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Name: Fiona James

Age: 23 years old

Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity

Traits: Neat, Ambitious, Demanding


Description: Fiona is a beautiful blonde with striking blue eyes, and she takes great pride in her appearance. She has been dedicated to modeling since the age of 14 and is highly professional in her work. However, her ultimate goal is to transition from the runway to the stage and make a name for herself as an actress, aiming to become a worldwide celebrity.

In an industry known for its falsehoods and deceptions, Fiona initially didn't plan to form close relationships within the world of modeling. However, she crossed paths with Yalena and Heloise, and the chemistry between them was undeniable. They quickly became close friends despite the challenges of the modeling world.

Fiona's neat and ambitious nature extends to her career aspirations. She is determined to leave her mark on the world and is willing to work hard to achieve her dreams. With Yalena and Heloise by her side, she feels a strong sense of camaraderie and support as she pursues her goals.

Fiona's journey from the modeling world to the realm of acting and celebrity is an exciting one, filled with ambition and the potential for fame.

If you need more details or adjustments to Fiona James's story, please feel free to let me know.




What's New in Version 09/18/2023 05:54 PM   See changelog



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