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Adding Effects

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I'm not so sure that this is the right place for this, but I wasn't so sure where else to look/post so I thought I'd try my luck here. I'll take this down without any complaint if I'm asking in the wrong place though, I can be cooperative no worries XD


So, good news - I got the pose I've been after for my sims, put some together in Blender that I'm pretty satisfied with right now I wanted more watersport-type things, but I'm intimidated by animating as of now so I thought I'd start by trying to pose my sims instead. I have the poses I want (their quality is debatable at best XD), but it's sorta missing something...After a while, I realized it's because there's no 'stream' effect or anything with my sims for the pose. I was wondering if there's a way for me to add such an effect to these poses, I think it would really complete them.


I know for a fact there's a way to add them to animations (the 'pee here' interaction you can use with Wicked Whims proves that much) and I think that effect would be perfect for the poses I've made, but I looked around online and didn't see a way to do that. Maybe I was looking in all the wrong places? If there's a way to add these effects to poses, what would that be? Maybe a link to a tutorial or some instructions, if anyone knows/has them? If it's not possible to do so with poses, how would I go about adding them to animations? I'm determined to make this work somehow XD


As for the poses themselves (or animations if that's what I have to do to get the desired effect), I'm more than happy to release them here on LL if I'm allowed to, especially if there's a way to add a stream effect of sorts. I've gotten this far, might as well if there's any interest! (There's poses on chairs, sofas, on the floor, ect.)

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7 hours ago, clamman5 said:

You would have to make the poses animations for WW then add the effects via XML file. There are many effects to choose from including "sim_pee"

Man, and there I was hoping I wouldn't have to make it a WW animation, I took one look at the instructions and got a headache? Ah well, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger I guess. Thanks for letting me know!

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