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[XCL][.18a] Decrease skills + Increase skills bugfix 1.0.0

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About This File

This mod allows you to decrease your skills instead of just increase them in the cheat menu.

As for the bugfix without this mod increasing your skills sets your xp to the exact amount needed to reach the next level. So if you increase a skill to level 5 you will immediately reach level 6 in that skill upon gaining any xp. With the mod it sets your xp to what it would be if you just reached level 5.

Why did I make this? I like using RNG a lot of the time instead of the minigames but if I play the same save for too long my skills get so high that failure becomes very unlikely.

All the levels seem to be working fine but let me know if any of the xp is off. It should be fine but it's possible I made a typo or failed a copy and paste somewhere. I didn't test the xp of every single skill.

To access the cheat menu at the start of the day go to Menu > Game settings > click the green tablet

This mod only edits the bellow passage. I don't believe any other mods currently use this passage so it should be compatible with all mods.

:: cheat increase skills

Edited by redmond

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