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About this blog

Eva Hunt is a 20-year-old girl born in Chicago but currently living with her boyfriend in an apartment in New York.

Eva Hunt is explosive, impulsive and has a lot of character.🔥
I can't wait to see what stories she tells us. Will you join me?😍



Entries in this blog

-8- I can't believe it

Eva has become pregnant... my God! WHO IS THE FATHER? Eva tries to remain calm and rational... She's never going to see Duane again... even though she promised to go next summer... and Marco... even though he doesn't live in her town, he's her boyfriend, her real boyfriend. Eva calls Marco and tells him the news. And what are we going to do? says Eva worried. Don't worry .... we'll see," he says with a strange calmness. I need you to come .... I'm very lonely and I'm afraid," she sa


Dirita in Eva Hunt

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