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Where the miserably creative weirdo, HorsesShoot810, dumps his Sims fantasies. Because the showcase your sims' section had a maximum of 20 images of something, which would be inconvenient to divide it into parts lol

Entries in this blog

Blonde dolls 1

After the Great Glitchstorm of August 2069 baleeted everything, the Fetid Dollmaker decided to recreate his pathetic stimulation from scratch. His first experiment: four adorable flax-haired dolls whose only thoughts consisted of each other. Don't worry, the FD provided everything they need, so you can join in anytime - if they agree.   The dolls' names are G1 (the burly male), F1 (the skinny male), W1 (the blue-haired female), and K1 (the blonde female).    


HorsesShoot810 in Sims 4

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