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Followers For RCOTS-Custom Races First Release

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About This File

Firstly, I'd like to thank Glouf for making the RCOTS standalone file and the followers for it, it served to help me in creating my mod. I'd also like to thank jiitek and lostdaywalker for their works, as they've helped my playing of Skyrim to be better :)


This is my first real mod so I'm not intending to do anything groundbreaking here, just want to share some followers I've created.


ALSO: I'm willing to take requests for any followers, but not for sexual purposes.


My first contribution will be my Dremora followers I've created, one is a conjurer and the other is a two handed warrior. The conjurer summons special servants, these servants are based off of the imperial race with custom skin and a Dremora base as well. As for a backstory, that is for the player to decide :) I have my own, which is that they are Daedric servants sent to Nirn to bring Daedric influence back to Tamriel. Heda (the conjurer) is a royal amongst the Dremora and possesses the gift to summon her own servants. Lilith (the warrior) is a child of those who serve Mehrunes Dagon and wishes to continue their path, but longs for her own destiny... That's my story, but it is up to you the gamer to decide their fates!


This mod requires: Skyrim.esm, Dawnguard.esm, Hearthfires.esm, RaceCompatability.esm, RCOTS Races, and RCOTS followers.

**These files will most likely be required for all of the RCOTS related mods generated here**


Installation is simple, unzip, but in data, or use NMM.


Other Mods in progress: Summonable Spirits based on RCOTS, RCOTS Snow Elves, RCOTS Followers-Extended, And RCOTS Ghosts.


Thanks so much and enjoy the mod!!

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