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I've played around with the settings; I've gone to different houses; I tried the reset code; but no matter what, my sim won't get naked.  He wears his regular outfit into the shower; he keeps his clothes on during sex; the wife character gets naked though. 


I've tried to control other sims, and they seem to work just fine with the mod; nudity and sex scenes are normal.  No issues.  


So, I'm guessing it's something about the settings for that sim alone.  I believe the original sims was downloaded from the gallery and adjusted; so, I don't think there are any custom textures; I think the home lot is from the gallery too; I don't know if that matters.   I can't think of what else to check.  


I'm not sure what else to try or change.  Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.  



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could try taking him into create a sim mode and removing all clothes and see what happens

he could have bugged outfit or skin


or could try There's this program called Sims Tray Importer. Remove everything from all outfits (clothing, hair, eyes, and everything else that is cc) from your sim and save it to your library. Open Tray Importer, load the recently saved sim and it'll tell you what piece of cc is the default underwear and where it is located in the mods folder. You can delete it then.


found on reddit not sure if it will work or not

Edited by justinlee
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