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[ _s texture ] argonians, gloss and neckseam

Kaz Aanh

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I was editing argonian textures a bit and for some reason Skyrim does not shows properly head speculars.  As you can see I was aiming for that "wet scally look" that argonians have.


I have no idea what causes it, all of my textures _d , _msn , _s , _sk are in the same pattern or are from the same texture pack, my meshes are also cleaned.








Could it be because I'm using a bodychanger tool?

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It possibly could be because of a body changer tool. 


In all honesty, though? That's not that horrible of a neck seam. That close, yes you can see it. From a bit further awy, though? I'm sure it blends in pretty well :)


Yeah but I hoped to make her head more wet, its like head speculars are not registered in the game or they use some "vanilla" ones instead.


But how.

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Did you use NifSkope to change the gloss on the body/hands/feet? You need to find what mod (or where else) the head nif is kept to adjust that, too. I've had the same issue. If you're using ECE then the head is in /ModOrganizer/mods/ECE/. I can't find it in RaceMenu, though, not even in the overwrites folder.


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