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SexoutSlavery v1.4.11 (1/23/2013)

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SexoutSlavery is now included with the base Sexout package. This topic is now for support/development only. There is no download. Shoo.


For documentation and the old, original post, see below.

This mod does nothing on its own. If you aren't using a mod which requires SexoutSlavery, you don't need this.
If you are here simply to download the mod, skip to the bottom of this post. Info for modders can be found inside the spoilers.

Mods which require SexoutSlavery:
SewerSlave (SexoutSS_C.esp only)
Sexout Tryouts


The basics
SexoutSlavery runs most of its functions off of a few variables:
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.master - Who owns the player.
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.slaveryType - How the player is restricted. More specifically, where the player is restricted to.
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.punishmentType - How the player will be punished if they break the "slaveryType".

The variables
While most of the variables in SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ do something, a number of them don't. If they aren't listed below, they probably don't work.

While you're working, feel free to open up SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ for reference. I've described most of the variables there, so you don't have to have this page open at all times.

Nearly every variable below can be changed without having to re-enslave the player. The automated systems will adjust themselves as needed. However, I ask that you re-enslave the player when transferring ownership.

//// Main variables \\\\

SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.SlaveryID - The ID for this enslavement scenario. Make it whatever large, random number you'd like. This is so you can track if your scripts should be running and for your dialog trees.
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.master - The primary owner of the player. This can be an actor or an object (if you want to tether the player to a specific area).
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.slaveryType - How the player will be tracked for punishment. The available options are:

  • 0 - free roaming [default]
  • 1 - leashed
  • 2 - player must stay within a certain radius of "master"
  • 3 - player must be in the same cell as "master" or be within a certain radius
  • 4 - player must be in a cell listed in the SexoutSlaverySafeCells Form List
  • 5 - a combination of type 3 and 4
  • 6 - the player will be treated like an escapee at all times. NPCs that are masters or belong to the "masterFaction" faction reference will immediately start combat with the player.

SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.punishmentType - The type of automated punishment given when the player breaks the rule(s) defined in slaveryType. Values are shown below:

  • 0 - no punishment [default]
  • 1 - knock out the player and move them to their master (not implemented)
  • 2 - explode the player's collar
  • 3 - inject the player with the ingestible item defined by "injectionRef"
  • 4 - start combat with the player
  • 5 - talk to the player when sighted

SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.punishmentDialog - What topic will be spoken to the player when sighted. [punishmentType 5 only]
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.distanceThreshold - How far away the player can be from the master. Only applies to slaveryType 2, 3, and 5.
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.workType - Only workType 1 is operational at this time. It is basically the "tryout" system from Loogie's Sexout Tryout plugins.
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.takeItems - What items should be removed from the player's inventory. Exceptions can be included in the SexoutSlaveryEquipmentAllowed Form List. The options are:

  • 0 - None. Leave the inventory as-is. [default]
  • 1 - All important, non-essential items.
  • 2 - Weapons only.

SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.stolenItemsContainer - The reference that will store the player's items. If nothing is set and "takeItems" is non-zero, they will be moved to "SexoutSlaveryItemsLocker".
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.Collar - The item that will be equipped as a "collar". If nothing is set, a default one will be equipped. It is just for show.

//// Secondary variables \\\\

SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.noCollar - If a collar should be equipped on the player when enslaved.
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.noWarningMessage - If set to 1, no warning will be displayed when the player is about to be punished.
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.timeToPunishment - How long the player has until punishment will take place. Default is 10 seconds.
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.noFreedomOnMasterDeath - If seet to 1 and all masters are dead (SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.master & SexoutSlaveryExtraMasters Form List), freedom is not automatically given. If set to 0 [default] the player will be freed when all masters are dead.
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.injectionRef - The item to be equipped to the player if punishmentType 2 is used.
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.injectionTimeout - Time between injections. Default is 5 seconds.
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.keepCollar - If the player should keep their collar after being freed.

//// workType variables \\\\

SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.noDialog - If using workType 1, NPCs will skip dialog when approaching and go right to sex
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.demandSexDialog - If using workType 1, what the NPCs will say to the player when approaching. If you use your own topic, you must start sex manually.
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.workingFaction - Which faction (outside of masters) will demand sex.
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.mastersDontApproach - If 1, masters (including the master faction) won't approach the player for sex.

//// Reaction variables \\\\

SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.noWeapons - If the player is allowed to have weapons. When spotted, master/master-associated NPCs will start combat with the player.
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.noClothes - If the player is allowed to wear clothes (SexoutSlaveryEquipmentAllowed and SexoutNGNudeBodies are exceptions)
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.noClothesDialog - What masters/MasterFac will say to the player when seen without clothes
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.canSubmit - If the player can submit to the master/master-related NPC after trying to escape.
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.submissionDialog - The topic initiated when the player submits to a master after an escape. A default topic will be used if none is provided. If you use your own dialog, ensure that you run "playerRef.setRestrained 0" and "set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.submitted to 0" in it. If you are using slaveryType 6, you'll probably have to use this to return the player to the previous enslavement.
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.noSneaking - If masters should react to the player sneaking around.
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.noSneakingDialog - What masters/masterFac will say to the player sneaking around
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.noCollarReaction - 0 == no reaction to seeing the player without a collar, 1 == masters/masterfac will talk to the player when seen without a collar, 2 == masters/masterfac will attack the player when seen without a collar
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.noCollarDialog - what masters will say to the player when without a collar (noCollarRaction == 1)

Setting up the script
To properly enslave the player, you need to run things in a particular order. I suggest using the following script as a template, to avoid problems:

scn myEnslavementScript
float timer

begin GameMode
	if( playerRef.isSpellTarget SexoutSlaveryFreePlayer )
		; Because GameBryo is retarded and can't do things in the correct order.
		if(timer < 1)
			set timer to timer + getSecondsPassed

		; Set your variables here.
		; Add stuff to forms here.
		playerRef.CIOS SexoutSlaveryEnslavePlayer
	elseif( playerRef.isSpellTarget SexoutSlaveryEnslavePlayer == 0)
		playerRef.CIOS SexoutSlaveryFreePlayer

Then tack that script onto a new Misc Item and add it to the player (or whoever you want) when you're ready to enslave him/her.

For example, a sample script could be:

scn SexoutSlaveryTestDialogScript
float timer
; Enslaves the player to Sarah in Vault 21.
; This script can be found in SexoutSlavery.esm, and the accompanying dialog can be found in SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ, under SexoutSlaveryTestDialog.

begin GameMode
	if( playerRef.isSpellTarget SexoutSlaveryFreePlayer )
		; Because GameBryo is retarded and can't do things in the correct order.
		if(timer < 1)
			set timer to timer + getSecondsPassed

		set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.SlaveryID to 2703 ; Some number.
		set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.master to SarahWeintraubREF ; Sarah will be the primary master.
		set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.slaveryType to 4 ; The player must stay within certain cells
		set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.punishmentType to 2 ; The collar will explode if outside of the cells.
		set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.takeItems to 1 ; All items will be removed from the player.
		set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.stolenItemsContainer to SarahWeintraubREF ; Sarah will take the player's items.
		AddFormToFormList SexoutSlaverySafeCells 2EOVault21 ; All Valut 21 cells are safe to roam.
		AddFormToFormList SexoutSlaveryExtraMasters VMS21aCarlitosREF ; Carlitos is a secondary master.
		playerRef.CIOS SexoutSlaveryEnslavePlayer
	elseif( playerRef.isSpellTarget SexoutSlaveryEnslavePlayer == 0)
		playerRef.CIOS SexoutSlaveryFreePlayer

Defining "Master" NPCs
There are three ways to define "master" NPCs:
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.master - The primary owner of the player.
SexoutSlaveryExtraMasters (form list) - A list of secondary masters.
SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.masterFaction (reference) - The faction that owns the player. NPCs in this faction will react to the player and will be used by workType 1, but they do not need to be killed to automatically gain freedom.

Using workType 1 ("tryout" style)
This workType is very simple. "Master" NPCs will approach the player for sex, randomly. Set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.demandSexDialog to the topic which "master" NPCs will say to the player when approaching. If you don't include a topic, a default one will be used for you. If you'd like NPCs to always skip dialog and go right to sex, set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.noDialog to 1. Please note that your custom dialog must initiate sex. SexoutSlavery will not start it for you unless you skip the dialog. You can use "workingFaction" and "mastersDontApproach" to prostitute the player out to other factions.

Setting up slavery rules
There are several "rules" available to use. The most common of these is the "slaveryType", which defines what area(s) the player is contained to. When the "slaveryType" rule is broken, the "punishmentType" will run, with a customizable delay inbetween. Additionally, the player can be restricted to certain clothes or no clothes ("noClothes"), restricted to no weapon or certain weapons ("noWeapons"), they can be caught sneaking ("noSneaking"), they can submit to a "master" NPC ("canSubmit"), and the "master" NPCs can react with combat or dialog when the player has no collar ("noCollarReaction", 1 for dialog, 2 for combat).
To set which topics will be said to the player, use "noClothesDialog", "noSneakingDialog", "submissionDialog", and/or "noCollarDialog". If none is set and the features are enabled, default dialog will be used.

Other important things
SexoutSlaveryStats (Quest) - Holds enslavement stats. Pick through it and use what you need.
SexoutSlaveryCollarRemote (Misc Item) - A basic collar remote w/ script. If the player acquires it, their collar is removed. The player is NOT free.

Active SlaveryIDs:

1865 - "Rustlers"
3030, 3031 - SexoutPowder.esp
39794 - "Sarina"
47891 - SexoutSlavery_Example.esp
65549 - SexoutSS_C.esp
1723 - SexoutLegion.esm

There's an example of this in action here.

Change log:

Update v1.1
- Added Fast Travel limitations while enslaved.
- Removed some console prints.

Update v1.2
- Implemented the leash slaveryType (1).
- Implemented the nonlethal (move player) punishmentType.
- Added default dialog and a basic whoring system (requires workType 2 and useDefaultDialog set to 1).
- Improved the collar controller script.
- Bug fixes.

Update v1.3
- Implemented the "noWeapons" flag.
- Implemented combat reactions to NPCs. If associated to the master or is a master, NPCs will fight you if they see that you're escaping or are using a weapon with the "noWeapons" flag on.
- Implemented submitting to a master (or someone associated to a master) while trying to escape. The dialog can easily be swapped out.
- Added a new slaveryType (6), "Recapture". While this is active, the player will always be treated by the master/master faction as escaping.

Update v1.3.1
- Custom collars now equip as intended.
- Added a beeping noise to the collar when out of range. Disable it with SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.noWarningMessage.

Update v1.4
- WorkType 1 & 2 implemented (mostly). In type 1, master NPCs approach you, and in type 2, you approach potential clients. Type 2 is still a bit of a WIP.
- noClothing, noSneaking, and noCollarReaction flags implemented.
- Cleaned up some of the errors/unused code and forms.
- Implemented SexoutSlaverySafeCellsMarkers (for use outdoors, where the cell list doesn't work) and SexoutSlaverySafeWorldspaces.
- Added the percDefiant variable to SexoutSlaveryStats.
- takeItems 1 now includes ammo.
- Fixed slaveryType 4/5 not evaluating cells correctly.
- Fixed noWeapons not following the SexoutSlaveryEquipmentAllowed form list.
- Some other little things that I forgot.

Update v1.4.1
- Improved leash code.
- Fixed "PunishmentType 4" cell checks. Only the first cell in the list was being checked.
- Fixed other little bugs.

Update v1.4.2
- Added punishmentType 5
- Added advanced leash controls (SexoutSlaveryLeash quest)
- Removed Herobrine.

Update v1.4.3
- Fixed secondary masters not reacting. (Thanks to NVSE Extender!)

Update v1.4.4
- Fixed nude, pregnant bodies from being seen as "clothes". For real this time. I swear.

Update v1.4.5
- Fixed sex causing pissy masters.

Update v1.4.6
- Fixed slaveryType 5's punishment determination.

Update v1.4.7
- Added workingFaction and mastersDontApproach.

Update v1.4.8
- Fixed workingFaction and mastersDontApproach. Derp.

Update v1.4.9
- Fixed children/creatures being allowed in the 'tryout' system.

Update v1.4.10
- Fixed children bug, again, for real.

Update v1.4.11
- Fixed FormList buildup.

If you are updating from below v1.3, use a clean save.


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I can go one of two ways with slaver AI; either I continue trying to make them travel to a marker that I automatically move, or I would randomly assign one of your AI package(s) for what to do after capturing the player. Any preferences?


I'll try to get some pre-made dialog and pre-made work systems (with a working example) into the next release, but otherwise, do anyone have anything that they really want or need? Otherwise I'll just start shoving in whatever.

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I can go one of two ways with slaver AI; either I continue trying to make them travel to a marker that I automatically move' date=' or I would randomly assign one of your AI package(s) for what to do after capturing the player. Any preferences?


I'll try to get some pre-made dialog and pre-made work systems (with a working example) into the next release, but otherwise, do anyone have anything that they really want or need? Otherwise I'll just start shoving in whatever.



Well I would suggest that maybe that person or persons (who are above suspicion)be the "in" for slavery such as major dahtri,alice mcafferty or even ol' trudy the town mom and even more obviously the omerta's. just had a thought that even lady jane could just waiting there....for you

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So here's the promised example ESP. In the process of making this, I found a whole new set of bugs. Part of which required me to add a timer to the enslavement script template, so be sure to check out that part of the first post again.


Please remember that this ESP is only an example. It is not meant to be a full or complete mod. Its only function is to enslave to player to Sarah from Vault 21 if you ask her. You'll then be able to run around and whore yourself out for caps. Basically, Sewer Slave, but now with less code and a bit unpolished. Sarah will even demand caps if you don't give her any for too long.

Mind you, 99% of what this little ESP does is powered by the SexoutSlavery ESM. Even the dialog. All this does is tie it together and state who does what and how to enslave/monitor the player. And all of this doesn't have to be used.



Oh, and to quickly reach Vault 21 (for the sake of testing this), use "coc 2eoVault21GiftShop". Also, I want to remind you guys that you don't have to use everything included in SexoutSlavery. It's designed not to use any options unless you ask it to.


EDIT (2/29/2012):

Updated for v1.4.


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This seems really thought-out, and you did a great job making it really simple from a story-writing perspective. Particularly if you look at the example ESP, it's easy to work out what pieces go where and how things work--always important where sex is concerned, eh? :) Great stuff, man.

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Okay, added the new flags to the OP. If anyone needs it explained further, just ask.


Thx for your great mod :). Also I found this framework provides a function to break the slave's will' date=' how does that work?



Right now it's mostly just a value (Percent broken: SexoutSlaveryStats.percBroken). The default dialogs will raise/lower it, and how the master(s) reacts changes slightly depending on how high/low it is. And the new submission dialog will be more likely to occur and you're more likely to be forgiven if you are more broken in. So if someone doesn't use the default dialog, "percBroken" won't do anything. It also resets every time you're freed, so each mod is welcome to use that value in their own way.


I'm also working on stuff to calculate the player's worth, so the player could easily be sold off to a new master, if desired. Ideally, between myself and other modders, there could be enough content to warrant the player being sold a few times before they'd be bored enough to escape. Or try to escape. :P

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Right now it's mostly just a value (Percent broken: SexoutSlaveryStats.percBroken). The default dialogs will raise/lower it, and how the master(s) reacts changes slightly depending on how high/low it is. And the new submission dialog will be more likely to occur and you're more likely to be forgiven if you are more broken in. So if someone doesn't use the default dialog, "percBroken" won't do anything. It also resets every time you're freed, so each mod is welcome to use that value in their own way.


I'm also working on stuff to calculate the player's worth, so the player could easily be sold off to a new master, if desired. Ideally, between myself and other modders, there could be enough content to warrant the player being sold a few times before they'd be bored enough to escape. Or try to escape. :P


If you're using your own dialog, its still possible to use percBroken to track submission/defiance, right? You just need to use "SexoutSlaveryStats.percBroken" in your dialog resultscripts, if I understand the whole concept properly.


Is it possible to blend punishment/slavery types? The mod I'm working on now begins at percBroken 50, and then you either have to act defiant or submissive to get that number to the point where additional options open up. Maybe if you create multiple slavery "tokens" with scripts attached, and exchange them when a certain level is reached? Perhaps it's too much of a hassle.



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If you're entirely using your own dialog, SexoutSlavery will completely leave percBroken alone. You're free to change percBroken through your own dialogs/scripts. Though, I don't get why you'd need the tokens.

And which punishment/slavery types did you want mixed? Keep in mind, you can change those (and basically every variable) on the fly. So if you want to suddenly leash the player, for example, you'd just change slaveryType to 1 and adjust distanceThreshold as needed. The only things that you shouldn't change are the collar settings (noCollar and the "Collar" reference). Anything else that's documented is fair game.

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Uh, well, disclaimer: I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to scripting. But you mentioned in the OP that you should add a token to the players inventory containing your model script, and contained in that is the slaverytype, punishmenttype etc. variables that define the slavery rules. So if you wanted to change those rules on the fly, you could have tokens set up with different settings and swap them in and out of the inventory? Or can you change those with resultscripts from dialog?


I thought that as you grow more submissive, the slavers (Legion in my case) would be more lenient and the opposite with defiance. So maybe they just kick your ass if you try to escape at nearly-max broken, and put a bomb collar on you if you become dangerously defiant. Something like that.

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Oh, yes, you can change those without a token. Unless you're transferring ownership to a new master or group of masters, then there's no reason to use extra tokens. Just toss "set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.punishmentType 4" into the dialog results and they'll start combat when escaping, instead of whatever you had before. However, if you gave anyone a collar remote, they can still blow your head off if they're in combat with you. I should probably make that not happen with this punishmentType...


Using the new submission feature would be a good idea, too, since it'd be the only way to stop them from killing you. Well, you could make your own scripts, but that'd be silly. Just add in "set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.canSubmit to 1" after you swap the punishmentType. Change SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.submissionDialog to your own topic if you don't want the default topic used.


If you're adding/removing collars, then just be sure that you change the SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.Collar reference as you're equipping/unequipping it on the player. That way, when the player is freed, it's not accidentally left on. You could do a token for adding/removing the collar, but you don't have to.



Oh, and I guess adding/removing the collar would mean toggling "noCollar", too. Saying 'don't change noCollar and Collar' was a bit of a lie, now. Oh well, I blame my lack of sleep.

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I probably should've mentioned that somewhere. You hold the crouch key to submit. If it's enabled and you're able to submit, a message saying to hold crouch will pop up. The default dialog is swayed in the favor of highly-broken and high-worth players, and it can take a few seconds for someone to accept your submission if you aren't broken-in much.

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Will do, Loogie. In that case, I'll probably hand-craft each pack of slavers, rather than randomizing them.


So right now I'm tossing around ideas on how to take advantage of how broken the player is. I'm thinking of controlling the player by:

- preventing attacking when aiming at a master

- preventing drawing a weapon/fists

- preventing normal dialog

- preventing stealing

- forcing the player to find, walk to, and service a "client"


Each of these would be completely optional and could automatically activate once "percBroken" reaches a value which you assign. Additionally, a message would pop up stating that the limitation(s) kicked in.


Setting this up would probably go like:

set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.useBrainwashing to 1      ;Enables this feature
set SexoutSlaveryBrainwashing.cantAttackMaster to 30      ;Enables when 30% broken
set SexoutSlaveryBrainwashing.cantDrawWeapon to -1      ;Disabled (it would be -1 by default, so this line would be unnecessary unless you're disabling the feature)
set SexoutSlaveryBrainwashing.cantTalkNormally to 60      ;Enables when 60% broken
set SexoutSlaveryBrainwashing.cantSteal to 60      ;Enables when 60% broken
set SexoutSlaveryBrainwashing.mustFindClient to 90      ;Enables when 90% broken

set SexoutSlaveryBrainwashing.FindClientThreshold to 200      ;time, in real seconds, from the last fuck until the player is forced to find a client 
set SexoutSlaveryBrainwashing.FindClientDialog to someDialogTopicReference      ;the topic used when the player is forced to talk to a client. A default topic will be used if this isn't changed. 


Part of this would also include adding a key specifically for propositioning NPCs. SmallerTalk could be skipped entirely, and non-slavery dialog could be avoided, if desired. Also, all dialog would be disabled if you have a gag in your mouth.


Sounds good?

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The one thing that's bugged me about sewer slave and this mod is how becoming a slave just means your a prostitute but they take your money.Maybe you could add it so when your enslaved they sell you to new owners.Maybe link it to tryouts by having the slavers sell you too legion/fiends/powdergangers would add a good twist. Or maybe a whore house or just some sicko that chains you to his wall like princess Leah.

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Sorry to be a bother, but I think I'm fundamentally missing something script-wise. I took the default script in the OP, and with some copy-pasting, made this:



scn SexoutAPSlavery1

float timer

; In theory, this is the beginning stage of SexoutAP.


begin GameMode

if( playerRef.isSpellTarget SexoutSlaveryFreePlayer )

; Because GameBryo is retarded and can't do things in the correct order.

if(timer < 1)

set timer to timer + getSecondsPassed




set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.SlaveryID to 666 ; The number of the beast!

set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.master to LegionaryDeadSeaREF ; Dead Sea will be the primary master.

set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.slaveryType to 4 ; The player must stay within certain cells

set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.punishmentType to 2 ; The collar will explode if outside of the cells.

set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.takeItems to 1 ; All items will be removed from the player.

set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.stolenItemsContainer to LegionaryDeadSeaREF ; Dead Sea will take the player's items.

set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.Collar to SexoutSKSTCollar02

set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.canSubmit to 1

set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.submissionDialog to APSubmissionDialog

set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.noWeapons to 1

set SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.useDefaultDialog to 0



AddFormToFormList SexoutSlaverySafeCells Nelson ; All Nelson cells are safe to roam. In theory.

AddFormToFormList SexoutSlaverySafeCells NelsonHighground

AddFormToFormList SexoutSlaverySafeCells NelsonBarracks01

AddFormToFormList SexoutSlaverySafeCells NelsonBarracks02

AddFormToFormList SexoutSlaverySafeCells NelsonHouse01

AddFormToFormList SexoutSlaverySafeCells NelsonHouse02

AddFormToFormList SexoutSlaverySafeCells NelsonHouse03

AddFormToFormList SexoutSlaverySafeCells NelsonHouse04

AddFormToFormList SexoutSlaverySafeCells NelsonHouse05


AddFormToFormList SexoutSlaveryExtraMasters SexoutAPCicero ; Cicero is a secondary master.


playerRef.CIOS SexoutSlaveryEnslavePlayer


elseif( playerRef.isSpellTarget SexoutSlaveryEnslavePlayer == 0)

playerRef.CIOS SexoutSlaveryFreePlayer





Attached that script to a misc item, and added the item to the players inventory when the player is enslaved (through dialog). But...nothing happens when I test it (I made a bunch of test dialog options that only fire when SexoutSlaveryPlayerQ.Enslaved=1, and they won't go). I have the feeling I'm missing something basic and important, but I guess I lack the ability to point it out--even after comparing it to the example script.



edit: Oh, by the way--if you're taking suggestions on features, the NoClothing thing sounds awesome. But a way to restrict the player to certain outfits would very useful.

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You're not a bother at all! I'd much rather you ask questions than get frustrated and quit.


The script looks fine. Where are the new dialog options supposed to be showing up? If they're supposed to pop up when the player initiates conversation with an NPC, you have to use "addTopic" to add it to the list of things that the player can ask. For example "addTopic SexoutAPSomeTopic". You could just toss it into that script shown above. And you only have to add the initial topic, not the rest of the topics in that dialog tree.

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You're not a bother at all! I'd much rather you ask questions than get frustrated and quit.


The script looks fine. Where are the new dialog options supposed to be showing up? If they're supposed to pop up when the player initiates conversation with an NPC' date=' you have to use "addTopic" to add it to the list of things that the player can ask. For example "addTopic SexoutAPSomeTopic". You could just toss it into that script shown above. And you only have to add the initial topic, not the rest of the topics in that dialog tree.



The dialogue system is a little more complicated than I first thought, but I'm just referring to a quick-and-dirty test Greeting on a test NPC. Just to see if all the variables had set properly. Though it's obvious they haven't, since the PC's items aren't being stripped either, and no collar is being added. Can't figure out what I've done wrong at all--the item is added to inventory fine, it's just apparently not doing anything.

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