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About this blog

Eva Hunt is a 20-year-old girl born in Chicago but currently living with her boyfriend in an apartment in New York.

Eva Hunt is explosive, impulsive and has a lot of character.🔥
I can't wait to see what stories she tells us. Will you join me?😍



Entries in this blog

-1- Not everything is pink

Eva Hunt, 20 years old, originally from Chicago and coming from a wealthy family, is the protagonist of our story. Eva has been raised in the bosom of a conservative and very traditional family, as a child she was a sweet and spoiled girl, being an only child ....y everything was fine until she reached adolescence. She began to meet boys and bad friends and her academic performance started to drop, so her parents cut her money...  But Eva is not stupid... she knows she is sexy... she notic


Dirita in Eva Hunt


That in the tribes men are married to more than one woman, Eva thought it was an urban legend.... Why do I say that? As Pedro grew up... it was clear, the son is Duave's, his features give him away. He travels to SelvaDorada to tell him and finds an excited Duane. It's a blessing, come and meet my wife Amaru," he says. Your wife? Are you married? - asks Eva in a strange way? remembering the bastard of her ex and not believing that the same thing was happening to her again, but Duane reas


Dirita in Eva Hunt

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