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Jessica's Plight [v3.1.1] (visual novel with bdsm/bondage theme)

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Game available at: https://flimsylegs.itch.io/jessicas-plight






Adult, bondage, bdsm, sex, sexism, foul language and death (one of the bad endings only).


Version 3.0.0 is out now, with a hints_v2_2_2a.pdf downloadable from the itch.io page. The game is HTML and played in the browser.

As it's a twine game, it's a text-based "choose your own adventure" type game that focuses on 1 major arc and your choices have a little bit of an impact how things turn out in the end for the player character. The game can be played in roughly three different ways, either completely submissive, complete refusal or a mix. What happens during the story and the ending depends on your choices. There are two chapters in the game.



In this story, you play as Jessica, a 23-years old woman. Follow her story that quickly lands her in all sorts of sexy trouble at the office!

A big client is in town, and it was your responsibility to land the deal. However, the client turns out to be more trouble than you expected, and your boss almost fires you for messing things up.

To compensate for your failure, your boss gives you an impossible pile of work... But the task turns out to be impossible. Desperate, already given up, you're approached by a co-worker while in the bathroom. He proposes a deal: He'll help you with the pile of work, if you'll do what he wants. Things start innocent enough: He asks you to give him your shoes. Fine, you can do that... Then he asks for your shirt... Your heart skips a beat when he starts giving you a collar and handcuffs...


Screenshot 2024-05-23 070705.png

Screenshot 2024-05-23 070631.png





Edited by FlimsyLegs
Version 3.1.1 released
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Version 2 is out and contains the original vision for what the game should contain. The update is heavily inspired by the game "damsel in distress", specifically chapter 2 follows a similar escape-scenario like the original "damsel in distress" game contains, hopefully equally frustrating!


New in 2.0:

- Added 2 new endings, both escape-type endings - you now have a chance to escape!

- Added a whole new chapter after chapter 1, where the player can try to escape. Lots of new content! (roughly doubles the length of the game)

- 16 new images.

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Minor patch 2.0.1: This version of the game reduces the font-size a bit as I realized it's quite big text. It also gets rid of the sidebar and make the text-area wider, to fit more text on screen without the need for scrolling - this also disables the back-button that can be used to abuse the choice-system in the game.

Edited by FlimsyLegs
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  • 1 month later...

I can't seem to download any file for your game, I see a zip for version 2.0.2, but there's nothing that I can actually click to download it. it is just black text that isn't clickable and nothing else near it seems to be clickable. it also says play in browser next to it, does that mean that i have to play it in my browser even though I should be able to download it since there's a zip file supposedly?

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On 2/25/2023 at 4:21 PM, deathtome1998 said:

I can't seem to download any file for your game, I see a zip for version 2.0.2, but there's nothing that I can actually click to download it. it is just black text that isn't clickable and nothing else near it seems to be clickable. it also says play in browser next to it, does that mean that i have to play it in my browser even though I should be able to download it since there's a zip file supposedly?

Hi, I noticed you asked a similar question in the devlog on itch.io, but for the sake of the readers here on loverslab, I'll answer here as well.


Essentially, I misunderstood how itch.io works. If you set your game as "play in browser" then your audience cannot download the game... I thought it was possible, but unfortunately it's not. There is a full-screen button at the bottom-right of the itch.io web-page of the game which I highly recommend clicking, gets rid of the annoying itch.io overlay.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Added a bugfix for ending of chapter 1 and start of chapter 2 where some images were incorrect (related to the player's bondage state) and knowledge about what has happened: https://flimsylegs.itch.io/jessicas-plight/devlog/509578/bugfix-end-of-chapter-1-and-start-of-chapter-2

Also added a new "hints_v2.pdf" that further explains how to stay in chapter 1 if you wish to see everything the game has to offer (i.e. how to avoid triggering chapter 2 early)

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  • FlimsyLegs changed the title to Jessica's Plight [v2.1.0] (free itch.io game with bdsm/bondage theme)

Major quality-of-life update 2.1.0: https://flimsylegs.itch.io/jessicas-plight/devlog/512189/major-quality-of-life-update


1. Added an option at start of game: Show/Hide images. Some players felt the artwork is so bad that it's distracting - now you can hide all images and play purely text-based. Default: Images enabled.


2. Added an option at start of game: Enable/Disable the "undo/redo" button: Some players really like to have the option to go back in time. Those players can now do that. Default: Undo/redo buttons disabled.


3. Changed the order of things requested by the man at the beginning of the game: Some players pointed out that the game goes from 0 to 100 too fast. This is an attempt to make it less 0 to 100, whilst still keeping all the content. Only the order of the things the man asks Jessica have changed.


4. Added in-game hints for player (Jessica's thoughts, etc.) in Chapter 2, to the two first scenarios - should be clear when something is not worth attempting: Some people did not like how the game gave no hints if the player was doing something right in chapter 2. Now, there's feedback for the player's actions (not all, but most) in the two first scenarios. Should feel like the player has some actual agency in the scenario.


5. Address feedback on "unrealistic scenario that company can sue Jessica for negligence" - Jessica now thinks about her situation at the company and reflects that she's consulted with three different people at the company, and they all are of the opinion that they can sue Jessica for negligence.


6. Added a "Restart game" button to all ending: Pretty much all players commented on the lack of a restart game button. A new tab or incognito mode previously served the purpose, but now there's actually a dedicated restart game button in all endings.

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  • FlimsyLegs changed the title to Jessica's Plight [v2.2.2] (free itch.io game with bdsm/bondage theme)

Version 2.2.2 is out now. Finally had the chance to change the twine engine from Harlowe to SugarCube. Devlog: https://flimsylegs.itch.io/jessicas-plight/devlog/538006/version-222


2.2 in a nutshell, compare to 2.1:
- Save and load your game

- Difficulty setting for chapter 2 (in config menu)

- Toggle images on/off at any time during your game (in config menu) rather than selecting it only once in beginning of the game

- Can no longer "disable the cheat mode" i.e. you can always press the "back" and "forward" buttons

- Changed Twine engine from Harlowe to SugarCube

- Centered all images  and put them at the top, for a more consistent experience

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  • FlimsyLegs changed the title to Jessica's Plight [v3.0.0] (game with bdsm/bondage theme)
  • FlimsyLegs changed the title to Jessica's Plight [v3.1.0] (game with bdsm/bondage theme)

Version 3.1.0 is out!

I've never been quite satisfied with how the Kidnapped chapter feels to play. This is my latest attempt to make it slightly more entertaining, by changing the narrative so that Jessica is drugged at the same time. The drug is making her horny, question if she should struggle or not, and generally think dirty thoughts while trying to escape. Hopefully this makes the kidnapped chapter more entertaining.

Additionally, there's been complaints by multiple players over all versions of Jessica's Plight that you can cut Chapter 1 short very, very early by simply refusing the man in the bathroom. In this update, you're no longer thrown directly into the kidnapped chapter if you do so, but instead the man ties you up in the bathroom and continues tormenting you (which skips about 50% of chapter 1, but doesn't skip it entirely).

I've also expanded the demo to include most of the Prelude chapter, as well as the new Chapter 1 path for refusing as mentioned above.

Additionally, there are some minor changes here and there and 3 new images.


Changelog: Update 3.1.0 is out! - Jessica's Plight [v3.1.0] (Remastered, Expanded) by FlimsyLegs (itch.io) 

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  • FlimsyLegs changed the title to Jessica's Plight [v3.1.1] (visual novel with bdsm/bondage theme)

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