it, but I finally hear Kodlak saying to the others:

"Brothers of the circle, men of the companions, gather around. At these words, Kodlak comes to stand in front of me while, Vilkas is to my side while Farkas comes behind me. The others look at each other then gather too after a while, surrounding me.


"Today, we welcome a new minx in our Hall. This wench has stood naked in front of us, has teased and has showed her desire to serve. Who will bear witness, for Idialia, who will speak for her?" asks Kodlak

"I stand witness for the lewdness of the floozy in front of us." answers Farkas.


Surrounded by these big strong men in armor, I feel small and vulnerable. Naked and alone amongst them, I know that it is far too late to turn back, my fate has been decided, and there is a strange and dark sense of freedom in knowing that I am no longer the master of my destiny. Further apart, the women fighter have stayed away but keep watching what enfolds, looking at me with a mix of amusement and disdain. I can relate. I really feel like I disdain myself too.


"Would you raise your sword in her defense?" Continues Kodlak.

"I would raise my sword at any man lusting after her, so that he knew that she is ours." Answers Farkas.

"Would you raise a mug when she is nearby."

"I would raise my cup for her to fill, to quench my thirst before undressing her.

"And would you raise your cock for her to worship?"

"I would raise it again and again, for that slut is ours to fill."

"Then the judgement of this circle is complete. Her heart beats with the desire to serve the companions assembled here as have done wenches to heroes of the past since the days of the distant green summers. Let us mark her with our seed so that all men, allies and enemies alike know her as ours and leave her at our feet to serve us as is her place."

There is a silence then, and finally the blond warrior whose name I don't know asks:

"Err, right, what next?"

"We undress and jack all over her, that's the tradition. Don't you have no knowledge of our traditions, Torvar?"

The Torvar in question turns towards Kodlak and asks:

"We really have those kind of traditions? Not that I am complaining, this is hot but..."

"Shut up Torvar, and do as your told." Snaps Vilkas.

He starts unstrapping his armor. Farkas and Kodlak do the same and after some hesitation, all the others strat undressing too. Oh By the eight, by Mara the loving and benevolent mother. What is going to happen to me. I wish I could say that I was terrified, and a part of me is, and disgusted, disbelieving, and many other emotions. But despite all that has happened to me today, I feel myself getting excited again, getting wet as I end up surrounded by 6 strong naked warriors.


As they start stroking their dragons, I can't help but feel my flower coming back to life one more time. Apparently, her still so shy this morning now just can't have enough. Without any conscious decision on my part, I feel myself exposing myself to them as they pump and grunt, spreading my legs slowly inches by inches.


It isn't long before Kodlak first grunts as his dragon spits on my face. One after the other, they all mark me thus as I sit there between them, yielding to this weird and degrading ritual.

Finally, Marked by all of their seed, I stay down meekly as they catch their breath, unable to stop my own fingers from softly massaging my overflowing flower.


The men around me get busy putting their armor back on. One of the girl, away from the gathering snickers:

"Well, that for sure was a sight to behold."

Still breathing hard, and not paying attention to her, Kodlak concludes:

"Branded thus tonight by our seed, I proclaim you now Sheath Sister of the companions, here to bring us joy and solace away from the battle field, you are now ours to care for and protect, forever."

"It shall be so." Says Farkas with conviction.

"It shall be so" Says also Vikas, unable to hide his mirth when he says so.

And all of the others around me repeat one after the other.

"So. Does that mean I can fuck her now?" asks the dunmer.

"No." Answers Farkas, handing me a piece of cloth to clean myself from all the semen on my face and tits. I do so absent mindedly, wondering what next is going to happen to me.

"You can't fuck her tonight." Continues Farkas. "For tonight, she is mine. Come tomorrow, and we'll see who gets her, but tonight, I found her, I brought her here, and I fuck her."

He then grabs me and lifts me in his arms as if I weigh nothing and strides away, towards the stairs that go back down to the rooms.


There are no words when we get to his room. He closes the door, undresses, and it is just lust speaking.


He is all over me. There is no romance, no foreplay, he just takes me like an animal wanting to breed. And I don't complain, I don't ask for anything else. I might still have been a virgin this morning but I am now nothing else than a female in heat, wanting to feel him pound deep inside of me, wanting to feel his seed nourish my flower.


And nourrish it he does. How many times? For how long am I plowed? I don't know. It is like time and thinking have ceased and only the rut exists.


I have lost count of orgasms, his or mine. I have forgotten my fears, my hopes, I am a breeding beast living in the moment and I don't even remember falling asleep in his arms, naked as animals...


Day 8:

After waking up alone in Farkas 's bed this morning, I have been taken under Tilma's wing. She had me come with her to the market to buy some groceries, she then took me to a seamstress to buy a very revealing dress for me, saying that this would be what i would wear while serving in the evening. After that, I followed her around, helping her with cooking and cleaning. We met a few of the companions at times but most of them were out, either training, hunting, or accomplishing some kind of missions I guess. The men we saw all leered at me, the women looked at me as if I was a stain on the floor.

We didn't really served at noon, just prepared some food for those who would come and eat by themselves, but for tonight, Tilma and I have prepared a feast. It is the tradition of the house apparently that the companions not out on a mission eat and drink together in the evening. It is also the tradition that Tilma, and now me also, have to attend them for dinner. So here am I, in my tiny dress that doesn't leave much to imagination, with a tray of drinks, ready to serve those I pledged myself to yesterday.


All the companions revel, eating, drinking, telling stories of their battles. Tilma, going around them, is like invisible, me not so much. Every cup I give to a man I receive a "thanks lass", "I needed that gorgeous." or other compliments. Finally, the companions start getting up to leave and I am about to put down my tray to help Tilma tidy up when I feel a hand landing on my rump.


"Hey lass," Calls the one Tilma named Skjor, his hand massaging my ass, "Are you spoken for tonight?"

"Spoken for, sir?" I ask in a small voice.

"Are you daft girl? Did anyone tell you to go to his chamber? And by anyone, I don't mean the whelps, they can wait for their turn."

"I... No, sir."


I see that, seated further away, Farkas is looking at me. Is he going to come save me?

"Farkas, you ok with me taking this slut tonight? I wanna try her out but I know how you can be with your new toys." Asks Skjor.

"Sure old man, go ahead." Answers Farkas."I need to sleep tonight and this one almost drained me dry yesterday. Make sure not to die though, old man like you I don't know if you can handle her."

"Bah, I was making sluts squeal when you were still an itch in your father's loins, boy. Heard that lil harlot? Put that tray down and come with me."

"I... Yes sir, right away sir."

As I follow him down to his room, I feel shy and afraid. Ashamed too. I apparently traded  becoming a courtesan in a respected house to end up like a toy that men pass around in this uncivilised country. However, as we get to Skjor's room and this one undresses, telling me to do the same, all my doubts are washed away by lustful thoughts. Have I always been this excitable, or did yesterday's events awaken something in me? I don't know, and I don't really care. And when Skjor pushes me against the table and kisses me forcefully, I happily kiss back and take his dragon in my hands to get him ready.

"On your knees." He grunts.

Without a word, I happily comply and take him deep in my mouth.


He proceeds to litteraly fuck my face. With his dragon making it hard to breath, and his humping making the back of my head bump regularly on the table's corner, it should be unconfortable, but still, I feel happy as I keep sucking him off.


Finally, he releases his semen down my throat, the overflow dripping down my chin to maculate my chest. Panting, he says:

"Damn girl, Farkas didn't lie, you really are an incredible one. But I believe I can still go, get on the bed.


He doesn't take long to join me and, putting a hand on my flower he exclaims:

"You're wetter than a horker's pocket, slut, do you want it that badly?"

"Yes... Yes please sir!" I moan.

With a laugh, he grabs me by the hips and plunges his dragon deep in my flower.


Almost immediately, I lose all sense of my surroundings as his assult brings me to a first orgasm.

We are both panting heavily when someone next to me asks in an angry voice:

"So girl, Should I gut you or throttle you for stealing my man?"


I shriek when I see the woman warrior from yesterday standing next to the bed. At that moment Skjor Empties himself in me and I come again despite my fright.

Panting, Skjor turns to the woman, according to Tilma a fearsome huntress named Aela and says:

"Don't scare the slut like that when I'm plowing her, she almost drained my soul out with my cum the way you had her squeeze me out."

Aela bursts out laughing.

"Hah! That'll teach you to go whore hunting. Anyway, how is she, any good?" she continues while undressing.

"You wouldn't believe it" he answers.

"Why don't you show me, can you still go?"

"Surprisingly enough, yes I can."

"Well then, let's see that slut marvel. Come here and kneel, you elven whore, I wanna see you suck first."

Obediently, I come and kneel as she instructs and Skjor stands in front of me while she kneels behind me.

"And now take him in your slutty mouth, make him hard again."

She pushes my head forward and, without even thinking of disobeying, I take his dragon, still sticky with cum and my own fluids in and start sucking with enthousiasm.


It doesn't take long for him to stand ready again.

"By Shor's balls. I've come twice already, and still, I'm hard as wood! I tell you Aela, you gotta try her out too!"

"Hah, maybe I will. Come on now, show me how deep you can take him."

She keeps pushing me forward until I have my nose on his pubis.


"Ah by Ysgrammor, Let me get her cunt, you take her mouth, you'll see."

"Heh, why not."

She releases her hold on me. As soon as he is free, Skjor spreads my legs forcefully and plunges in with a grunt.

Lost in bliss, I let myself go backward, laying my head on Aela's breast, sighing heavily with each of Skjor's humping.1493485727_TESV2022-04-2511-22-30-00.thumb.jpg.fb4ebe2ac9aa0c92200d3e465bc39512.jpg

"Would you look at that. Looks like you fucked every thought out of her pretty head, Skjor. Right cunt?" She asks, but I am too far gone to answer.

"Well, time to see if you're as good as he says." She continues. "Get to licking whore, if you don't want a spanking."

She then sits on my face, grinding her flower on it. Obedientl'y, I immediately comply with her order, tasting her strange saltiness as deep inside her flower as I can.


It doesn't take long for aela to starts moaning with Skjor and I.

Holding my head and looking down at me, she says with difficulty: "Hah! Yes. You're... Hah! Good alright... Hah! Yes, keep... Keep... Haaaah!"


Skjor growls like a bear then and releases his seed again deep inside of me. Aela crushes my face down as she cums also and I am taken away by another orgasm.


(...) later (...)


I lay in bed, with Skjor and Aela, thinking. Obviously, my life hasn't really taken the turn i intended it too. I wanted to be a magician, not become the live in, fuckable maid to a group of warrior. But I feel... At peace...


Completely worn out, I drift to sleep and to some more wild sex in my dreams...


Day 13:

It's now been almost a week that I am here and I have kind of gotten used to my new life. Some chores, but not that much during the day, after all, Tilma managed alone for a long time and she actually doesn't really need my help, she wants me around more to have someone to gossip to than to have an unqualified help do things that she'll anyway redo after since it wasn't done "her way". And then in the evening, serve drinks, smile, walk around, get groped, and then someone takes me away for the night and I sleep with him... 

Tonight Farkas has asked for me. He hasn't since the first day, for his brother and him are most of the time away for some missions. It is with a quick beating heart that I go to his room tonight. After all, he's the reason I ended up here.

However, when I get into his room, he is not alone, his brother Vilkas is there with him.

"Hail sheath sister." Calls Farkas. "Tonight, you'll take care of me and my brother, is that ok?"

"Of course Farkas." I answer without even having to think about it. The idea of having the 2 brothers ravage me together making me wet already.

So I help them undress, then I undress too, and I start servicing them.


Vilkas isn't as big as his brother, as far as I have seen nobody here is, but he still is strong and firm.


I taste Vikas's seed.


Then Farkas's...


I make them cum a few times. Normally, that wouldn't be possible, but apparently men manage to come again and again with me. I sometimes wonder what makes me different, but not right now. Right now my mind is full of lust, full of their dragons, their delicious seeds and my unending needs...


When I get back up, it's their turn to play with me. I think that they'll take turns in me, but they have decided otherwise. Mother always said that no self respecting lady would let one of her patron do something "unnatural" to her, however I threw all of my self respect by becoming a Sheath Sister didn't I? I just sigh and relax as I can while Vilkas goes into still uncharted territory to me.


Once Vilkas has gotten where he wanted, It's Farkas's turn to lift me up to go through the door he's the first to have opened for me.


Then the party starts in earnest. Like a toy in their hands, away from the ground, helpless and totally offered, I moan as they grunt, going in and out of me in unison.


How long, or how many orgasms, mine or them? One more time, I can't answer more precisely than, for a long time, and a lot.


When we finally reach our last peak, Vilkas finally extracts himself from me, and leaves for his room. Still carrying me, Farkas takes me to his bed and lays myself next to him, still holding me in his arms.

"So little elf, happy to have followed me here?" He asks.

"Yes Farkas, I am very happy." I answer.

While I drift away towards my dreams, I realise that yes, I am. I am lower than a prostitute, prostitutes get payed, I am taken care of, so I am more like a fuckable pet than like a whore, and still, I am very happy.


Day 21:

Tonight, as I am about to leave the main hall to go downstairs to Kodlak's room, I am intercepted by Athis who apparently was waiting for me.


"Hey Sheath Sister. Are you finally free tonight?"

"No, I am sorry companion, but Kodlak Whitemane himself requested my presence."

"Again? But he already had you, didn't he?"

"Err yes, 2 nights since I came here."

"Almalexia's tits, wouldn't you rather spend the night with me than with this old fart?"

"Companion! That isn't proper, neither saying that of him nor asking me to disobey the Harbinger..."

"Are you sure it is not because he has his own confy room while I sleep in the dormitory with the others?"

"Companion please..."

He appears lost in thoughts, and then he smiles at me:

"On the other hand, It is said that you are an insatiable slut, so I guess that you could take care of both of us. So, what If I took you here before you came down to the old man, would that be proper enough?"

Feeling myself moisten up, I answer:

"I am yours to command companion."


The great hall echoes with our grunting and moaning, the sound of flesh slapping flesh.


"So... Huh! Slut Sister... Huh! Hah! Isn't it... Huh! Better for... Hah! Hah! A mer to... Hah! Have sex with... Hah! Huh! Another mer?  Hah! Hah! Isn't my cock better?" He asks while pounding me.

Of course it is good, but I have come to understand that I love all dragons, big or small. As for better, it is better than some, worse than others, the best one is Farkas's one, but that's not what he wants to hear!

"Yes! Yes! It's better! Hahn! So much better! Hahn! Hahn! It's the best!"


At these words he cums a first time and I shake with pleasure. He keeps ramming me while grunting.

"See? Hah! Hoh! I can keep going! Hah! Hah! Not like... Hah! These brutes... Hoh! Huh! Right?"

Well, I rather believe that there is something in me, maybe something related to that strange voice I hear once in a while that makes people able to have more stamina, gives them the ability to mate multiple times with me,  to create more semen to give to me... This also I don't need to share with him though...

"Yes! Yes! So good! Hahn! Hahn!"


We both cum together one more time. Spent, he staggers back and gets ready to leave but I kneel in front of him and take him in my hand. After all, he lusts after me since a long time, let's make this evening worth the wait.


"Companion, master. Please wait, I am sure that you can keep going." I purr.

"What? You little slut, you really are insatiable. But even I can't keep going for..."

He stops when he feels vigor coming back to his dragon.

"By the love of Mara. What kind of witch are you, are a daedra in disguise?" he asks.

On that level, I wonder if he is not closer to the truth than all the others. I myself have started wondering about my unending lust, some things that my mother said about some mistakes she did when she was younger, her injonction to me to pray Mara regularly "for Sanguine was watching me"...


Since I don't know what to answer, isn't it impolite to speak with a full mouth?

He himself stops asking questions and goes back to grunting.


One more time, then another, and another again he cums in my mouth. By this time I am horny enough that I'd beg him to mate with me again if I didn't see that he is barely standing.

As soon as I let him go, he sits on the floor, panting. As for me, I need a dragon deep in my flower. I start to leave and he asks:

"Where... Are you going?"

"I need to wash myself before going to see the Harbinger." I answer.

"You mean... You'll still fuck him after that?"

He stares at me for a while, before uttering:

"Hail Sheath Sister."

I guess that's all the honor I'll ever get. I get down to clean myself up, and if after that, when I get to Kodlak he has fallen asleep, I'll wake him up, for I need some more.


(...) Later, a long time later (...)


Day... I have no clue.

It's been months that I am here, that I am a Sheath Sister. Farkas and Vilkas have been away, fighting alongside a girl that some people call Dragonborn, whatever that is, fighting dragons I heard, real dragons, not cocks, for the beast are apparently back and are terrorising people.

I was bored in my bed when I heard that they were back. So I got up and went to Vilkas's room and I can hear them talking in there. So I knock, and then I get inside before standing in front of them.


"Idialia?" Asks Vilka, looking at me with worry. "What Are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in bed?"

I pout.

"It's been two weeks that everybody wants me to stay in bed. I can't stand it anymore! And... I was worried about you two. Out there, fighting dragons alongside that so called dragonborn."


"Listen little elf." Says Farkas. "I am very happy to see you. I was about to come, but you have to rest, for our baby boy who's growing in your tummy."

Vilkas looks at him annoyed.

"This again? She's the Sheath Sister, this could be anybody's baby in her oven, it doesn't have to be yours."

"Shut up brother. I found her, I fucked her first, I was the first to put my baby boy in her."

I smile, I know that he is partly right. Still annoyed, Vilkas turns to me.

"Anyway, you've seen us, we are well, now you can go back to bed stupid woman. What would you say to my even stupider brother if you miscarried?"

"I... I won't miscarry, I know it, my baby is very healthy, the midwife said so. Please Farkas, Vilkas, dear masters. Do you find me ugly? Grotesque with my huge belly and my cow's tits, that you tell me to go away while you have been on the road for so long? Can't I offer you solace now that you're here?"


I crawl to Farkas who kneels in front of me.

"Farkas, master. I missed you, and I am so horny. Won't you let me be a dragonslayer too? Won't you let me tame your mighty dragon? I need it please."

"Stupid slutty wench, can't you keep your legs closed until your baby comes?" Grumbles Vilkas. But I can see Farkas's resolve wavering so I keep begging.

"Please master, please, let me suck on your mighty dragon, let me make it tame and peaceful after it has spit its strong seed... Please, please, master..."

"This is ridiculous." Says Vilkas. "Will you let this spoiled slut misbehave such?"

"Hush brother." Says Farkas. "Look at her, she really needs it.

he stands up and starts removing his armor while I do the same with my little neglige, licking my lips in anticipation.

As soon as he is naked, I take his dragon in my hand and start stroking, looking up at him with adoration. Seeing that, Vikas sighs and gets naked too.


It doesn't take long for Vilkas to join us and pretty quicly, they both release their seed on my full tits.


"Right, we should stop here." says Vilkas despite his dragon hardening again."You know that the midwife told you two weeks ago that you should have stopped having sex long before."

"You're right master." I say, still pumping. "But sex is only one of the three doors by which I can honor you."

"Come here you little elf slut." Grunts Farkas. "Let me sheath my sword in your ass."

"Ah fuck" Sighs Vilkas as I happily comply.image.thumb.jpeg.974a6f56d84ae8be477ee3efdc1db7e0.jpeg

Then there are no words, just moaning, slurping and grunts.


For two whole weeks, nobody has had sex with me, I thought I was going to go crazy. Finally, finally some release, some seed to fill me, to feed on!


Once again, I lose all sense of time and space, consumed by the pleasure, by lust, offered to these two marvelous hunks who ravish me as they please.


Finally, they release their seed in my mouth and ass one last time and I lay there in a puddle of fluids, limp as a cloth doll, feeling their seed spill out of my ass and flower. My flower? It was untouched so...

Farkas gets up, looks at me and says:

"Were you so happy that you peed yourself little elf" That's kind of exciting, in fact."

"Err... Farkas, I think that my water broke."

"Your... What?"

Wordlessly, Vilkas looks at me, getting paler, he's not as dense as his brother.

"What does that mean?" Asks Farkas.

"I am having your baby... Now...."



"Huh, Vilkas brother, what should we do?" Asks Farkas, apparently lost.

"The fuck do I know? Do I look like a midwife to you? You... The midwife, run get the midwife, I'll... Ask Aela I guess."

Strangely enough, there is no pain for me, I feel relaxed, happy while Farkas and Vilkas leave in a rush. I know that everything will be fine, I feel it, my "protector" has told me so in my dreams. Soon, I'll have a daughter, Farkas's, but really his daughter, Sanguine's, as I am. She'll be pretty, nice, kind, and very submissive, like her mommy. And like her mommy, wherever she ends, whoever she submits herself to, she'll just make the world a happier and sluttier place.



The End.




So this chapter is the first of the "end of the road" ones. As it's title stipulates, it is a fork in the road that leads to an end of the character's adventures in Skyrim. I thought for a while about calling it a "bad end", but really, we can't say that it is bad, isn't it? And yeah, about that. I like, humiliation and submission themes in my stories, characters can end up forced, on the other hand, if they don't take at least some pleasure out of it, then I don't take any out of writing it, I am playing these characters after all, they may end up imprisonned, enslaved or whatever, but i don't believe that I'll ever write about stuff like mutilation or death for my characters, simply because I myself would just not enjoy it. So you won't get any really hardcore stuff in my stories, if tha'ts what you like well then sorry. On the other hand, if you like to see these characters fucked out of their mind and end up as some very happy sluts, then yes, believe me, this is far from being the last "end of the road" that I intend to write.

Hope you liked it, and see you soon!


Edited by Lianeline

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