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Plz help (Shooting blanks?)

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the issue I'm having is that my male PC can not seem to impregnate  the female NPCs no matter if they have an 'OVUM' or not.


May or maybe not related: NPCs often misgender the PC (ATM is a Breton)


any help is apreciated


my current load order

00  Oblivion.esm
01  Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm
02  Lovers with PK.esm
03  TamagoClub.esm
04  HiyokoClub.esm
05  LoversCreature.esm
06  Open Cities Resources.esm  [Version 4.1.7]
08  TNR - ShiveringIsles no helms.esp
09  Younger Hotter NPC's v1.0.esp  [Version 1.0]
0A  Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp  [Version 3.5.5]
0B  UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp  [Version 1.0.0]
0C  Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp
0D  DLCShiveringIsles.esp
0E  Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp  [Version 1.5.9]
0F  DLCHorseArmor.esp
10  DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.9]
11  DLCOrrery.esp
12  DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.7]
13  DLCVileLair.esp
14  DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.11]
15  DLCMehrunesRazor.esp
16  DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.7]
17  DLCSpellTomes.esp
18  DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.1]
19  DLCThievesDen.esp
1A  DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.15]
1B  DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp  [Version 1.0.14]
1C  DLCBattlehornCastle.esp
1D  DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.12]
1E  DLCFrostcrag.esp
1F  DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.10]
20  Knights.esp
21  Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.1.8]
22  Oblivion DLC Delayers.esp  [Version 1.0.1]
23  Vanilla Maternity Clothes.esp
24  P1DseeYouSleep.esp
25  P1DseeYouSleep - DLCVileLair.esp
26  VipCxj_HighHeels.esp
27  VipCxjHHTest.esp
28  Demon Lilith.esp
29  Housewives v101.esp
2A  StockClothingArmorHGECFighterD.esp
2B  Open Cities New Sheoth.esp  [Version 2.0.2]
2C  Open Cities Outer Districts.esp  [Version 4.1.7]
2D  Open Cities Reborn.esp  [Version 1.1.8]
2E  Crowded Cities 15.esp
2F  CM_Essential_Classes.esp
30  BudongsNarcolepsySpell.esp
31  MadCompanionshipSpells.esp  [Version 2.5]
32  MCS extension.esp
33  HumantouchNPC.esp
34  Monster Girl Blockhead Edition.esp
35  Bigger.esp
36  Alternative Beginnings.esp  [Version 1.4.5]
37  Resurrect Dead Spell.esp
38  Children Races.esp
39  Dwarf 2.0.1.esp
3A  hooved_HGEC_stock_clothing.esp
3B  Hand of Healing-3440.esp
3C  My Save The Babes Mod.esp
3D  TamagoPlayerHUDkil.esp
3E  TamagoNews.esp
3F  TamagoTopic.esp
40  hggf_hiyokoclub_fix.esp
41  LoversTamagoClub.esp
42  LoversHiyokoShooter.esp
43  LoversEncounter.esp
44  HiyokoQuestTarget.esp
45  HiyokoGenetics.esp
46  HiyokoGenerator.esp
47  HiyokoGeneratorGeneForge.esp
48  HiyokoFutureDream.esp  [Version y]
49  HiyokoUtilitySpells.esp
4A  TamagoFertilityClinic.esp
4B  Tamago Fertility Clinic Inducement Addon.esp
4C  TamagoDischarge.esp
4D  LoversDRader.esp
4E  LoversAdultPlayPlusforSSP.esp
4F  LoversVoiceSSPplus.esp
50  LoversRaperS.esp
51  LoversBed.esp
52  LoversPayBandit.esp
53  Lovers with PK.esp  [Version 96v5]
54  LoversTachiCat2.esp
55  LoversCreature.esp
56  LoversStupidNpc.esp
57  LoversMB2.esp
58  LoversLight.esp
59  LoversHelpRapeVPlayer.esp
5A  LoversSlavePlay.esp
5B  LoversRapeSlave.esp
5C  LoversSetScale.esp
5D  LoversMagic.esp
5E  LoversSexSense.esp  [Version 0.5.3]
5F  LoversOrgy.esp
60  LoversSlaveTrader.esp
61  LoversImmoralGuards.esp
62  LoversImmoralSisters.esp
63  SetBody.esp
64  Lovers3dorgasmMB2.esp
65  LoversIdleAnimsPriority.esp
66  Lovers3dorgasm.esp
67  LoversAnimObjectsPriority.esp
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Or don't you have sperm ? Have you checked the NPC inventory after sex ? Use MadCompanionshipSpells, the "trade" option.


Yeah, that's the issue. everything seems fine until checking the MCS "trade" option.


Note: I looked in the other threads &  didn't notice anyone else mention the same issue.

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No sperm in the NPC inventory ?


And you said "NPCs often misgender the PC"  Have you changed your gender with the console or a Mod?


But even if you are female you can inseminate a NPC.

If you don't have the option in your Tamago ini you can enable it with the console

set a3ltc.kokumaromilk to 1

Then a female will add sperm in a female NPC or PC inventory,  if the female didn't use contraception.

You or the the NPC shound not have a "Contraceptive Token" in the inventory. ( A not playable item, you can't see it when you check the inventory with MCS)

You can check Player and NPC with the console

GetItemCount XX000819

XX = Load order ID of the Lovers with PK esm ( not esp or Tamago )

Should be displayed 0

If not remove the Item

removeItem  XX000819 1  ( or higher number )



In your Tamago ini: Perhaps the sperm life time is too short ? or set to 0 ? In my game the life time is only one day and I have no problems to get pregnant ( my female PC or any female NPC) . That the setting for 1 day:

;Lifespan of sperm [minutes]
set a4tc.SpermLife to 60 * 24 * 1


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No sperm in the NPC inventory ?


And you said "NPCs often misgender the PC"  Have you changed your gender with the console or a Mod?


But even if you are female you can inseminate a NPC.

If you don't have the option in your Tamago ini you can enable it with the console

set a3ltc.kokumaromilk to 1

Then a female will add sperm in a female NPC or PC inventory,  if the female didn't use contraception.

You or the the NPC shound not have a "Contraceptive Token" in the inventory. ( A not playable item, you can't see it when you check the inventory with MCS)

You can check Player and NPC with the console

GetItemCount XX000819

XX = Load order ID of the Lovers with PK esm ( not esp or Tamago )

Should be displayed 0

If not remove the Item

removeItem  XX000819 1  ( or higher number )



In your Tamago ini: Perhaps the sperm life time is too short ? or set to 0 ? In my game the life time is only one day and I have no problems to get pregnant ( my female PC or any female NPC) . That the setting for 1 day:

;Lifespan of sperm [minutes]

set a4tc.SpermLife to 60 * 24 * 1


1 - I haven't attempted to alter the gender (started the game as a male) & I wouldn't know what to look for that would change gender without changing the "physical" sex.


2 -  this is my "TamagoClub.ini" (I don't seem to have a "Tamago ini")

; TamagoClub Settings
;Enable/disable player acquiring sperm after internal cumshot
set a4tc.AllowPC  to 1
;Enable/disable NPCs acquiring sperm after internal cumshot
set a4tc.AllowNPC to 1

;Fertilization rate / 4h [%]
set a4tc.FertilizationRate to 15.0
;Implantation (conception) rate / 4h [%]
set a4tc.ConceptionRate to 5.0
;Additional ovulation rate [%]
set a4tc.AdditionalOvulateRate to 2.0
;Identical twins rate [%]
set a4tc.IdenticalTwinsRate to 0.4
;Female creature rate [%]
set a4tc.FemaleCreatureRate to 10.0
;Recognition rate for own state (Aware Rate) [%]
set a4tc.AwareRate to 20.0

;Lifespan of sperm [minutes]
set a4tc.SpermLife to 60 * 24 * 2
;Lifespan of ova [minutes]
set a4tc.OvumLife to 60 * 24 * 1
;Lifespan of fertilized ova [minutes]
set a4tc.FertilizedOvumLife to 60 * 24 * 2

;Menstruation cycle
set a4tc.MenstrualPhase10	to 60 * 24 * 1	;Early Follicular Phase (Menstruation) [minutes]
set a4tc.MenstrualPhase15	to 60 * 24 * 3	;Late Follicular Phase [minutes]
set a4tc.MenstrualPhase20	to 60 * 24 * 4	;Ovulation Phase [minutes]
set a4tc.MenstrualPhase30	to 60 * 24 * 7	;Luteal Phase [minutes]
;Pregnancy phase
set a4tc.FetalPhase10	to 60 * 24 * 10	;Pregnant (1st Trimester) [minutes]
set a4tc.FetalPhase20	to 60 * 24 * 15	;Pregnant (2nd Trimester) [minutes]
set a4tc.FetalPhase30	to 60 * 24 * 25	;Pregnant (3rd Trimester) [minutes]
;Postpartum Phase
set a4tc.ChildBedTerm	to 60 * 24 * 7	;Postpartum Phase [minutes]  *Set the LENGTH of the INTERVAL here (not the offset from last menstruation)

;Advanced Settings(do not modify under normal circumstances)
;Script execution interval [minutes]
; This is the script execution interval per target.
; If you modify this the check frequency will also change which in turn will affect all the probabilities.
; I strongly recommend not to change the default value of 60*4.
set a4tc.RunInterval to 60 * 4
;Multiplier for the main loop process frequency
; Raising the multiplier will raise the accuracy of the script execution interval at the cost of performance.
; The value will be reset to 1.0 automatically if you set it any lower.
; In situations where every FPS counts, e.g. if you have a very large number of NPCs in your game (10000 or more), and you don't
; mind losing some precision, set it to 1.0.
; If you prefer accuracy and don't mind a little performance loss try values between 3.0 and 5.0.
; Incidentally, if the result of the equation below is 0.034 or higher you probably won't notice any performance loss.
; In general, there should be no problem as long as the result stays above 0.003.
;   RunInterval * 60 / FreqMultipler / TimeScale / (Number of Targets) = (Main Loop Process Frequency)[s]
set a4tc.FreqMultiplier to 2.0
;Actor Scan Method
; 0:Do not scan: Do not perform scan. In case of the actor acquired/gave sperm, conversation with player or inventory scan will trigger the action (of adding items).
; 1:Ranged scan: Scan actors that are near the player
; 2:Ranged + Event : In addition to the ranged scan, detects the event handler like actors' AI start(used before v1.03)
; Depending on the following settings, actor detecttability increases but may make the detection and the size of the save file slightly heavier.
set a4tc.ActorScanMode to 0
;Cleaner Interval [Actual time(minute)]
; Depending on this setting, exclude NPCs who have never met with player in the checkup list.
; Therefore this may prevent the save data increase,
; but if the player approaches the NPC next time they are assigned as a new checkup target,
; this may cause undesirable interaction with some plugins that are refering the target to handle the entire NPC
; Additionally, While having sperm/ovum/fertilized ovum/fetus(embryo) ,it won't be cleaned.
; Be warned, using this with the actor event scanner at the same time will conflict and cause the issue.
; setting this to 0 negates the feature.
set a4tc.ReaperMins to 60 * 3
;Clean mode
; 0:Only perform cleaning when actors do not have sperm/ ovum/ fertilized ovum/ Fetus(Embryo)
; 1:Only perform cleaning when actors do not have sperm/ ovum/ fertilized ovum/ Fetus(Embryo) and have no experience of ejaculation/aquiring internal cumshot
; 2:Clean when do not have womb/sperm/ovum/fertilized ovum/Fetus(Embryo)
; 3:Clean when do not have womb/sperm/ovum/fertilized ovum/Fetus(Embryo) and have no experience of ejaculation/aquiring internal cumshot
set a4tc.ReaperMode to 3

I may be missing something but it looks in order to me. & I'll try the "kokumaromilk" if there isn't a "Contraceptive Token" .


3 - thank you for the advice and tips  <fingers crossed>



Checked sex (sexchange) confirmed changed to female & back to male

Checked for Contraceptive token: PC & NPC were both 0.00. had sex with fwmale- no sperm

tried command for Kokumaromilk   had more sex , no sperm



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??? Don't know what's wrong in your game.



Tamago version ?

HiyokoClub V1_10a Rev 2.7z  and TamagoClub115c_Rev3. here in post 17   http://www.loverslab.com/topic/13377-tamagoclub-115c-hiyokoclub110a-stuff-eng/?do=findComment&comment=295788

Use the HiyokoGenerator.esp in folder HiyokoGenerator(without MBP&x117)


Only the LoversTamagoClub.esp you must take one of the downloads in post 1  or  or keep the one you have.


Load order:

 Lovers with PK.esm











If you have sperm :  change the ini., the tow setting are very low

;Fertilization rate / 4h [%]
set a4tc.FertilizationRate to
;Implantation (conception) rate / 4h [%]
set a4tc.ConceptionRate to


Higher values



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??? Don't know what's wrong in your game.



Tamago version ?

HiyokoClub V1_10a Rev 2.7z  and TamagoClub115c_Rev3. here in post 17   http://www.loverslab.com/topic/13377-tamagoclub-115c-hiyokoclub110a-stuff-eng/?do=findComment&comment=295788

Use the HiyokoGenerator.esp in folder HiyokoGenerator(without MBP&x117)


Only the LoversTamagoClub.esp you must take one of the downloads in post 1  or  or keep the one you have.


Load order:

 Lovers with PK.esm













If you have sperm :  change the ini., the tow setting are very low

;Fertilization rate / 4h [%]

set a4tc.FertilizationRate to 15.0

;Implantation (conception) rate / 4h [%]

set a4tc.ConceptionRate to 5.0


Higher values


that makes two of us,


the Tamagoclub I have seems to be version 115c


I'll try your ideas, thank you for your effort


Question: is there any part I could try adding to a tes4edit override patch .esp (as a last resort)?


I'm mostly a mod user but also can tweak a mod occasionally.

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What you want to do ?  override patch .esp  ????


BashedPatch?  Never Lovers-Tamago Mods in the Bashed Patch !!!! Deactivate all before you create a bashed Patch. ( Or don't use Bashed Patch. I don't have/use WryeBash)



You can use the Tamago version here in post 665



It's the esp from post 17 but with some more settings.  I use that version and it works well.

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I have a similar issue with NPC's misgendering the PC ( I usually play a "Blood Elf / Sin'Dorei" version of My real self in Oblivion ) and because of this sometimes even if I get sperm in My inventory with My Ovum, it won't fertilize and impregnate Me :( 


I've worked around this and sometimes it works to cast the Tamago Club setting spell and click "ReSet Data" then cast the Hiyoko Club settings spell and click Clean-Up.  But this only works about 85% of the time...


For your issue with not impregnating the NPC's you fuck, you should try resetting the Tamago ini 


set a4tc.SpermLife to 5760    and  

set a4tc.OvumLife to 4320   and  

set a4tc.FertilizedOvumLife to 5760 


Then reset the Hiyoko ini

set a4hc.DeliveryRate to 100



that should work ..



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What's that?

set a4tc.SpermLife to 5760    and  

set a4tc.OvumLife to 4320   and  

set a4tc.FertilizedOvumLife to 5760




;Lifespan of sperm [minutes]
set a4tc.SpermLife to 60 * 24 * 2  ( that are tow days )
;Lifespan of ova [minutes]
set a4tc.OvumLife to 60 * 24 * 1   ( that is one day )
;Lifespan of fertilized ova [minutes]
set a4tc.FertilizedOvumLife to 60 * 24 * 2   ( two days )


If you want 3 days :  60 * 24 * 3


set a4tc.OvumLife   to longer as the end of the Menstruation cycle.



I use only the base Mods,  NO

HiyokoFutureDream.esp [Version y]
Tamago Fertility Clinic Inducement Addon.esp






hggf_hiyokoclub_fix.esp   ( I have add the script change in the HiyokoClub.esm  and delete the hggf_hiyokoclub_fix.esp )





With my settings a male NPC must only look at my female Player character and I am pregnant  :D




; TamagoClub Settings


;Enable/disable player acquiring/depositing sperm after internal cumshot

; 0: disable

; 1: player can get sperm (NPC -> PC)

; 2: player can get sperm and make NPC pregnant (NPC -> PC, PC -> NPC)

set a4tc.AllowPC to 2
;Enable/disable NPCs acquiring/depositing sperm after internal cumshot

; 0: disable

; 1: all NPC enabled

; 2: NPCs in player faction acquiring sperm (NPC -> NPC in player faction)

; 3: NPCs in player faction acquiring/depositing (NPC -> NPC in player faction, NPC in player faction -> NPC)

set a4tc.AllowNPC to 1

;Fertilization rate / 4h [%]

set a4tc.FertilizationRate to 25.0

;Implantation (conception) rate / 4h [%]

set a4tc.ConceptionRate to 90.0

;Additional ovulation rate [%]

set a4tc.AdditionalOvulateRate to 25.0

;Identical twins rate [%]

set a4tc.IdenticalTwinsRate to 0.4

;Female creature rate [%]

set a4tc.FemaleCreatureRate to 0.0

;Recognition rate for own state (Aware Rate) [%]

set a4tc.AwareRate to 20.0

;Lifespan of sperm [minutes]

set a4tc.SpermLife to 60 * 24 * 1
;Lifespan of ova [minutes]

set a4tc.OvumLife to 60 * 24 * 2

;Lifespan of fertilized ova [minutes]

set a4tc.FertilizedOvumLife to 60 * 24 * 2

;Menstruation cycle

set a4tc.MenstrualPhase10   to 60 * 24 * 4   ;Early Follicular Phase (Menstruation) [minutes]

set a4tc.MenstrualPhase15   to 60 * 24 * 14  ;Late Follicular Phase [minutes]

set a4tc.MenstrualPhase20   to 60 * 24 * 15  ;Ovulation Phase [minutes]

set a4tc.MenstrualPhase30   to 60 * 24 * 28  ;Luteal Phase [minutes]

;Pregnancy phase

set a4tc.FetalPhase10   to 60 * 24 * 30 ;Pregnant (1st Trimester) [minutes]

set a4tc.FetalPhase20   to 60 * 24 * 32 ;Pregnant (2nd Trimester) [minutes]

set a4tc.FetalPhase30   to 60 * 24 * 34 ;Pregnant (3rd Trimester) [minutes]

;Postpartum Phase

set a4tc.ChildBedTerm   to 60 * 24 * 2  ;Postpartum Phase [minutes]  *Set the LENGTH of the INTERVAL here (not the offset from last menstruation)


;Advanced Settings - do not modify under normal circumstances!


;Script execution interval [minutes]

; This is the script execution interval per target.

; If you modify this the check frequency will also change which in turn will affect all the probabilities.

; I strongly recommend not to change the default value of 60*4.

set a4tc.RunInterval to 60 * 4

;Multiplier for the main loop process frequency
; Raising the multiplier will raise the accuracy of the script execution interval at the cost of performance.

; The value will be reset to 1.0 automatically if you set it any lower.

; In situations where every FPS counts, e.g. if you have a very large number of NPCs in your game (10000 or more), and you don't

; mind losing some precision, set it to 1.0.

; If you prefer accuracy and don't mind a little performance loss try values between 3.0 and 5.0.

; Incidentally, if the result of the equation below is 0.034 or higher you probably won't notice any performance loss.

; In general, there should be no problem as long as the result stays above 0.003.

;   RunInterval * 60 / FreqMultipler / TimeScale / (Number of Targets) = (Main Loop Process Frequency)

set a4tc.FreqMultiplier to 2.0

;Use actor event scanner

; 0: that is added only at the time of the conversation and viewed with a player or inventory that is the actor cum or ejaculation:

;    Do not scan

; 1: Scan the actors on a regular basis:

;    Scan in the near of player

; 2: Additional event scan: In addition to the peripheral scan (scan method up to v1.03) also scan for actors in the event handler such as

;    the start of AI packages.

;    Becoming the actors capable of detecting UP to under the settings. Instead increases the size of the load and save file.

set a4tc.ActorScanMode to 0

;Scavenger playing time [minutes]

; NPC during this set time, a player who had never completely away from a managed approach.

; There is a slightly increased effect of reducing the file size of the save data in the game with this,

; It will be closer to the NPC when the next will be registered as a new subject,

; May be unintended effects in these types of add-on to target the whole process a NPC is managed with reference to Dell.

; It should be noted that while in possession of (embryo) is not cleaning sperm, egg, fertilized egg, fetus.

; Avoid simultaneous use of actor event scanner because the effect will cancel each other.

set a4tc.ReaperMins to 60 * 3

;Cleaning mode
; 0: Clean only in case of non-possession sperm, ovum, fertilized ovum, fetus (embryo).

; 1: Clean only without the experience of cumshots and cum inside the case of non-possession sperm, ovum, fertilized ovum, fetus (embryo).

; 2: Clean only if the case of non-possession womb, sperm, ovum, fertilized ovum, fetus (embryo).

; 3: without experience of the cumshots and cum inside to clean only the case of non-possession womb, sperm, ovum, fertilized ovum, fetus (embryo).

set a4tc.ReaperMode to 3

; Enable/disable trade warning

set a4tc.DisableTradeWarning to 1

; Force children to be random female or male / female only / male only (1: female; 99: male, lower favours female and higher favours male)

; This works with Hiyoko Generator plugins which use the sperm gender info.

set a4tc.ForceChildGender to 40
; female fathers can make only female children (0: ForceChildGender; 1: female only)

; If both parents are female then the child will also be female. This needs KokumaroMilk to be enabled

; This works with Hiyoko Generator plugins which use the sperm gender info.

set a4tc.FemaletoFemaleChild to 0

set a3ltc.kokumaromilk to 1




Link to comment

What's that?

set a4tc.SpermLife to 5760    and  

set a4tc.OvumLife to 4320   and  

set a4tc.FertilizedOvumLife to 5760




;Lifespan of sperm [minutes]

set a4tc.SpermLife to 60 * 24 * 2  ( that are tow days )

;Lifespan of ova [minutes]

set a4tc.OvumLife to 60 * 24 * 1   ( that is one day )

;Lifespan of fertilized ova [minutes]

set a4tc.FertilizedOvumLife to 60 * 24 * 2   ( two days )


If you want 3 days :  60 * 24 * 3


set a4tc.OvumLife   to longer as the end of the Menstruation cycle.



I use only the base Mods,  NO





HiyokoFutureDream.esp [Version y]



Tamago Fertility Clinic Inducement Addon.esp







hggf_hiyokoclub_fix.esp   ( I have add the script change in the HiyokoClub.esm  and delete the hggf_hiyokoclub_fix.esp )





With my settings a male NPC must only look at my female Player character and I am pregnant  :D





; TamagoClub Settings




;Enable/disable player acquiring/depositing sperm after internal cumshot


; 0: disable


; 1: player can get sperm (NPC -> PC)


; 2: player can get sperm and make NPC pregnant (NPC -> PC, PC -> NPC)


set a4tc.AllowPC to 2

;Enable/disable NPCs acquiring/depositing sperm after internal cumshot


; 0: disable


; 1: all NPC enabled


; 2: NPCs in player faction acquiring sperm (NPC -> NPC in player faction)


; 3: NPCs in player faction acquiring/depositing (NPC -> NPC in player faction, NPC in player faction -> NPC)


set a4tc.AllowNPC to 1




;Fertilization rate / 4h [%]


set a4tc.FertilizationRate to 25.0


;Implantation (conception) rate / 4h [%]


set a4tc.ConceptionRate to 90.0


;Additional ovulation rate [%]


set a4tc.AdditionalOvulateRate to 25.0


;Identical twins rate [%]


set a4tc.IdenticalTwinsRate to 0.4


;Female creature rate [%]


set a4tc.FemaleCreatureRate to 0.0


;Recognition rate for own state (Aware Rate) [%]


set a4tc.AwareRate to 20.0




;Lifespan of sperm [minutes]


set a4tc.SpermLife to 60 * 24 * 1

;Lifespan of ova [minutes]


set a4tc.OvumLife to 60 * 24 * 2


;Lifespan of fertilized ova [minutes]


set a4tc.FertilizedOvumLife to 60 * 24 * 2




;Menstruation cycle


set a4tc.MenstrualPhase10   to 60 * 24 * 4   ;Early Follicular Phase (Menstruation) [minutes]


set a4tc.MenstrualPhase15   to 60 * 24 * 14  ;Late Follicular Phase [minutes]


set a4tc.MenstrualPhase20   to 60 * 24 * 15  ;Ovulation Phase [minutes]


set a4tc.MenstrualPhase30   to 60 * 24 * 28  ;Luteal Phase [minutes]


;Pregnancy phase


set a4tc.FetalPhase10   to 60 * 24 * 30 ;Pregnant (1st Trimester) [minutes]


set a4tc.FetalPhase20   to 60 * 24 * 32 ;Pregnant (2nd Trimester) [minutes]


set a4tc.FetalPhase30   to 60 * 24 * 34 ;Pregnant (3rd Trimester) [minutes]


;Postpartum Phase


set a4tc.ChildBedTerm   to 60 * 24 * 2  ;Postpartum Phase [minutes]  *Set the LENGTH of the INTERVAL here (not the offset from last menstruation)







;Advanced Settings - do not modify under normal circumstances!




;Script execution interval [minutes]


; This is the script execution interval per target.


; If you modify this the check frequency will also change which in turn will affect all the probabilities.


; I strongly recommend not to change the default value of 60*4.


set a4tc.RunInterval to 60 * 4


;Multiplier for the main loop process frequency

; Raising the multiplier will raise the accuracy of the script execution interval at the cost of performance.


; The value will be reset to 1.0 automatically if you set it any lower.


; In situations where every FPS counts, e.g. if you have a very large number of NPCs in your game (10000 or more), and you don't


; mind losing some precision, set it to 1.0.


; If you prefer accuracy and don't mind a little performance loss try values between 3.0 and 5.0.


; Incidentally, if the result of the equation below is 0.034 or higher you probably won't notice any performance loss.


; In general, there should be no problem as long as the result stays above 0.003.


;   RunInterval * 60 / FreqMultipler / TimeScale / (Number of Targets) = (Main Loop Process Frequency)


set a4tc.FreqMultiplier to 2.0


;Use actor event scanner


; 0: that is added only at the time of the conversation and viewed with a player or inventory that is the actor cum or ejaculation:


;    Do not scan


; 1: Scan the actors on a regular basis:


;    Scan in the near of player


; 2: Additional event scan: In addition to the peripheral scan (scan method up to v1.03) also scan for actors in the event handler such as


;    the start of AI packages.


;    Becoming the actors capable of detecting UP to under the settings. Instead increases the size of the load and save file.


set a4tc.ActorScanMode to 0


;Scavenger playing time [minutes]


; NPC during this set time, a player who had never completely away from a managed approach.


; There is a slightly increased effect of reducing the file size of the save data in the game with this,


; It will be closer to the NPC when the next will be registered as a new subject,


; May be unintended effects in these types of add-on to target the whole process a NPC is managed with reference to Dell.


; It should be noted that while in possession of (embryo) is not cleaning sperm, egg, fertilized egg, fetus.


; Avoid simultaneous use of actor event scanner because the effect will cancel each other.


set a4tc.ReaperMins to 60 * 3


;Cleaning mode

; 0: Clean only in case of non-possession sperm, ovum, fertilized ovum, fetus (embryo).


; 1: Clean only without the experience of cumshots and cum inside the case of non-possession sperm, ovum, fertilized ovum, fetus (embryo).


; 2: Clean only if the case of non-possession womb, sperm, ovum, fertilized ovum, fetus (embryo).


; 3: without experience of the cumshots and cum inside to clean only the case of non-possession womb, sperm, ovum, fertilized ovum, fetus (embryo).


set a4tc.ReaperMode to 3


; Enable/disable trade warning


set a4tc.DisableTradeWarning to 1


; Force children to be random female or male / female only / male only (1: female; 99: male, lower favours female and higher favours male)


; This works with Hiyoko Generator plugins which use the sperm gender info.


set a4tc.ForceChildGender to 40

; female fathers can make only female children (0: ForceChildGender; 1: female only)


; If both parents are female then the child will also be female. This needs KokumaroMilk to be enabled


; This works with Hiyoko Generator plugins which use the sperm gender info.


set a4tc.FemaletoFemaleChild to 0


set a3ltc.kokumaromilk to 1




after following fejeena's latest advice and paring down my mod list to



00  Oblivion.esm

01  Open Cities Resources.esm  [Version 4.1.7]

02  Lovers with PK.esm

03  TamagoClub.esm

04  HiyokoClub.esm

05  LoversCreature.esm

06  Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm

07  Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp  [Version 3.5.5]

08  UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp  [Version 1.0.0]

09  Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp

0A  DLCShiveringIsles.esp

0B  Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp  [Version 1.5.9]

0C  DLCHorseArmor.esp

0D  DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.9]

0E  DLCOrrery.esp

0F  DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.7]

10  DLCVileLair.esp

11  DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.11]

12  DLCMehrunesRazor.esp

13  DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.7]

14  DLCSpellTomes.esp

15  DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.1]

16  DLCThievesDen.esp

17  DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.15]

18  DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp  [Version 1.0.14]

19  DLCBattlehornCastle.esp

1A  DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.12]

1B  DLCFrostcrag.esp

1C  DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.10]

1D  Knights.esp

1E  Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp  [Version 1.1.8]

1F  Oblivion DLC Delayers.esp  [Version 1.0.1]

20  StockClothingArmorHGECFighterD.esp

21  MadCompanionshipSpells.esp  [Version 2.5]

22  MCS extension.esp

23  HumantouchNPC.esp

24  Monster Girl Blockhead Edition.esp

25  Alternative Beginnings.esp  [Version 1.4.5]

26  Lovers with PK.esp  [Version 96v5]

27  LoversCreature.esp

28  TamagoPlayerHUDkil.esp

29  TamagoNews.esp

2A  TamagoTopic.esp

2B  LoversTamagoClub.esp

2C  HiyokoGenerator.esp

2D  HiyokoGeneratorGeneForge.esp

2E  TamagoDischarge.esp

2F  LoversDRader.esp

30  LoversAdultPlayPlusforSSP.esp

31  LoversVoiceSSPplus.esp

32  LoversRaperS.esp

33  LoversPayBandit.esp

34  LoversSetScale.esp

35  LoversMagic.esp

36  LoversSexSense.esp  [Version 0.5.3]

37  LoversImmoralGuards.esp

38  LoversImmoralSisters.esp

39  SetBody.esp

3A  LoversMB2.esp

3B  Lovers3dorgasmMB2.esp

3C  LoversIdleAnimsPriority.esp

3D  Lovers3dorgasm.esp

3E  LoversAnimObjectsPriority.esp




fejeena's Character would finally not be totally safe ( from not getting  pregnant around mine)

mine can mate now


(hope that doesn't sound too "pervie" LOL)

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