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Compatibility with PC Exclusive Animation Path

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I just installed PCEA (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14871//?) and a custom race mod in order to get my new magic casting animations to work only for my character. However, I just realised that as an upshot of this, my SexLab animations are no longer working - if I initiate sex my game ctds. I assume this is probably because PCEA redirects basic animations for vanilla races to a new directory, but it could be a number of factors.


Just wondering if this has been noted, or if there is a potential way around this? Or will I just have to uninstall PCEA and allow all mages to use the new casting animations?



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  • 1 month later...

There is a trick to use PCEA with Sexis animations in old Sexis before, just install newest PCEA, then copy these behavior files from XP32 14-11-2012 animation pack to your data folder, well just download it here https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/37759957/PCEA%20Behavior%2014-11-2012.rar, then run FNIS again and it will be fine.

YES! Thank you so much. I couldn't uninstall PCEA, as I couldn't stand watching little children walking around with my butt animations.

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I'm having the same issue as above. If I update to the latest PCEA it fixes the horse crash, but then sexlab causes CTDs. If I use the dropfile lists, it fixes the sexlab stuff, but a falling horse causes a crash.


I'm been scouring the net for a solution that fixes both issues at once. Does anybody happen to know of a fix?

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I'm having the same issue as above. If I update to the latest PCEA it fixes the horse crash, but then sexlab causes CTDs. If I use the dropfile lists, it fixes the sexlab stuff, but a falling horse causes a crash.


I'm been scouring the net for a solution that fixes both issues at once. Does anybody happen to know of a fix?


Well, I fixed my horse crash by unchecking the "Horseman's mounted combat patch' in FNIS. I can run her downhill and even jump off things without CTD.


I don't know if this fix will help you, but I hope it does. Nothing's worse than the way the horses steer in Skyrim while worrying about it falling off a slight hill and BAM, desktop.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm having the same issue as above. If I update to the latest PCEA it fixes the horse crash, but then sexlab causes CTDs. If I use the dropfile lists, it fixes the sexlab stuff, but a falling horse causes a crash.


I'm been scouring the net for a solution that fixes both issues at once. Does anybody happen to know of a fix?


Well, I fixed my horse crash by unchecking the "Horseman's mounted combat patch' in FNIS. I can run her downhill and even jump off things without CTD.


I don't know if this fix will help you, but I hope it does. Nothing's worse than the way the horses steer in Skyrim while worrying about it falling off a slight hill and BAM, desktop.



Okay, I had to come back and post about how completely wrong I was. I have no idea why the horse crashes going down things. I thought the unchecking the horse animations helped, but you cannot exist hopping up and down in the saddle instead of fighting (hey, someone mod a damn dildo in the saddle and BAM, it's a feature). 


I do know I'm seeing the 'downslope crashes' sometimes but not others. I suspect it might be a load order issue, but BOSS seems pretty sure of itself. I didn't have the problem for a while, and then I went and added something like 30 mods (not all at once, that's stupid. No more than ten at a time) and somewhere along the line the problem came back.

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  • 1 month later...

It's been  while since this thread got attention, but I have the exact same issue aas a poster above. I use PCEA and sex animations caused crashes. I then installed the behavior files from XP32 14-11-2012 animation pack, provided in this post. That fixed the CTD's wheh using sex animations, but now I'm getting crashes everytime I'm riding any horse, and it falls from a cliff. No matter how little it might be, it's a sure CTD.


So, did anyone manage to fix both issues, or do I have to live with one or the other?

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Guest kimbale

1. Before installing PC exclusive animation path, back up your vanilla behavior folder (...[your install path]\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\behaviors).

2. Then install PCEA.

3. Install your custom animations normally.

4. Put your backed up behavior files into the behavior folder.

5. Run FNIS for users with "XP32s PC exclusive animation path" checkbox checked.

6. Profit.


This should work fine, all NPCs'll have vanilla anims (or any you have installed before), the PC will have custom ones. And there should be no SL conflicts.


Haven't checked horses with that method yet, but they should theroretically work as they worked before PCEA was installed. (IF nothing else fucks up the behavior files, this is just about PCEA and SL, no other mods.)


If you already have PCEA and SL installed and it CTDs on sex start, the file miniclip05 provided will give your character the basic animations (in the form of havoc behavior files) back that PCEA somehow swallows on install, thus fixing the crash.

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What I did was intall PCEA. Then, when I used any mod with custom animations (not replacers, but mods that trigger events with animations), it crashed. Next thing, I installled the behaviour files provided in the link a few posts above, and it solved the problem totally... until I realized that now I had the horse crash.


This may be a dumb question, but should I've had the behaviour files in my folder to begin with, didn't they would be located in the meshes.bsa in the data folder?


I no longer have problems with Sexlab or other animations. Only the issue where my game crashes if I ride a horse and it falls from a cliff, as little as may be.

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Guest kimbale

This may be a dumb question, but should I've had the behaviour files in my folder to begin with, didn't they would be located in the meshes.bsa in the data folder?


They are indeed, but PCEA changes the paths thus leading to CTDs when Skyrim tries to find the behaviors in the "normal" locations. Both workarounds in this thread should fix this.

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If you already have PCEA and SL installed and it CTDs on sex start, the file miniclip05 provided will give your character the basic animations (in the form of havoc behavior files) back that PCEA somehow swallows on install, thus fixing the crash.


Well, indeed, problem is I did exactly that workaround, and as expected, if totally fixed the CTD's when engaging into sex (or actually, any other custom anymation from mods).


Problem is, the horse CTD (only when falling) appeared just after that. And I don't have (actually, never had) any mod related to horses. Nor speed, animations, combat or anything. I tried removing the behaviour file from horses, but the CTD persists.


So, there's no idea why this issue happpens, or if there's any way to fix it?

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Guest kimbale

The horse bugs seem to be the drawback of the fix posted here (there seem to be kinks in the posted behavior files). I had those problems too now, and stopped using horses again.... It is a crude fix, but mostly works.

Only thing to get it right without possibility of horse-related bugs is to rollback and reinstall like i posted above.

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It makes no sense to me the issue with horses, since these mods hardly touch anything to do with them O_o'


Anyway, then a possible solution would be to uninstall everything related to PCEA and the corresponding folders, the reinstall it again from scratch, run FNIS and so, then drop the behaviour folders using the original game files? (I asume extracting them from the bsa).


Did you fixed your issue, or you don't use horses anymore? I guess I can live with that, worst case escenario, but I'm afraid I can get a sudden crash if I'm in an area with some horse that falls by itself from a little cliff while galloping, or something.

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Guest kimbale

My issue was the CTD on sex start - that i fixed with the behavior files that were posted here. I have the horse crap now, thus i sprint/whrilwind everywhere again intead of occasionally taking a horse.


Important thing about the rollback/reinstall i posted is that you have a already working SexLab installed - thus you have the sex animations in the behavior files. Those are then backed up and copied to preserve character animations and re-applied when PCEA is done. THEN you run FNIS again, to get DIFFERENT behavior files for NPCs and the PC. That wouldn't touch anything horsey (except the creature anims - don't have 'em yet, so that can't trigger the CTD), so it should work. Don't forget we're talking Skyrim here....


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So, I should back up my current behaviour files (provided by miniclip, and then modified by FNIS to work with SL), then, I have to delete the folders, run FNIS to make them again, then replace them with my back up and run FNIS again...


or, I have to unistall completely PCEA, make a clean save, install it again, run FNIS, replace the new files with my backup and then run FNIS again?


Sorry for the constant questions; I had never run into this kind of issue before.

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Guest kimbale

Well, the idea for the complete rollback is to NOT use the miniclip files - they seem to have the wierd horse stuff in them.

The idea is to make your own, working behavior files (that is what FNIS does), for the skeletons/models etc you use, backing them up and AFTER that intall PCEA. Then put them back so that PCEA finds them. I think FNIS puts them either in the base folders or - if the option for PCEA is checked - into the custom folders from PCEA. They are nonetheless needed in both directories, else skyrim doesn't find them and just CTDs (thats what happened without the miniclip files i think).

Maybe running FNIS twice with and without the option fixes it - i haven't tried. It's mostly those "too simple" solutions....

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