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[Mod Idea] Naughty Evil Magic(Jealousy Curse?)

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This is my first time posting on this site, but here goes!


I've had an idea of a naughty mod for both genders!(Preferably for vanilla Skyrim, and Skyrim SE afterwards). The basic idea of this mod is to add Breast, Butt, Schlong, and Muscle(optional), growth and shrinkage magic. Accessible to PCs and NPCs.


-Everything past this line is full blown mod scoping- 


Evil jealousy magic user randomly by enemy mages to directly attack the player's eye candy! When encountering random enemy mages, they will sometimes hit you with a "Deflation" curse, from their jealousy of your sexy dragon slayer. If hit with this curse, Your character's "assets" will gradually shrink into oblivion. Or worse, they leech away your character's endowments for themselves! Your beefcake's muscles and zweihander will shrink away until he is a string bean with an acorn. Your dova-babe's breast and butt will shrink until she looks like a twig that missed womanhood! But how can you stop this???


Easy! The second you are hit with this jealousy magic, you will be notified, and a quest will start to lift the curse/spell. Just ask the high magicians of the cities about a cure! Or not... 



-Having large assets (realistic or ridicoulous) you are like a sex magnet in towns and cities. Things will be lowered in price if you use the right words. 

-.....Well you don't really gain anything for being reduced to an unattractive twig... 

-SOLVING THE CURSE: You will learn how to break the spell/curse and gain access to this naughty magic for your own personal use! You can shrink or grow the assets of the PC or NPCs  at your will(or the extent of your magic)



-Having your valuable assets shrink away will make you less attractive towards certain sexual interactions and seductive acts. You will find things slightly more expensive, and NPCs will laugh and tease you while you're wearing skimpy armor, or by chance they catch you without any clothes... 



-Scenario 1- (assume the PC is female)

What if while your well endowed and scantily-clad character was fighting the typical group of bandits, when suddenly! your character is struck by an oddly colored bolt of magic! You notice that nothing appeared to happen, so you mercilessly slaughter the offender. As you wander to and fro, something appears to be off with your character! Her Breasts were G-cups when you started your adventures, but they seem to have dropped to...DOUBLE D's!!! Not only that those large voluptuous curves have also taken a toll! Your busty babe is gradually becoming thinner, and the more you wait the flatter she'll become!!!! Time for a change in objectives, find a way to lift this spell!....Or don't.... THE CHOICE IS YOURS!!!


-Scenario 2- (assume the PC is male)

You promiscuous hunk has gotten into a bind! Fighting troops tougher than he realized! When you feel all is lost and you have you hand on the menu button, one of the troops walks towards your wounded hunk and sheathes his weapons. It appears you are being spared, but on one condition! Give up the size of your lovely man meats and muscles. If you give up either of your meats, you'll no longer get to flaunt around as the almighty dovahkiin you are known for! But if you refuse, you could face death! THE CHOICE IS YOURS!!!


-Scenario 3- (male or female)

Your dova is a slave to a cruel master, who enjoys fondling and humiliating the PC in anyway they can. But maybe they have a good side, and they will be willing to reward you in "special ways"...or punish you...


This would probably take a lot to process even if this idea get picked up. But yay or nay.

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