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File Name: HM's Double Impact

File Submitter: HyperMix

File Submitted: 15 Feb 2014

File Category: Other

Requires: OBSE, Custom Spell Icons


You can also get it from my Nexus.

Upgrade Instruction for 1.3
1.3 Upgrade:
You need to type the following in console:
StartQuert HMDoubleImpactQuest
StartQuest HMScriptedReset

1) It removes (deletes, burns) all NPC Clothes and Weapons that are not tagged as Quest,unplayable or part of the exclusion box. On PC it merely unequips items. (Scripted items are dealt differently from version 1.1. Read below)
2) It is also unable to detect if an item is bound to player, therefore bound items will lose their bound tag once unequipped. There maybe a function that tells you if an item is bound, but I can't find it.

Change targeted NPC to dress in same outfit as you are currently wearing or vice-versa. It does not copy/remove quest, non-playable items or scripted items. It also does not touch items stored in the Exclusion Box.

Adds four alteration spells and exclusion misc item.

Spell 1: Dresses targeted NPC same as PC
Spell 2: Weaponises targeted NPC same as PC
Spell 3: Dresses PC as targeted NPC
Spell 4: Weaponises targeted PC same as NPC
Exclusion Box: Is a container that you drop any item that you do not want to remove from NPC or Copy to NPC. Item's dropped here will automatically go back to players inventory when container is closed.

Shield is not counted as armor but part of the weapons spell.

Scripted Items
Most playable scripted items are fine, but on odd occasion it isn't. Almost 99% of all scripted playable items as far as I know have to do with High Heels and contain the script zzzVipCxjHighHeelsHScript.

The work around for scripts is now you get a dialogue box where you select if this item is fine or not to include or exclude. If it is high heels that uses something like "zzzVipCxjHighHeelsHScript" just click on include as it is fine. Once an item with a particular script is added all other items with that script will be treated the same. There are several high heels scripts. About 20 I would guess maybe more, but sooner or later you will come across them all.

If you make a mistake then you need to go back to last save to make sure nothing is ruined. But if you must do it without reload then type "Call HMScriptedReset" in console. The second method loses all inclusion and exclusion settings and you will have to set them again.

Custom Spell Icons

OBSE 21+


Click here to download this file

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