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Beyond: Two Souls


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So, Quantic-Dream is at it again. Beyond: Two Souls has sort of snuck up on me, as while brief trailers had interested me, I didn't know it was them making it, nor its title. Today I saw a playthrough of the demo on youtube, and frankly, it looks amazing, and the story much more interesting than Heavy Rain. When I serached for a release date, I wasn't expecting 'next week, actually!'. I thought for sure it was going to be a PS4 launch title, and i'm happy its not, as I have no plans to buy one.


Fahrenheit was a game I actually really loved, despite the flack its second half gets. I actually enjoyed the entire thing, only finding the theme change a little abrupt, rather than bad. I enjoyed the supernatural and undead theme.


Heavy Rain I pre-ordered from the moment it was announced, played two thirds, and somehow have never managed to finish it. I intend to try before Two Souls releases. Its a great looking game, with interesting characters, and I do like the story... which is saying a lot as i'm not very big of drama or crime shows, which is effectively the main premises of the game. The fact I enjoy it enough to go back, despite disliking its very basis, shows how much esteem I have for the game and its creators.


But, Two Souls seems to blend my favorite parts of Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain. It even has a female protagonist, which is amazing.


I'm just hoping it will be a fairly long game, with lots of replay value. Fahrenheit didn't have a great deal of the latter, but from what I recall (its been a while) it was a fairly lengthy game if you didn't try and blitz through. Heavy Rain actually seems to be a bit on the short side, with a lot of replay value, as long as the main reveal of the story isn't what you are in it for.


Less than two weeks until we find out, I suppose. Anyone else here excited (and not just for, potentially, interactive sexy time with Ellen Page)?

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I think the game suffers of a sad, true fact at some points; it's a video game, bound by a game's rules and limitations of a console. Sometimes, the main character's emotions could need some more detail, but the developers are good at hiding the shortcomings of the technology with prover movement, and dialogue. Also, I have been feeling that the game looks silly, but not on purpose, but it's because of the fallacies and limitations I mentioned. That said, it's a good change of pace from most games that are released nowadays and quite stands up on its own. I think I might trade-in some older PS3 games and get Beyond: Two Souls in their stead.

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