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About kassandrathecleric

  • Birthday 09/24/1971
  1. I thank you all for your well wishes. And I identified myself because I felt that commenting on the subject and not saying who I was would be seen as being deceptive. I guess it was a damned if I did, damned if I don't hmmm? I also I never said I disagreed with everything there. Also sometimes even if I really don't like a policy I understand why its there. As I said the day I can not do the tasks set before me...the day that I feel I can no longer be helpful is when I go. I really am amazed at the amount of anger here. I didn't realize it was so bad. I am sorry for that but trying to argue what I have said in good faith....some of you just shy of saying I have been false in my statements to you...it really saddens me. You can thing what you wish. So can I, I suppose. It is hard to say how this conversation would go in a room of us all. It is difficult to me not to perceive some of you as being very hostile (and maybe I am wrong.) It seems like some pick apart every word I write to find some falsehood or other motive. *shrug* No...I am not taking it personal because you don't know me and I don't know you. Those of you that have listened and even perhaps still disagreed with things....thank you for seeing what I was trying to do. For me and no one else. Anyway I have said more than enough. I was going to bow out of this some time ago as it is surely counterproductive at this point. So, Cheers to you all.
  2. You are right you can say whatever you want here. However I don't have to agree. I didn't come here to defend the Nexus or to complain about LL or anything else. I go through tons of sites of mods and I came across this thread quite by accident. I decided to give my own, insignificant point of view...not the NEXUS or DarkOne's or anyone elses. Just me in an attempt to show how I look at things. *shrug* And no...my red friend isn't coming to visit. I am just a bitch all the time, thanks. *grin* I don't take what you all say personal...I just don't see any point in my continuing this conversation if its going to be fuck you and fuck this....express your opinion and ideas to perhaps help things...I am happy to listen though I can't say more than that. Telling me to fuck off and that moderators from the Nexus don't belong here gets nothing from me. Telling me what I say is bullshit, that you indeed have the right to do...gets nothing from me. I am telling how I PERSONALLY operate and view things in my capacity...that is all, nothing more. Honestly I am way too old for this shit. After all...all these places are gaming sites. Really at the end of the day that is it. You go home to your friends and family...I go and worry about my Dad who is having heart surgery Friday....this is all just farting in the wind. Again....I just am giving my personal view. I did not plan to start a firestorm. I am not going to keep arguing points as I didn't come here to argue in the first place. So again, thank you for you time. I think there are alot of great things in this community. Not all communities are for everyone for many reasons. Please keep up all your good works and helping of each other.
  3. Someone did discuss premium memberships a few pages ago. I am too tired to make linky. lol *gently pats lions* 1--I will say this...there is discussion of a kinder, gentler Nexus...what that will or will not entail I have no clue. 2--Maybe cliche....but ignorance of the law is no excuse. You can argue or not about the consistent punishment if you want...but what is and is not allowed is spelled out pretty clearly. When in doubt, don't do it. Why are pics of rips not allowed (when discovered?) because of this: Person 1-Where did you get that hot outfit on ur gurl? Screenie maker: Sorry I can't tell you that, but google hotchixred *wink* Person 1-I cant find it! I want it NAO!!! Person 2-I want it too Person 3-Its at LL .....and so on and so forth. We can't have links to the rips because it is seen as facilitating the rips. So....mostly because people are stewpid....we just say no to any we find. As to linking to here....well I don't know for sure so this is PURE SPECULATION on my part....but I think the major issue is not the adult material, but the rips. They are all over here. So links to you links to the rips. Also....no we want folks to be 13+ for the forums which are supposed to be PG-13. Adult nude and adult mods are supposed to be 18....but really its the internet so we don't know. However it is in the Nexus best interest to try to keep it kosher. So if you are writing on the PG-13 forum with a link to here....which I am always curious what new position I will see at the bottom of a page lol.....well....you have 13 year old kids linking to adult material (and the rips of course.) So....like a 3rd grade class of whom one kid throws spit balls....and you don't know who for sure....you just take all the paper away and no one gets recess, if you understand. I am not trying to change anyone's mind here....because I know I can not. I am trying to give you the reasons behind some of the issues. Honestly...back when the image share thing got to be a real problem about a year-ish ago? Anyway the chat was stressing the modos out, the entire place was horrible to be at...I was ready to go and I publicly expressed my concerns to DarkOne about the inconsistency of the punishments and the image share issues (I also could not remember if I have something that is a rip....so you aren't alone!) We passed a few post about it. I was asked to be a moderator many months later....so I would say that DarkOne is more reasonable than you think. But sometimes you have to pick your battles and if you go into a fight with one of us at times..and you are on the defensive already its hard to see the forest for the burning trees of anger *giggles* Its a good idea that you don't post screenshots of stuff that you don't find on the nexus....you could get away with Steam stuff but even that is questionable since it seems there is no one minding the inn. Yes Nexus has adult material (to a point) but it has to be tagged certain ways and can only be uploaded in certain places. If you are unsure just ask. I will answer you 100% of the time as best I can. And why am I a moderator there? Because I think I can help...I think I do help at times...even though I am pretty strict. I am not burned out and am still willing to explain things most of the time unless someone acts like a total idiot. I do not have sympathy of someone who breaks a rule then immediately breaks 10 more being an ass about the first thing and not reading directions. I am Forty and have 3 kids....you really can't bullshit the bullshitter with me. I call them how I see them and I will give it to you straight. Remember...the truth will set you free...but first it will piss you off. *falls out of chair laughing then goes looking for the cookie snatcher* I am glad I can talk here to you all. I hope this is some helpful anyway.
  4. Sorry but I had to jump in here a bit. And gods I am sooo sorry this is long!!! You all do realize that being a Premium member of the Nexus does not give one access to any files or assets that are not accessible to anyone else that joins the site. The only thing you get is faster downloading of the mods. The Nexus does not charge for mods or require money for mods in any way. As for the free speech issue...though I can agree that bannings are a bit inconsistent at times regarding things people say to some extent...I understand why it is so and I try very hard to be a consistent bitch about all the rules there. There are only so many of us and we do the best we can. Sometimes things don't get caught because we can not see every single post on every single thing. I am good but not that damn good. Freedom of Speech (*dust off college degree* lol) is the right to say things that won't get you harassed by the government. It is NOT the right to say anything, anywhere and not to have some repercussions of that speech. It would be more like having a blog site saying how much you hate GW Bush and then the government tosses you in jail for no reason but your voicing your opinion. It doesn't include talking about topics on a privately owned site and as your banning from The Nexus doesn't keep you from playing any of the games, I do not think the ACLU will be pounding on anyone's door. Just think like the Boy Scouts. They do not like homosexuals and because they are a PRIVATE organization they can legally keep them out. I stay out of the chat areas so I can't speak to that. I also wish modders were better sharing things but some don't and I have agreed to uphold the rules and will do that. I don't always agree with DarkOne or the other moderators. But once a decision is made I do my job. If there comes a time I can not longer do that I will leave. As for other games assets....just don't do it. That rule is never gonna change and honestly the way internet governing is going it may get worse. Websites that do not seem to keep rips off their sites can and will get shut down. Much of these things haven't played out in court...it will be interesting when it does. Screenshots....there are rules in place. I can not imagine that a banning would come from one screenshot only. There is more to that story. There are 3 sides to every story you know...the 1st side, the 2nd side and the truth in-between. *grin* We don't catch them all....I know as part of my job is to look at those damn things. So saying well mine was there for ever and no one cared and so-and-so still has one....well that's how it is sometimes. It isn't personal...I know its not with me. I have to go back like 5 times to remember the names of the screen-shooters. Maybe its because I am old. So I didn't write this to bitch but to try to explain how I look at things as a modo (is that what it is?) As you see I am one....and if you don't know from my writing I am Lisnpuppy over at the Nexus. I hope this helps. The more we all can agree on the better off the modding community will be. *gives out cookies*
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