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Note that only the functions documented below are treated as external APIs. Meaning only those will be guaranteed backwards compatibility. So it is heavily discouraged to be calling functions from Sex Attributes script that are not listed below, as their function signatures may change without notice and may cause issues in your script/mod.


1) How to read attribute values from mod

Sex Attributes is largely driven by global variables. Here is an example to get 4 values tracked by Sex Attributes:

int wear = (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x01000FAA, "FPAttributes.esp") as GlobalVariable).getValueInt()
int willpower = (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x01000FAB, "FPAttributes.esp") as GlobalVariable).getValueInt()
int selfesteem = (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x01000FAC, "FPAttributes.esp") as GlobalVariable).getValueInt()
int spirit = (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x01007A67, "FPAttributes.esp") as GlobalVariable).getValueInt()
int orientation = (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x01000FAD, "FPAttributes.esp") as GlobalVariable).getValueInt()
int sexReputation = (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x101944F, "FPAttributes.esp") as GlobalVariable).getValueInt()
int trauma = (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x101E80B, "FPAttributes.esp") as GlobalVariable).getValueInt()
int intoxicationLevel = (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x101E80C, "FPAttributes.esp") as GlobalVariable).getValueInt()
int arousal = (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x101E80D, "FPAttributes.esp") as GlobalVariable).getValueInt()

; Perversion craving level. Player may gain perversion toward certain types of NPCs. 
; If the player hasn't had orgasm with those NPCs for some time, they will develop perversion cravings
int cravingLevelAnimal = (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x102EB07, "FPAttributes.esp") as GlobalVariable).getValueInt()
int cravingLevelFeral = (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x102EB08, "FPAttributes.esp") as GlobalVariable).getValueInt()
int cravingLevelGunner = (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x102EB09, "FPAttributes.esp") as GlobalVariable).getValueInt()
int cravingLevelMutant = (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x102EB0A, "FPAttributes.esp") as GlobalVariable).getValueInt()
int cravingLevelRaider = (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x102EB0B, "FPAttributes.esp") as GlobalVariable).getValueInt()
int cravingLevelSynth = (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x102EB0C, "FPAttributes.esp") as GlobalVariable).getValueInt()

; Perk for checking if player has PTSD with certain types of NPC
Perk ptsdAnimal = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x102D411, "FPAttributes.esp") as Perk
Perk ptsdFeral = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x102D410, "FPAttributes.esp") as Perk
Perk ptsdGunner = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x102D40E, "FPAttributes.esp") as Perk
Perk ptsdMutant = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x102D40D, "FPAttributes.esp") as Perk
Perk ptsdRaider = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x102D40C, "FPAttributes.esp") as Perk
Perk ptsdSynth = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x102D40F, "FPAttributes.esp") as Perk

; See if player is a "slut"
Perk slut = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x1019452, "FPAttributes.esp") as Perk
if slut != none && playerRef.hasPerk(slut)
	; Player is a slut!

; See if player is desperate for sex
Perk desperate = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x101A38C, "FPAttributes.esp") as Perk
if desperate != none && playerRef.hasPerk(desperate)
	; Player is desperate for sex!

2) Register for value updates

You can be notified when the values are changed. FP_Attributes will fire a custom event whenever any of the values are changed. Here's an example:

FPA:FPA_Main fpa_event

Function SampleFunction()
	Quest Main = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00000F99, "FPAttributes.esp") as quest
	fpa_event = Main as FPA:FPA_Main

	RegisterForCustomEvent(fpa_event, "OnWearUpdate")
	RegisterForCustomEvent(fpa_event, "OnWillpowerUpdate")
	RegisterForCustomEvent(fpa_event, "OnSelfEsteemUpdate")
	RegisterForCustomEvent(fpa_event, "OnSpiritUpdate")
	RegisterForCustomEvent(fpa_event, "OnOrientationUpdate")
    RegisterForCustomEvent(fpa_event, "OnCombatWithPerversionEnemy")

Event FPA:FPA_Main.OnWearUpdate(FPA:FPA_Main akSender, Var[] akArgs)
	int wear = akArgs[0] as int
	; do something here

Event FPA:FPA_Main.OnWillpowerUpdate(FPA:FPA_Main akSender, Var[] akArgs)
	int will = akArgs[0] as int
	; do something here

Event FPA:FPA_Main.OnSelfEsteemUpdate(FPA:FPA_Main akSender, Var[] akArgs)
	int esteem = akArgs[0] as int
	; do something here

Event FPA:FPA_Main.OnSpiritUpdate(FPA:FPA_Main akSender, Var[] akArgs)
	spirit = akArgs[0] as int
	; do something here

Event FPA:FPA_Main.OnOrientationUpdate(FPA:FPA_Main akSender, Var[] akArgs)
	int orient = akArgs[0] as int
	; do something here

; Event that fires when the player is in combat with enemy(ies) with whom the player has active perversion effects (or perversion craving).
; Note that it only fires if the player is having *cravings* from perversion (hasn't had orgasm for couple of days with those NPCs),
; and wont fire if the player has perversion but isnt having cravings.
; First arg is a float that indicate's the player's current willpower (after it drained a bit)
; Second arg is the highest level of perversion (range 1 - 3) from player's current combat targets. 
; Example: Say the player is fighting both Raider and Gunner, and has perversion cravings for both. 
; If perversion level for raider is 1, while gunner is 3. This will return 3.
; This event will typically fire once every 15 seconds while the player is in combat.
; Will stop firing if player leaves combat, or isn't fighting enemies anymore with whom the player has perversion cravings.

Event FPA:FPA_Main.OnCombatWithPerversionEnemy(FPA:FPA_Main akSender, Var[] akArgs)
	float currentWillpower = akArgs[0] as float 
	int highestActivePerversionLevel = akArgs[1] as int

Note: you do not need to include FP_Attributes as dependency in your mod in order to read global variables or receive events.

If you want a working sample, try looking at the source code for FP_AttributesHUD (in the download page). It uses almost identical code as above to get values from FP_Attributes.


3) How to set attribute values

Here are the APIs you can call to set different attribute values. Not that setting Spirit is discouraged, and not shown here. Spirit is only intended to be changed via self-esteem. Spirit is gained from self-esteem gains at 100 self-esteem and is lost from self-esteem lost at 0 self-esteem

; Grab FPA script object
Quest FPA_Main = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00000F99, "FPAttributes.esp") as quest
ScriptObject fpa_script = FPA_Main.CastAs("FPA:FPA_Main")

; Increase orientation by 1
var[] orVar = new var[1]
orVar[0] = 1
fpa_script.CallFunction("ModifyOrientation", orVar)

; Decrease willpower by 5
var[] willVar = new var[1]
willVar[0] = -1 * 5
fpa_script.CallFunction("ModifyWillpower", willVar)

; Increase Self-Esteem by 5
var[] seVar = new var[1]
seVar[0] = 5
fpa_script.CallFunction("ModifySelfEsteem", seVar)

; Increase Sex Addiction Level by 5
var[] saVar = new var[1]
saVar[0] = 5
fpa_script.CallFunction("ModifySexLevel", saVar)

; Increase Sex Reputation Level by 5
var[] srVar = new var[1]
srVar[0] = 5
fpa_script.CallFunction("ModifySexReputation", srVar)

; Increase Sex Reputation Level by 5, but dont go over 50
var[] srcVar = new var[2]
srcVar[0] = 5
srcVar[1] = 50
fpa_script.CallFunction("ModifySexReputationWithUpperCap", srcVar)

; Increase Arousal Level by 5
var[] srVar = new var[1]
srVar[0] = 5
fpa_script.CallFunction("ModifyArousal", srVar)

; Increase Arousal Level by 5, but dont go over 60
var[] srVar = new var[2]
srVar[0] = 5
srVar[1] = 60
fpa_script.CallFunction("ModifyArousalWithUpperCap", srVar)

4) NPC Interaction APIs

FP:Attributes offers APIs that other mods can use to diversify player's interaction with NPCs. It offers two APIs for determining player's intimidation success chance, and NPC persuasion success chance. Of course, mods can create their own formula for calculating outcomes of these two, but using the APIs here allows a much more streamlined experience for users.

; Grab FPA script object
Quest FPA_Main = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00000F99, "FPAttributes.esp") as quest
ScriptObject fpa_script = FPA_Main.CastAs("FPA:FPA_Main")

; Get intimidate success chance. Returned value will be between 0 to 100
int intimidateChance = fpa_script.CallFunction("GetIntimidateSuccessChance", new var[0]) as int
; Get NPC persuasion success chance. Returned value will be between 0 to 100
Var[] params = new Var[1]
params[0] = 3 ; Hard persuasion. 1 = Easy, 2 = Medium, 3 = Hard
int persuadeChance = fpa_script.CallFunction("GetNPCPersuasionChance", params) as int


5) Other API calls

If your mod triggers four-play sex scenes, you can tell FP:Attributes to treat the scene you're triggering as consensual or aggressive. This makes it easier for the user, as they don't have to manually tell the mod what type of sex it is for every sex act.

; Grab FPA script object
Quest FPA_Main = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00000F99, "FPAttributes.esp") as quest
ScriptObject fpa_script = FPA_Main.CastAs("FPA:FPA_Main")

; Treat next sex act (involving player) as aggressive - with player as victim
fpa_script.CallFunction("SetNextSexAsAggressive", new var[0])

; Treat next sex act (involving player) as consensual
fpa_script.CallFunction("SetNextSexAsConsensual", new var[0])

; Dont increment trauma on next sex act (involving player) even if it's non-consensual
fpa_script.CallFunction("SetNextSexNoTrauma", new var[0])

; Dont trigger player orgasm on next sex act even if the player's arousal reaches 100 during sex.
fpa_script.CallFunction("SetNextSexNoOrgasm", new var[0])

; Trigger player orgasm
fpa_script.CallFunction("TriggerOrgasm", new var[0])


Edited by twistedtrebla
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Under this system being submissive (even by choice) offers nothing but negatives.  Personally I would prefer for each state to have both strengths and weaknesses. 


For example: a submissive would Wear and Tear at a lower rate because they are less likely to injure themselves by fighting back against their aggressors and are more likely to just go with the flow. A submissive would regenerate Willpower and Self-Esteem at a slower rate but also lose it at a slower rate because he\she likes being used. Perhaps an extreme submissive could gain Self-Esteem from frequent use/abuse because in his/her mind they are viewed as desirable by others and would lose Self-Esteem by not being used/abused enough.


If your mod offers nothing but large negatives for submissive play, I don't see many submissive players using your mod. 

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3 hours ago, VaunWolfe said:

Is there any plan for a corruption system?

What do you mean by that? Can you elaborate?

1 hour ago, SirCrazy said:

Under this system being submissive (even by choice) offers nothing but negatives.  Personally I would prefer for each state to have both strengths and weaknesses. 


For example: a submissive would Wear and Tear at a lower rate because they are less likely to injure themselves by fighting back against their aggressors and are more likely to just go with the flow. A submissive would regenerate Willpower and Self-Esteem at a slower rate but also lose it at a slower rate because he\she likes being used. Perhaps an extreme submissive could gain Self-Esteem from frequent use/abuse because in his/her mind they are viewed as desirable by others and would lose Self-Esteem by not being used/abused enough.


If your mod offers nothing but large negatives for submissive play, I don't see many submissive players using your mod. 

Thanks for the input. You are right that being submissive is nothing but negative. I think we are talking about two different ideas of being "submissive". The "submissive" here is the kind where the player is beaten and forced into submission, not the D/s consensual kind that's more of a choice. It would make sense if D/s type submission would bring its ups and downs. But here, becoming submissive is a consequence to being beaten by raiders/enemies, and being twisted by them. I don't see how being sexually assaulted could be beneficial to the player. 


It also goes against the main idea behind the mod, which is defeats and failures putting the character in increasingly difficult position, while successes putting the character in better position. If being submissive was equally enticing (even in other ways) as being dominant, then there's really no reason to avoid getting defeated in combat. Heck, you might even intentionally lose combat just to get the perks of being submissive. This mod aims to make the game harder every time the player gets defeated. But I do like the idea of wear and tear increasing at a slower rate if the player is submissive. I might consider that.


Perhaps theres a better word than "submissive/dominant orientation". The word "orientation" implies the player is more or less naturally born that way, instead of being bent and twisted by the player's assailants. Maybe "submissive/dominant perversion" is a better word for it.

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Remember the good old days when Willpower was a thing in Bethesday games like Oblivion? I'm not sure why willpower would have an effect on Charisma/Attractiveness. We have all known attractive butterfly people who flit from idea to job to love affair lacking 'willpower' but blessed with self-esteem. I would say tha SirCrazy has it right. If only a 'dominate' can be successful in the game, there is not much reason for any sort of variety or nuanced play. Much of charisma and agility in the game is about deceit: black widow, pacity, and the whole sneak complex are wrapped around fooling and misleading npcs and creatures. If the effecs of submissiveness, dishonesty, slyness, straightforwardness, and dominance are not balanced in some way they would be very unsatisfying. Remember traits in New Vegas? The alternative strart mod lets you use them with fo4. They all strengthen a character while imposing penalties: balance. Sounds like it could be a nice addition, but it can't be all good for a prarticular style. Raped and threatened with abduciton by the Legendary Raider, my current character, Joyce, paid him off and then killed him while he was bragging about his prowess. She would have been stupid to fight back bravely after she and her follower were beaten and raped. (As an amusing, accident incident in that exchange, Joyce's follower, Athena 4, after being raped redressed, turned to the raider and laughed.)

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20 minutes ago, SirCrazy said:

Thanks for the explanation, I see what you mean now and everything makes sense.  Perhaps you could use Dominant / Defeated (or Psychologically Broken [or just Broken {or Slave}]).

Hmm those are better words. I like "broken". 


Maybe I can reintroduce submissive/dominant as a separate independent attribute that affects the other attributes in some way, but each offer its own pros and cons. I'll have to think about how it can be done, but thanks for getting the ball rolling :smile:

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The arc with rse is a little fuller than " beaten by raiders/enemies, and being twisted by them" in that the player character can gain revenge. Unless the player chooses to leave the character in a defeated, diminished state, she eventually triumphs over her abusers.

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Guest O.Cobblepot
14 hours ago, twistedtrebla said:

This mod aims to make the game harder every time the player gets defeated.

Perfect:) personaly,i love just "negatives" part of the mods,because "positives" breaks fun of the game very fast somehow:/

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20 hours ago, pihwht said:

Remember the good old days when Willpower was a thing in Bethesday games like Oblivion? I'm not sure why willpower would have an effect on Charisma/Attractiveness. We have all known attractive butterfly people who flit from idea to job to love affair lacking 'willpower' but blessed with self-esteem. I would say tha SirCrazy has it right.

This would go back to D&D's definition of Charisma. While attractiveness is a part of it, leadership and such are also aspects to Charisma. Someone could be ugly and still be Charismatic with their speech, confidence, and body language. On the flip side, someone could be supermodel material as far as looks but remain non-charismatic because of their lack of confidence, speech and body language. Willpower would ultimately effect that portion of Charisma.

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I think I found a another word: "Damaged". How damaged or not the player becomes over time will depend on their actions. I like broken too, perhaps you could use both?


Damaged/Dom Orientation: -50 ~ 50
-50    ~ -30  (Broken): -50% Persuasion success chance, 150% Buy price, 50% Sell price, No willpower regen
-29.99 ~ -20  (Damaged)          : -30% Persuasion success chance, 130% Buy price, 70% Sell price, 25% willpower regen
-19.99 ~ -10  (Defeated) : -10% Persuasion success chance, 110% Buy price, 90% Sell price, 50% willpower regen
-9.99 ~ 9.99  (Neutral)             : no stats change
10    ~ 19.99 (Confident)   : +10% Persuasion success chance, 90% Buy price, 110% Sell price, 150% willpower regen
20    ~ 29.99 (Assertive)            : +30% Persuasion success chance, 70% Buy price, 130% Sell price, 200% willpower regen
30    ~ 50    (Dominant)  : +50% Persuasion success chance, 50% Buy price, 150% Sell price, 300% willpower regen

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21 hours ago, twistedtrebla said:

Hmm those are better words. I like "broken". 


Maybe I can reintroduce submissive/dominant as a separate independent attribute that affects the other attributes in some way, but each offer its own pros and cons. I'll have to think about how it can be done, but thanks for getting the ball rolling :smile:

First, I like you to know that your work is really appreciated. It definitely adds a new dynamic to the game and allows Mods that can be created using the framework and create synergy across all the mods.


Yes, it's best not to tie the dominance and submission into the existing character attributes directly the way you did right now. If all the dominance has is positives and submission negatives, there is really no point for anyone going down the path of submission at all. I would think many people's guilty pleasure is to take the submission path, forced against their will. It's best to make dominance and submission as the two sides of the same coin. People can enjoy the game fully taking either path to the similar extent.


When it comes to combat, especially using a projectile weapon, one's dominance/submission attribute should really not affect one's combat capability and survivability.

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1 hour ago, dboura said:

This would go back to D&D's definition of Charisma. While attractiveness is a part of it, leadership and such are also aspects to Charisma. Someone could be ugly and still be Charismatic with their speech, confidence, and body language. On the flip side, someone could be supermodel material as far as looks but remain non-charismatic because of their lack of confidence, speech and body language. Willpower would ultimately effect that portion of Charisma.

You are certainly right about d&d, but fallout is not d&d and the attribute is mush more superficial. You certainly could create a mod that rewrote the basic attributes and perks. There are several.

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Four-Play Attributes v 0.2.0

-NEW: Feature to treat sex as aggressive if player's health is below a certain threshold (configurable in MCM). This is to make life a bit easier when being used in conjunction with player defeat mods where player gets sexually assaulted.

-NEW: Big changes to existing attributes system:

  • Replaced dominant/submissive orientation with Spirit. Functions very similarly to the old one with some differences. Ranges from 0 - 100.
  • Spirit is the player's overall mental health, mood, and resolve to resist others. When being repeatedly assaulted, the spirit will gradually decrease, whereas when experiencing success after success will gradually increase. 
  • Spirit accumulates when player gains experience while at 100 self-esteem. Since self-esteem is capped at 100, 10% of all points (even fraction of points) the player would have received into self-esteem instead gets "overflowed" into spirit. Spirit decreases when player gets sexually assaulted while at 0 self-esteem. Similarly to gains, it functions as an "overflow" for self-esteem lost at 0.
  • Spirit affects willpower regeneration rate.
  • Spirit also affects self-esteem gain rate and loss rate.
  • Redesigned dominant/submissive system. It is now a separate, independent trait that gives pros and cons each. The range is still from -50 to 50, but the effects are slightly different.
    • Being dominant increases barter skills and persuasion chance. But will suffer additional wear and tear damage for aggressive sex. Player also receives a "Frustration" debuff post rape that reduces int, perception, and luck. The debuff's effect is stronger the more dominant the player is (-3 each), and weaker the less dominant the player is (-1 each). It lasts for approx 4 in-game hours.
    • Being submissive decreases barter skills and persuasion chance. But gains increased resistance to wear and tear for aggressive sex. If extremely submissive, player will not receive any penalty for aggressive sex. Also receives a permanent endurance (+1 ~ +3) buff from being accustomed to pain.
    • Mod will initially ask the player to select a starting dominant/submissive orientation for the player. Can select between "Dominant", "Mildly Dominant", "Neutral", "Mildly Submissive", and "Submissive". Selecting neutral does not give you any buffs or debuffs
    • Dominant/submissive orientation is designed to be more of a permanent trait for the player. It can be changed, however:
    • Added an MCM toggle to enable/disable "Personality change". If enabled, player will start to become more submissive when being sexually assaulted at 0 spirit. Also, player will start to become more dominant when gaining experience at 100 spirit. This is to allow roleplay where your player becomes broken and turned submissive.
  • Summary: The three pillars of psychological attributes are now: self-esteemwillpower, and spirit, which all affect each other. Dominant/submissive is an independent trait that aren't affected by the three attributes (unless you have personality change enabled).

-CHANGED: Willpower no longer affects self-esteem gain/loss.

-CHANGED: Willpower instead affects how fast/slow you accrue points into spirit. 

-PLUGIN MOD - FPAAttributesHUD: Updated to also show new spirit attribute.




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On 3/15/2018 at 7:55 AM, twistedtrebla said:

View File

Four-Play Attributes

v0.1.0 BETA


In the event that people are awaiting needed maintenance and/or new features, and I've gone MIA (say >4 months), I give permission to others to take the mod and its source code (included) and expand on it/maintain it. Just make sure it remains within the scope of the original mod - a modular, simple, framework for player's attributes. 


This is Very Kind of you but I think you mite wont to change it a bit, so that anyone changing it and re-posting it would have to give credit to you the creator of the source code.? just a an idea  :smile:

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37 minutes ago, mashup47 said:

This is Very Kind of you but I think you mite wont to change it a bit, so that anyone changing it and re-posting it would have to give credit to you the creator of the source code.? just a an idea  :smile:

Aww, thanks for thinking of me :smile: If someone does take over my mod, that means I am no longer around. If I am no longer around, I wouldn't know or care enough that others are giving me credit, hehe. It would be a nice gesture, for sure. But I wont require it.

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12 hours ago, twistedtrebla said:

Four-Play Attributes v 0.2.0

-NEW: Feature to treat sex as aggressive if player's health is below a certain threshold (configurable in MCM). This is to make life a bit easier when being used in conjunction with player defeat mods where player gets sexually assaulted.

-NEW: Big changes to existing attributes system:

  • Replaced dominant/submissive orientation with Spirit. Functions very similarly to the old one with some differences. Ranges from 0 - 100.
  • Spirit is the player's overall mental health, mood, and resolve to resist others. When being repeatedly assaulted, the spirit will gradually decrease, whereas when experiencing success after success will gradually increase. 
  • Spirit accumulates when player gains experience while at 100 self-esteem. Since self-esteem is capped at 100, 10% of all points (even fraction of points) the player would have received into self-esteem instead gets "overflowed" into spirit. Spirit decreases when player gets sexually assaulted while at 0 self-esteem. Similarly to gains, it functions as an "overflow" for self-esteem lost at 0.
  • Spirit affects willpower regeneration rate.
  • Spirit also affects self-esteem gain rate and loss rate.
  • Redesigned dominant/submissive system. It is now a separate, independent trait that gives pros and cons each. The range is still from -50 to 50, but the effects are slightly different.
    • Being dominant increases barter skills and persuasion chance. But will suffer additional wear and tear damage for aggressive sex. Player also receives a "Frustration" debuff post rape that reduces int, perception, and luck. The debuff's effect is stronger the more dominant the player is (-3 each), and weaker the less dominant the player is (-1 each). It lasts for approx 4 in-game hours.
    • Being submissive decreases barter skills and persuasion chance. But gains increased resistance to wear and tear for aggressive sex. If extremely submissive, player will not receive any penalty for aggressive sex. Also receives a permanent endurance (+1 ~ +3) buff from being accustomed to pain.
    • Mod will initially ask the player to select a starting dominant/submissive orientation for the player. Can select between "Dominant", "Mildly Dominant", "Neutral", "Mildly Submissive", and "Submissive". Selecting neutral does not give you any buffs or debuffs
    • Dominant/submissive orientation is designed to be more of a permanent trait for the player. It can be changed, however:
    • Added an MCM toggle to enable/disable "Personality change". If enabled, player will start to become more submissive when being sexually assaulted at 0 spirit. Also, player will start to become more dominant when gaining experience at 100 spirit. This is to allow roleplay where your player becomes broken and turned submissive.
  • Summary: The three pillars of psychological attributes are now: self-esteemwillpower, and spirit, which all affect each other. Dominant/submissive is an independent trait that aren't affected by the three attributes (unless you have personality change enabled).

-CHANGED: Willpower no longer affects self-esteem gain/loss.

-CHANGED: Willpower instead affects how fast/slow you accrue points into spirit. 

-PLUGIN MOD - FPAAttributesHUD: Updated to also show new spirit attribute.




Great job in coming up with an update addressing the Dom/Sub and SPECIAL binding issue so fast. I know it's hard to come up with a design while Submissive is an attribute that is overall detrimental to a character's SPECIAL attribute but I think the new changes you made does pull it off. A sub may most likely be sexually assaulted more frequently which leads to losing the self-esteem which leads to slower AP regeneration that affects her/his combat capability. But constantly wining fights can increase self-esteem and offset that. I think this would work. 


One thing that stands out to me is that multiple stats all add the same impact to the SPECIAL/character ability:

. self-esteem affects charisma which affects persuasion and bartering

. will power affects persuasion

. spirit affects barter skill and persuasion

. Dom/Sun affects bartering and persuasion


I don't know the business logic in your script but the above is based on your latest feature description. All 4 attributes add effect to the same area seem a bit too excessive.

Given that you already designed the 3 main attributes self-esteem, will power, and spirit always affect each other, maybe all you need to do is to leave only one of the 3 attributes that can affect the bartering and persuasion. After all, the other 2 will spill over to the one and still contribute their influence to the effect of bartering and persuasion. And with your 3 main attributes already jointly affect the bartering and persuasion, the Dom/Sub attribute affecting the same thing seems redundant.


Maybe some new effect can be introduced to the Dom/Sub attribute so this new system could be more versatile. One thing the system hasn't seemed to explore much is the erotic psychological effect brought from Dom/Sub.  A Dom usually draws great pleasure from dominating while a sub experiences euphoria when submitting. Maybe you could design some rule so that a Dom sexually assaults others will create huge buff to her/his capability temporarily while the sub will also get some kind of buff while being taken against their will or just submit. 


As usual, thanks for creating this framework and it will be great to see Mods begin to use it.


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4 minutes ago, dev1antM1nd said:

Great job in coming up with an update addressing the Dom/Sub and SPECIAL binding issue so fast. I know it's hard to come up with a design while Submissive is an attribute that is overall detrimental to a character's SPECIAL attribute but I think the new changes you made does pull it off. A sub may most likely be sexually assaulted more frequently which leads to losing the self-esteem which leads to slower AP regeneration that affects her/his combat capability. But constantly wining fights can increase self-esteem and offset that. I think this would work. 


One thing that stands out to me is that multiple stats all add the same impact to the SPECIAL/character ability:

. self-esteem affects charisma which affects persuasion and bartering

. will power affects persuasion

. spirit affects barter skill and persuasion

. Dom/Sun affects bartering and persuasion


I don't know the business logic in your script but the above is based on your latest feature description. All 4 attributes add effect to the same area seem a bit too excessive.

Given that you already designed the 3 main attributes self-esteem, will power, and spirit always affect each other, maybe all you need to do is to leave only one of the 3 attributes that can affect the bartering and persuasion. After all, the other 2 will spill over to the one and still contribute their influence to the effect of bartering and persuasion. And with your 3 main attributes already jointly affect the bartering and persuasion, the Dom/Sub attribute affecting the same thing seems redundant.


Maybe some new effect can be introduced to the Dom/Sub attribute so this new system could be more versatile. One thing the system hasn't seemed to explore much is the erotic psychological effect brought from Dom/Sub.  A Dom usually draws great pleasure from dominating while a sub experiences euphoria when submitting. Maybe you could design some rule so that a Dom sexually assaults others will create huge buff to her/his capability temporarily while the sub will also get some kind of buff while being taken against their will or just submit. 


As usual, thanks for creating this framework and it will be great to see Mods begin to use it.


To the last paragraph I posted about adding buff to Dom/Sub, maybe you can have an alternative. A buff is just something nice to have. One can easily do without. So it's almost inconsequential. Usually in the psychology of Dom/Sub, that could be almost addictive. It's something one would actually crave when one gets deep into it. Thus the buff is a more passive approach. The more active approach is maybe using FO4's existing chem-addicting mechanism. So there is a baseline. While the crave is around the baseline, there is no positive or negative impact. When below it, one would suffer the negative and above, the positive. I think that would make the Dom/Sub effect more meaningful. Just some thought.

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I like the concept.  Trying it out.  This looks to be right up my alley.   :smiley: 


The default HUD size and position was, for me, too small and placed where messages display.  So, I set the size to 1.8 and arrayed them across the top (10, 210, 410, 610, 810).  Altering the settings was easy, worked great, and the position steps were set perfectly, at 10.


Now, I like seeing the numbers, it's something I need to know, but I have to refer to the description in the pip-boy to know what it actually means.  Don't have a good solution, just sayin'.  :tongue: 



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