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Age of Wonders 4 - Age of Erections 1.0.0

2 Screenshots

About This File

Quick mod that can be used as an example of adding objects (dicks) to heroes, adding an option to the creation menu, adding outfits, removing meshes from outfits.


There are 2 dicks, they work for humans, elves, orcs, and goblins, because I got bored of copy pasting.

Included a nude outfit for both genders and a couple bottomless outfits for female.



Probably extract to Documents\Paradox Interactive\Age of Wonders 4\Mods



* I have played a single turn with this enabled so I have no idea what happens when heroes get effects and stuff

* The skins are still default so everyone has shadow underwear

* I dont know anything about 3d modeling. The meshes are ripped from daz and are probably fucked up, the textures are bad, the weight painting is definitely fucked up (badly attached to a convenient looking cloth bone).

* I don't understand any of the mod stuff either, just copied what I saw in the files.

Edited by 9zs

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