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About This File

We are back, in the East, China, Our Yoga teacher Liuan Tang, is our favorite yoga teacher, she has a spa where she attends to her clients, mostly men, she has two types of sessions, which are divided into two rooms different, the normal one and the ritual one, in the normal one, everyone can participate for a moderate price, but the ritual one is very expensive and is exclusively for millionaires, whether they are adults or the elderly, mostly, but don't worry, in the contract it mentions that she accepts anyone, even if they are foreigners, only if they can pay, none of the normal clients know what relaxation techniques she uses for the rituals, she says that they are advanced techniques and that things like ropes are used to tie them , and unlike the normal session that is done on a mat, beds are used in the secret ritual yoga session.



Zodiac Sign: Scorpio 


Country: 1f1e8-1f1f3.png


Ethnicity: Asian


Group: Matures


Hair color: Brunette

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