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Hi All, a good day to everyone here... I have a Killmove animation request. This animation can only be performed by a male on female regardless of who is PC and who is NPC...


The suggestion is as follows:

1) a new attack move is added for all male characters... The stab..

2) this move consumes more stamina and can be recharged like a power attack with the intensity depending on the amount of time the key was pressed for .

3)Whenever the attack is aimed at the belly and strikes the navel... A Killmove animation is triggered with our unfortunate adventuress getting impaled on cold hard steel.

4) A sexy feminine screech of pain is heard...and the sexy girl falls down dead.


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Blackout scenario


1)The Same move can also be performed with a blunt weapon. 

2) upon using it on the victim, she suffers major debuffs in the ongoing fight against the current enemy...

a) Sexual Humiliation / Feminine Submissiveness - All attacks by the male do 80 percent extra damage and all attack damage done by the female is reduced by half.

b) physical pain - health Regen reduced to half and stamina Regen reduced by 30 percent. movement speed reduced by 10 percent.

3)upon being rammed in the navel twice in one fight, the player falls unconscious and is captured... If captured by the bandits she ends up in their lair and can be sold as a slave or more likely kept as a sex slave, being defeated 

By the guards ends with the dragonborn ending up in the respective city's dungeons etc.



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