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Hi everyone.

I've started modding the installation and I ran into 2 strange issues so far during testing.


First issue is that at random intervals frame rate will will tank down to single digits and cpu usage will go to 100% (on a 8 core 16 thread R7). It happens at random in various locations (wilderness, towns, indoors...) tho it looks like it happens more often when just entering a location. Enabling console, opening inventory, and in most cases going through a door (or porting ) returns fps to normal or reloading a save does.


Second issue I have is with weird stretching of clothes which happens only on the belly (mostly on npcs) and mostly when they sit down. I think this could be issue with the clothes mesh tho I'm not sure. I'll attach a screenshot below.


I use MO2 to install mods, I ran bodyslide and FNIS. I sorted mods with Loot and cleared some with SSEDIT





loadorder.txt modlist.txt

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Update for the stretching part. It looks like converting armor/clothes to bhunp via nifskope resolved this. Found the post on Nexus for bhunp and followed it through:



Nifskope seems intimidating, but for adding SMP path it's simple.

1.) Open 2 instances of nifskope: the armor you're converting (either the shapedata nif used to generate bodies in bodyslide, or the _0 _1 weight armor meshes) and you're reference body (BHUNP 3BBB Advanced SMP path).

2.) Expand the scene root (first line) and find NiStringExtraData (not "strings" as that's different). Right click, under block select "copy branch."

3.) In your armor nif (or shapedata nif), right click on the first node (starts with [0] and usually days Scene Root). Under block, select "Paste branch."

4.) Save. If you used the shapedata nif, then go build your armor in bodyslide. If you used the _0 and _1 nifs, you're done.

I still have to find a way to get rid of the sporadic high cpu usage. Is there any way to log activity or to check when something got active in game?

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