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Nisa’s Wicked Perversions - not full prostitution mode


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I downloaded update of Nisa’s Wicked Perversions and now I think that my mod isn't full. There are options to register as a Rose on my sim's phone but after that nothing works, there is no "ho control" option after I click on my sim, I cannot propose sex to other sims because there is also no option like this. On sim's computer I have Open Team Explorer and all other options but whenever I try to use any of this nothing works for example I cannot even display Wicked Pervs Settings after clicking the button.


I tried to delate and download again everything connected to this mode like WW and Basemental Drugs also any files that have been used in Nisa's mode and it still works only halfway. I don't know what to do I really like this mode and its irritating that I cannot find step on which I made mistake downloading it.


Please help

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The new official expansion just came out, and that apparently often throws a lot of mods out of whack. If your copy of Sims was updated (you've played since the new expansion came out, and it wasn't in offline mode), then it's possible you'll just have to wait until Nisa patches it.

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