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  1. Lisn is the only sane moderator on the nexus? ...Anyway, I didn't come here to defend Nexus - I came here to read about the problems with Nexus, and see if there was something here that actually needed fixing. To figure out if it actually needs fixing, I have to discuss it with the people here, so that I know the whole story, and not just "I was banned because the moderators are fucktards!" So instead of thinking that we are coming here to defend the Nexus, think of it as it is you helping the Nexus become a better place.
  2. Ehm... "My" early days of modding are back in '06 (thesapien is right, you are talking to at least one ki.. ahem.. young adult), so I can only speak for that time, not before. And (many of) the people fighting for their modders' rights now are people from back then. Anyway, I share my stuff openly - all I want is a notification of where it is uploaded, so that I can add a link to it in my descriptions. (Unless it is uploaded to LL of course... Wouldn't want to put a link to *that place* in my descriptions )
  3. Modding is a form of art. You want credit for making it, just like a painter wants credit for his painting, a sculptor the credit for his sculpture, etc. And that is the way it has always been with modding - it is not the new modders you are seeing who are fighting for their rights, it is the old ones. The old breed of modders are fighting for their rights because the new breed do not know about the etiquette and moral of the modding community, so they do as they please. This has increased as of late, because Skyrim was too much of a success for it's own good, and Steam Workshop was a bad move, which further helps in bringing the bad of the new breed in to the modding scene (the new breed is not bad, but by Thor there are lots of bad in there!).
  4. And who have to deal with those idiots you speak of..? (I say they are the root to all evil!) You guys never heard about the suicide button? One click on that, and whoever you wish will take their own life. There is only one such button, and I fear (for my life) that thesapien is in control of this one! PS. We ALL (and I mean ALL) wish we could go back to the early days of the Nexus.
  5. Were you able to ban yourself? Ah, forgot about that. Well, I'll be right back...
  6. Hey, I'm just trying to find a reason. (Not directed at you Grumpf, but it seems some people here hold some kind of 'grudge' or something against me because I am a moderator at the Nexus. Please don't - I hold nothing against any of you...) I don't remember exactly when LoversLab was changed to SiteNotAllowed... Do you, Grumpf?
  7. True indeed. Just trying to find a reason. (Adult content on Nexus is filtered to 18+, not that it stops those below 18 to say that they are 18 years old though...)
  8. It's more because of the content of the site really. Not that all the content is so bad in itself, but it is definitely not for everyone (Nexus is 13+), and when even the ads are NSFW, that says it all.
  9. I've been combing this entire thread already. Found some things to improve, and some things that clearly works as intended.
  10. Well, you ruined every chance you had by creating a new account.
  11. I must admit that reading this thread is great fun.
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