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Lovers Set Scale Revised

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Firstly, I need to give a huge thanks to WappyOne for his help in getting this thing to work. This has been a rather sharp learning curve for me so if it wasn't for this help I wouldn't have been able to make this.


A while ago I uploaded the lovers set scale mod onto loverslab since it wasn'tt present and was being overlooked in the English speaking community. It helps to alleviate a very annoying problem many lovers users who play as a race with a non standard race scale (not 1.0 like the imperials). Due the different race scales between npcs, animations could never be made to line up exactly not matter how much you postioned the characters due to the differance in scale. While the origional version of lovers set scale got rid of the problem for races whose race weight and scale were the same by scaling them during sex, there were still problems.


If a race (like the high elves) had a different race weight to their race scale, the difference the race weight and scale would cause animations to still not line up, despite the mod scaling the actor during sex. What my revised version does is simply to temporaily alter the race weight as well as the actor scale while sex is ongoing in order to fix this problem.


It is important to note however that although scale can be set independently for ever single actor in the game, race weight cannot and most be set collectively for all members of a particular race and gender at the same time (i.e. all female wood elves would have their race weight changed at the same time). Since using the 'setraceweight' command also causes all the actors it effects to become bugged it is also necessary to call update3d on the actors that the bug effects in order to fix them. Due to these things, this revised version of the mod will likely still have bugs and be somewhat unreliable, despite attempts to fix it.


Please report any bugs you find so I can try and fix them ASAP.


PS - You must wait until all sex is finished before leaving a cell otherwise race weights may not get reset correctly. I will fix this later on if I come up with a solution.


PPS - I am no longer working on this, so people can do whatever they want with it :)



Original no-revised version can be found here http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/106-lovers-set-scale/

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This version might cause the game to crash sometimes, I'm not entirely sure, but its a god improvement over the vanilla situation where no scaling occurs. If the revised version it too unstable, try the original version I uploaded. That version has never crashed for me.

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Amazing work. Even with VipCxj HighHeels on, this makes both toons line up.  :idea:


Cheers, it feels really good to know that people apperiate this :). All thanks should go to WappyOne and the original creator of the mod in Japan since this wouldn't have been possible without them. 

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Great thanks for awesome mod...now my Oblivion is almost perfect...

Kendra & Viconia says their thanks too :)

Cheers :)


Just added a very minor patch to remove the 'wait 5 seconds' message from the timer script

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How does one use this plugin, without it causing obvious bugs? The previous version regularily triggered invisible-body syndrome. With the current one instead, rape victims no longer get undressed. I in loadorder tried moving it after setbody plugins, before them, even before loverspk.... always same result.




Lovers with PK.esp


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  • 1 year later...

Lovers Set Scale Revised V1.12.1 doesn't read its ini correctly - the line calling it is pointing to the wrong filename. To get it working, open script kzsFuncInitializeAdjustData and change the following line:


set cFN to sv_Construct "Data\ini\LoversSetScale_Adjust_%02.0f.ini" idx




set cFN to sv_Construct "Data\ini\LoversSetScale_Adjust_00.ini" idx

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