a_random_user Posted December 1, 2024 Posted December 1, 2024 Enthralled: Custom Npc Quests for Paradise Halls View File This mod adds custom made NPCs to Skyrim, with quests to capture them in the Pahe framework or the Diary of Mine framework. ESL flagged. Some of the new NPC's can be bought from an inn. Others are part of a quest . Many of these NPC's already have some training, depending on how you got them. If you have Diary of Mine installed, they will also have relevant personality, kinks, and slaver training. There are currently 4 unique npc's that you can directly buy, and 10 that are connected to 4 separate quests. There is 1 unique item that can be found. The quests are independent from each other. Each character has their own backstory. You can discover this by speaking to them, finding notes, or speaking to people familiar with them. Many of these references are dependent on the character's training, quest progress, or your own speech skill. For example, someone might lie to you if you have low speech, but come clean if you have high speech. Some of these options will also influence the character's training stats. And if you just want to buy a slave without combat, check out the prisons of Markarth, Riften, Solitude, and Whiterun. There you can find 4 or 5 randomly generated prisoners that the Jarl has sentenced to slavery. These prisoners are based on the leveled lists of your game, so you might see faces that were added by your own mods. This feature can be turned off through dialogue ingame. Download and installation You will always need the main file: Enthralled Custom NPCs for Pahe If you want to use the Botox appearance of the new NPCs, you'll need Enthralled Botox Patch If you want to use the NPCs to have High Poly Heads and KSHairdos, you'll need the Enthralled High Poly Head and KShairdos patch Only use 1 appearance patch, let it overwrite the main file. The High Poly and KSHair patch comes with a light plugin patch. Load this after the main file. If you use Diary of Mine version 7, you'll need Enthralled DOM7 patch. Earlier versions of DOM do not need a patch. Note that DOMv7 is still in beta. Detailed overview Simple Unique Slaves These are slaves with a custom appearance and backstory, but are not attached to quests. Approach their owner and pay gold, and they're yours. Currently, there are 2 slaves that you could buy in an inn. They cost 2000 gold, which you pay to the innkeeper. They come with decent training. They work as generic prostitutes before you buy them. Bunny, Breton: in the BraidWood Inn Tilu, Dunmer: New Gnisis Cornerclub There are 2 slaves that you could buy in a prison. They cost 1500 gold, which you pay to any guard in the same cell. Their training is poor, however, they make for decent DOM trainers and taskmasters. Astia, Imperial: in the Riften Jail Yatava, Orc: Dawnstar jail A special case is Nille. She's a slave to Gisli in Solitude. There are two ways to get her: if you have completed the first part of the Riften Beggars and Nobles questline, you can buy her from Gisli, but there are some conditions to this. Or you could just kill or enslave Gisli and take Nille for yourself. Quests: Riften Beggars and Nobles This quest start with the beggar Bette. You'll find her in front of the temple of Mara in Riften. Talk to her, and eventually she'll offer to sell herself if you pay her debt to the temple. Pay the money to a priest (Maramal, Dinya, ...) and return to collect your prize. Some of the dialogue choices you make here will affect the initial stats that Bette will start with. A few days after buying Bette, you'll receive a letter from the courier. Bette's friend Esmee has a similar proposal, but this time it will take more effort. She wants to find whoever is responsible for her and Bette's misfortune. And she wants revenge at all costs. First, you'll need to find the bandits responsible for the attack. Esmee can give you some advice on where to start looking. Spoiler You can discover the location in the following ways: Spoiler Ask a guard. Unfortunately, Riften guards are not very reliable, so this will only narrow it down to 2 options. Ask the innkeeper about a man searching for his kidnapped wife, this will point you to a vanilla npc. Ask someone from the thieves guild. A certain NPC from this mod will also answer this. Ask Nille directly. This requires a persuasion check, as it's a memory she doesn't want to revisit. Nille's owner might mention it in one of her dialogue options. just attack every bandit camp in the area, you'll find it eventually. You can find the evidence in Spoiler Mistwatch, you'll find a letter in the boss's room. It's on the shelf with a sack of gold. The journal is not required for the quest, but gives insight on what happened. Once you have the evidence and the mastermind has been revealed, speak to Esmee again to start the quest Esmee's Revenge. You'll need to do 3 things before your main target appears in Skyrim. Deliver the evidence to the Riften Steward, kill 1 NPC, and finally capture and question another NPC. Speak to Bette for the locations, and tips. Spoiler You will find Fryssa in the Bard's college, in Solitude. Verbally threaten her, and she'll come without a fight. Kjor is in Old Hroldan Inn. You can assassinate him, but you can also pick a fight with him. If he attacks you, you can kill him without a bounty. Bonus: Spoiler If you kill Kjor, and Fryssa hears about it before you've gotten her, she will act more hostile towards you. This will also make your threats more effective, and she'll have bonus fear training. Fryssa will need a Submission of 50 before she gives you a coded message. If Fryssa is loaded in the DOM framework, she'll need 50 Resignation instead. Bring the message to Esmee, wait a few days, and Bjar will appear in Falkreath. Kill him and Esmee is yours. Spoiler There are a few methods to kill Bjar, besides the usual: You can lie to him, tell him Kjor and Fryssa are imprisoned in Riften. He'll start traveling toward the city, through the wilderness, with no witnesses. Make sure you kill him before he arrives in Riften though. You can pick a fight like you did with Kjor If he sees you with an enslaved Fryssa, he'll attack you. You won't get a bounty. Killing Bjar also gives a training bonus to some NPC's. Bette and Nille (if you have her) will get respect training. Fryssa will get fear and resignation training. Unwilling Bride In the temple of Solitude, you'll find a woman, Silvia, desperately praying. Speak with her, and you'll discover that she's fleeing from her marriage, and would do anything to truly escape. If you accept, you'll first have to kill the two scouts that are watching her. The first is a blue Argonian on the battlements, the second is better hidden. Look for someone who doesn't fit. For the location, click the spoiler. Spoiler There is a guard who's wearing Dwarven boots and gauntlets, he should be standing above the Emperor's gate in the Castle Dour courtyard. Once the way is clear, you can take Silvia with you. After a few days, Silvia's fiancé will start sending thugs after you. These will happen in wilderness encounters. One of them will drop a note with information on their leader's location. The random encounters will end when the quest "Hunting the Hunters" has been completed. Spoiler The leader's location is in Brittleshin pass. You'll find a note in a strongbox pointing you to 2 lieutenants in Dragon Bridge and Kynesgrove. You must kill them both. A future update will provide more options in dealing with these 2 targets. Thalmor Assets This quest starts with Belethor. You can buy a suspiciously cheap slave from him, for 600 gold. The slave is an Altmer named Curime. You can pick her up south of Chillfurrow Farm, in the little building without walls. As soon as you've raised her Submission to 10, she'll volunteer information about a unique artifact called the Vision of Vigor. It is a circlet with a unique Detect Life spell, that can be cast silently. First you'll need to find a Thalmor Justiciar by the name of Iniel somewhere in Skyrim. Optionally, you can first discover her location in a secret Thalmor location. Once you've captured her, you must raise her Submission to 80 before she reveals the hiding place of the artifact. Spoiler Iniel's location can be discovered in Spoiler Northwatch Keep. Some of the dialogue with Curime will point you to the Vanilla quest "Missing in Action". It is not necessary to do this quest, as long as you can find the Keep by yourself. Iniel herself can be found near Spoiler Cliffside Retreat. If the NPC's are loaded in DOM, it will require Resignation instead of Submission. Sisters of the North This quest chain consists of 3 separate quests: Sister of Battle The starting quest of the three. If you get involved with the slave trade enough, eventually a woman in Whiterun, Fjora, will challenge you. There are multiple paths to complete this quest, though it will end the same for her: Spoiler *Accept her challenge and fight her immediately. You'll have to fight her until she enters bleedout. Don't worry about accidently killing her. Speak to her once she's on her knees, and you'll enslave her. This will give her a respect bonus. *Accept the challenge, but postpone it. She'll agree to fight you a day later, near the Honningbrew Meadery. Once you get the quest update, go there talk, and the duel starts like the previous option. This will also give a respect bonus. *Reject the challenge. Fjora will say something threatening. Next time that you're in the wilderness, she'll ambush you. She'll use a potion of invisibility and attack you from behind. Defeat her and enslave. This gives a bonus to fear training. *A hidden option: if you postpone or reject the duel, she'll stand around for a while before doing anything. You can capture her with standard PAH/DOM methods, and the quest will complete once you speak with her. (little training bonus) Once that Fjora is enslaved. The other two quest become available. Sister in Chains. Fjora mentions the names Tridi and Soin. Tridi is her sister, who she believes was kidnapped by Soin. Speak to her about them, and this quest will start. You will need to get information to find them. Asking innkeepers, carriage drivers, and information brokers might give you a lead. There are several ways to get to the next point. It could be very short, or you're walking around several cities in Skyrim. Spoiler You can ask all innkeepers and carriage drivers, but not all of them know something. The pointers you'll find are *information brokers (Belethor, Ysolda, Garvey) will point you toward Riften or Solitude *Fjora will mention that she's from Solitude. *The innkeeper at the Winking Skeever knows the people, but has no information for you *The Solitude carriage driver will tell you that Soin came from Riften *The Riften innkeeper will confirm that Soin is a slaver, and point you toward the Radded Flagon. *Vekel will point you towards Rorkistead *The Rorikstead innkeeper will confirm that Soin is there Soin will spend his days working on the Cowflop farm, and at nights he'll be in the Rorikstead inn. Once you find Soin, you need to get some answers from him. There are again multiple paths. Spoiler *Persuade him. This is a Hard persuasion, without perks it will require 75 speech. *Have Fjora "service" him for the information. He'll first move to a secluded place behind the inn. Order Fjora to get him off, and a Sexlab scene will start. Afterwards, he'll tell you. *Kill him. Beware because you can get a bounty. Once he's dead, talk to the people of Rorikstead, and they'll mention that they heard Soin say something. Killing Soin gives a respect bonus to Fjora, even if you already had Tridi's location. Tridi is in a random bandit or warlock dungeon in Skyrim. Clear the dungeon, speak to Tridi, and enslave her. Tridi comes with very high training stats. This location will never be in Solsteim. If you have mod added dungeons with proper radiant quest setup, they can be chosen as well. If Tridi and Fjora are close enough to each other, one of them will ask for permission to have a talk with her sister. Agree, and the quest ends once this scene is done. As a note: Skyrim scenes can be a bit finnicky. If they ask to start the scene, but there are some complications around (enemies, weird terrain, one of them is trying to run away,...) you should tap out until that issue is solved. There is a 30 in game minutes cooldown on the request. Completing the quest will also result in a significant training boost for Fjora. Sister of the hunt This quest is started by taking a letter from Fjora's inventory, and it will lead you to Fjora's other sister Mera. You will need Fjora's help to progress on this quest. This will require: Spoiler *Sister in Chains must be completed, included the dialogue scene between Fjora and Tridi *You must have asked around in Skyrim to discover that Mera is being hunted, and who her chasers are. *The first part you can learn from the Bee and Barb, or from the Bunkhouse in Riften *The second part, you will learn if you speak to the information brokers: Belethor, Ysolda, Garvey, or Vekel. *Fjora's respect training should be at least 90. Many of the previous bonusses can help with getting there. Once you've done the prerequisites, speak to Fjora again. She'll point you to a camp in Haafingar, across the river from the Haafingar Stormcloack Camp. I'll write the rest of the summary later. Jail market There are a lot of criminals in Skyrim, and occasionally, the guards capture a few of them. These criminals can be sentence to slavery as an alternative to imprisonment or execution. In the Jails of Riften, Solitude, and Whiterun, you'll find 4-5 randomly generated convicted prisoners. If you want to buy one, speak to them. They cost 1000 gold each, regardless of prisoner type. Once bought, they will receive a name from the Pahe name list. These prisoners come in 7 different types, of which Captured Bandits are the most common. Each type comes with a bit of training. The training the prisoners get also depends on the jail you buy them from. Solitude is the only jail in Skyrim with a dedicated torture room, not to mention the rumors about the court mage. Prisoners from Solitude get bonus fear training. The corruption from Riften frustrates even the prisoners, and they'll have bonus anger training. Whiterun on the other hand, gives a bonus to Submission/Resignation. The prisons will reset after 20 hours, or if the player has travelled far enough away. All prisoners that weren't bought will be removed, and new ones will be placed the next time you enter the jail. If you want an new group of prisoners immediately, speak to a jail guard. For a small fee, the old group of unsold prisoners will be replaced with a new group. The fee rises each time you use this feature, and resets when the prison resets. If you want, you can turn this feature off. Speak to a guard in one of the three prisons, ask about the prisoners, and tell him that you don't want to see them again. Once the prisoners reset, they won't be replaced. To enable the feature back, speak to Belethor, or Ysolda if he's dead. Or use the console to turn it off: SetValue PqJailEnabledGlobal 0 and back on: SetValue PqJailEnabledGlobal 1 More details in the spoiler. Spoiler The prisoners will use the appearance of the NPC's in your leveled lists. If you have mods that add to these lists, the modded NPC's can also be used. I've tested this with Diverse Skyrim and Deadly Wenches. The lists used per type, and the chance a prisoner will be of that type, are: Bandit (50%): BanditMelee1H + BanditRanged + BanditWizard + WEAdventurerSubChar Marauder (5%): BanditBoss Warlock (25%): WarlockConjuring + WarlockFire + WarlockIce + WarlockStorm+ WarlockNecro Warlock Boss(5%): WarlockBossConjuring + WarlockBossFire + WarlockBossIce + WarlockBossStorm+ WarlockBossNecro Poacher (5%): Hunters Witch (5%): witches Nobles (5%): Vigilant, Dawnguard, GuardSon, SoldierSon They are randomly determined. It's possible for the same face to appear multiple times, though it is very unlikely. The prison resets under the following conditions: 20 hours after the event started. If the player is still in the prison at that time, the system will wait another hour until the player has left If the player enters a wilderness cell If the prison location is no longer loaded, this usually happens if the player fast travels away from the city The price to reset the jail without waiting is 50 gold, and it increases by 50 each time you use the feature. This allows you to quickly reroll the prison group if they weren't to your liking without making it spammable. If the price gets too high, let the prison reset normally. Let me know how these prices work for you. General tips Belethor can point you in the direction of this mod's NPCs. If Belethor is dead, Ysolda takes over this function. Several of the quests require time to pass. If nothing happens after turning in a quest and the npc has no relevent dialogue, try waiting 2-5 days. Some of the quest require you to train a slave to a certain level of Submission. If the slave is loaded in DOM, it will require Resignation. Once you've reached the required level, question the slave again. It sometimes takes a bit of time before the dialogue registers that a training value has met a quest requirement. Some of the dialogue depends on the NPC's training stats or your own skills, they might tell you more if you talk to them after a while. There are a few times in the quests where you have to kill someone in a settlement. If you aren't the sneaky assassin type, there are ways to complete these without incurring a bounty. Remember that if they attack you, even if you provoked them, you won't be considered guilty of a crime. Capturing an npc before the quest tells you to do it might break that quest. Cloning a unique npc is not advised. Diary of Mine If Diary of Mine is installed, the NPCs will get appropriate Personality, Kinks, and DOM training. Dialogue based captures will place the NPC in the DOM framework. If the NPC is loaded in DOM, some of the dialogue checks are changed. Instead of requiring Submission, it will require Resignation. This affects the quests for Fryssa, Curime, and Iniel. This also effects the conditional dialogue of Yatava and Bette. NPC's that are loaded in Pahe will still require Submission, even if DOM is installed. Version 7 requires the Enthralled DOM7 Patch in the downloads. Earlier versions do not. The patch is esl flagged. More details on DOM versions: Spoiler This mod was tested with v5, v6 and v7 of Diary of Mine. It is safe to transfer slaves from PAH to DOM, even when they are involved in a running quest. Some of the dialogue options might act weird if switch them a lot though. DOMv5 is currently considered the stable version. This version is recommended by the mod's author. You don't need a patch for this mod. DOMv6 added slaver skills. If this version is installed, some of the slaves of this mod will come trained in these skills. You don't need a patch for this mod. DOMv7 is the development version. If you want to try it together with my mod, you'll need DOM7 patch v1.3.2_ from the downloads. Hard requirements: Paradise halls extended, with Sexlab addon Fuz Roh D-oh, for the silent dialogues And all their requirements. Jcontainers and Sexlab are used in Enthralled. Soft requirements: optional, the mod will function fine without. Diary of Mine (version 7 requires a patch, versions 5 and 6 do not) KS hairdo's (requires a patch) High Poly head (requires a patch) Botox For Skyrim (requires a patch) (incompatible with the High Poly Head and KSHairdos patch) And their requirements NPC appearance This mod will use your installed body, skin and vanilla eye textures. Here are the replacers that I use for my game. Different replacers will result in a different appearance. Body: 3BA with OBody NG Skin: Bnp with Racial Skin Variance -SPID Vanilla eyes: Improved Eyes Skyrim WIP This mod is still being worked on, though everything in here should work. Feel free to leave a comment to report bugs or to give feedback. Future changes and ideas: Spoiler System for buying bandit prisoners from jails. These will use your leveled lists for their appearance.Done More support for DOM: if DOM is installed, NPC's will be captured in DOM's framework, rather than Pahe's. Done Depending on how things go, I might migrate the whole mod to use DOM and drop the Pahe requirement. This is a long term idea, and only once DOMv7 is stable. Refine the ending of the Unwilling Bride quest Flesh out the stories of the existing NPC's by adding more conditional comments. Done for Bette, Yatava, Nille, and Fryssa, others are WIP Have quest events affect the slave's state. WIP More custom NPC's More unique quests Radiant quests There is an issue where the NPC get significantly greater sex training than they're supposed to in DOM v7. Changelog: Spoiler New in v1.1 *Fixed Silvia's "Some Questions" dialogue branch to make it easier to navigate. *Fixed Belethor's "Rumors" dialogue branch to make it easier to navigate. *Made the quest where you buy Bette miscellaneous, it's more fitting for it's length. *Renamed the Thalmor quest, its reference to intelligence was a relic from an earlier version *Changed Curime's original outfit to no longer use items depending on Devious Devices textures *Curime and Yatava no longer use opposite gender animations *Changed Bette's package, hopefully stopping her from getting stuck. And she can now sit on the bench behind her. *Changed conditions on Curime's, Iniel's, and Fryssa's dialog check. If the NPC is loaded in DOM, it will now require resignation instead of submission. *Fryssa's dialogue check now only requires Submission or Resignation, Fear training is no longer necessary. This makes the checks more consistent. *Made a patch to make sure that these dialogue conditions also work in DOM7. Esl flagged *Fixed the package of the Lucasta scouts in Solitude. If persuaded to leave, they will now actually leave. *Increased Bette's and Silvia's initial Submission/Resignation to be over 60, stopping them from running away after making a deal. *Tweaked Yatava's and Curime's starting stats to be more in line with their backstory. New in v1.2 Main version v1.2 *When capturing through dialogue, the NPC will be added to DOM if possible. If DOM isn't installed, it will use the Pahe system It uses DOM's addactor function, which doesn't immediately spawn the diary. The diary will be added to your inventory the next time you load the game. *updated some of the code for future changes *some typo fixes in dialogue *minor change to Yatava's, Tilu's, Fryssa's, Nille's, Bette's and Esmee's starting stats *added conditional dialogue for Yatava and Bette, under "Come here, I want to talk to you." Their commentary will change depending on their training level and what quests you've completed. *The family forcegreets introduced in DOMv7 have been solved by adding the faction DOMActorFamilyHistory 2 to the NPC. This mod's NPC's will be ignored by this feature from now on. This fix does not apply to NPCs that already were captured before updating. *Fixed a bug that stopped the training bonus from some dialogue choices from registering. DOMv7 patch v1.2 *added faction DOMActorFamilyHistory 2 to Nille, Bette, and Fryssa. This should stop the forcegreet that was introduced in DOM version 7 *The new conditional dialogue checks are also included in the patch, so they work with DOM7 New in v1.3 Safe to update *Jail shopping: there are 4-5 prisoners for sale in Riften, Solitude, and Whiterun jails. They'll use the leveled lists from your game. *The prisoners start with some training, depending on the type of prisoner *The jail buying system can be turned off or on with dialogue *Made a failsafe for Belethor, if he dies, Ysolda will take over for his dialogue options. *Some text and spelling corrections *Script optimisation, assigning traits to NPC's should go faster now New in v1.3.1 Safe to update *When capturing a npc through dialogue, they'll be automatically set to follow you. *When you buy one of the prisoners from the jail, they'll be given a name from the PAH list. This requires JContainers. *For the Jail market: you can talk to a guard to remove the unsold convicts, and bring in a new batch. The price for this will increase each time you do it. It fully resets when the cell naturally respawns again. *more script optimisation. As of this version, the mod no longer directly uses PO3 scripts. v1.3.2 Safe to update midgame. Be careful about updating while Esmee's Revenge quest is running. It's probably safer to update this before or after that. Note that Esmee's Revenge starts when you give Esmee the Mistveil letter. *Enslaving through dialog now immediatly places the diary in the npc's inventory *Getting a slave through a dialogue option now gives the player Slaver skill training (DOMv6+) *Buying Nille with Bette's "help" now makes Gisli a friend, and Bette gets bonus submission and humiliation training *adding an extra check to the start of Esmee's quest, to make sure the courier delivers the note. This shouldn't matter most of the time though. *Fixed the bug where Fryssa already has the coded message in her inventory when meeting her. *Rewrote Fryssa's coded message, and the dialogue around it. Bjar will now carry a decoded note. *Killing Bjar Ice-Vein now gives both Bette and Nille respect training, and Fryssa receives fear and resignation training. *Gave Nille and Fryssa some conditional dialogue. Access with "Come here, I want to talk to you" and "Any thoughts?" *Curime gets a large respect training boost when you capture Iniel. *Set Iniel's and Curime's default kinks. *cleaned up some unused dialogue *Updated the DOMv7 patch The new training functions only work for DOM at the moment. v1.3.3 Safe to update midgame. *updated the training scripts to work for DOM version 7.2. This change will not affect NPC's that were already spawned *scripts will now also support DOM House and DOM Working training. Esmee starts with some training in these. *Changed the Zaz cuffs of the Marauder and the Witch in the jail system. v1.4 *Changed the way the jail system works. The DOM slavetats now should work. *The new method is a bit more intensive than the old, your fps might drop for a second while they're being spawned *When buying a convict, you might see them switch items for a moment. *Cidhna Mine is now available to buy convicts. *Cidhna Mine has a different selection of convicts compared to the other 3. Bandit and warlocks are much rarer, there are no poachers. Instead, there are Forsworn. The Forsworn lists will skew to more female Forsworn. *Female bandits spawn more often in all jails now, this compensates for the fact that bandits list originally skewed towards the male side. *A hidden reputation counter is added. Doing quests and buying slaves will raise this counter. *New Quest chain: Sisters of the North *New Quest: Sister in battle. Once you have reached sufficient reputation, a knight will challenge you in Whiterun. It doesn't end well for her. *New Quest: Sister in chains. The knight has a missing sister *New Quest: Sister of the hunt. *Removed PAH faction from NPC records, they will now only work through scripts and quests *HPH and KSHairdos are no longer hard requirements. The base mod now uses vanilla faces and hair. *A patch for HPH and KSHairdos has been made, to get the pretty faces back *A patch for Botox has been made, incompatible with the HPH and KSHairdos patch, choose 1 *a few changes to the start of Esmee's quest, hopefully fixing it for people who didn't get the courier message. The courier bug seemed to be seperate from this mod *Changed a bit of text from the Unwilling Bride quest, in preparation for a future expansion. Credits: Spoiler This mod used Lovely Makeup, Lovely Makeup 2, and Natural Beauty Makeup by scarlettdays21 and Koralina's Freckles and Moles to make the face textures. The convict jail system was based on a similar system in Crowded Streets. And credit must also go to the many mod authors who publicised their source code or wrote guides, which taught me how to script. Submitter a_random_user Submitted 12/01/2024 Category Adult Mods Requirements Paradise Halls Extended with Sexlab Addon, KS Hairdo's, High Poly Head, Fuz Roh D-oh Regular Edition Compatible No 4
randy1990 Posted December 1, 2024 Posted December 1, 2024 a nice mod i have been looking for something like this for a long time i found a bug i have trained Curime to 100 but she does not give me any information about the artifact or do i have to have a quest?
a_random_user Posted December 1, 2024 Author Posted December 1, 2024 (edited) 1 hour ago, randy1990 said: a nice mod i have been looking for something like this for a long time i found a bug i have trained Curime to 100 but she does not give me any information about the artifact or do i have to have a quest? I'll look into it. Normally, she should say the line "Wait, I have information" when you speak to her when her submission is high enough. The information she gives is mainly about Iniel, Curime only knows that Iniel has the artifact. You could try with the console. Select her, then type AddToFaction PahSubmission 10 then try speaking with her. (Save beforehand though, just in case) If that doesn't work, try GetStage PqTh01 This should give 10, if it gives 0, try Setstage PqTh01 10 Do you have her in PAH or in DOM? Did you get the "Seems my purchase was giftwrapped" line when you picked her up? Edited December 1, 2024 by a_random_user
randy1990 Posted December 1, 2024 Posted December 1, 2024 14 minutes ago, a_random_user said: I'll look into it. Normally, she should say the line "Wait, I have information" when you speak to her when her submission is high enough. You could try with the console. Select her, then type AddToFaction PahSubmission 10 then try speaking with her. (Save beforehand though, just in case) If that doesn't work, try GetStage PqTh01 This should give 10, if it gives 0, try Setstage PqTh01 10 Do you have her in PAH or in DOM? Did you get the "Seems my purchase was giftwrapped" line when you picked her up? the command helped i had ‘Seems my purchase was giftwrapped’ i have dom but i have them in pahe 1
crazymango54 Posted December 2, 2024 Posted December 2, 2024 This is a very interesting concept, I hope to try it out soon. The prisoner options sound especially good. I wonder, would you ever consider making that a recurring thing in most prisons? For example, maybe have some randomly spawning prisoners available for sale at any given time, using bandit encounter NPCs to fill the spots? That would open up an entirely new way to get slaves reliably outside of combat, which is something that has always been lacking in the PAHE world. Either way, very exciting mod. 2
a_random_user Posted December 2, 2024 Author Posted December 2, 2024 13 hours ago, crazymango54 said: This is a very interesting concept, I hope to try it out soon. The prisoner options sound especially good. I wonder, would you ever consider making that a recurring thing in most prisons? For example, maybe have some randomly spawning prisoners available for sale at any given time, using bandit encounter NPCs to fill the spots? That would open up an entirely new way to get slaves reliably outside of combat, which is something that has always been lacking in the PAHE world. Either way, very exciting mod. Glad you like it :) Using Bandit NPC templates to make a guaranteed supply is interesting. I believe Home Sweet Home uses a similar concept. I'll add it to the pile of ideas.
McLovin3 Posted December 2, 2024 Posted December 2, 2024 (edited) This sounds obvious, greedy, and silly. But for more ideas I feel like the answer is simply MORE The variety in the girls and their methods (including quest length) sound just right to get your starting slaves. If one don't quite work right like quest waiting, you got the others, and having more options of any kind lets us pick and choose who we want 12 hours ago, a_random_user said: Using Bandit NPC templates to make a guaranteed supply is interesting. I believe Home Sweet Home uses a similar concept. HSH and AYGAS have something but they can be both very buggy. It's not fun sitting through several in-game hours at either auctions only for things to not work and you lose money and get no slaves in the process and having to reload/restart your game On 12/1/2024 at 9:11 PM, crazymango54 said: That would open up an entirely new way to get slaves reliably outside of combat, which is something that has always been lacking in the PAHE world. There is one "diamond in the rough" style mod that does that. The "Sucubuss" mods has a market you can buy slaves from for its slavery system that can be transferred to and from PAHE. Details about it are in the blog post in my sig. Despite how good that mod is, it has its flaws They don't start with any PAHE stats and are always priced at 400 (+50 to generate 4 slaves to view to purchase) It does great from pulling from bandit lists so it benefits from all of the Wench mods out there, however it pulls Altmer from Thalmor lists, something similiar for Dunmer, so mer options are limited and then none for beasts unless you go all out with Enemy Variation Wenches which will replace almost all bandits as beast races Then there's incompatibility issues with SlaveTats and DOM. DOM stats are lost or rerolled if transferred back to the Sucubuss slavery system. And Slavetats (this includes DOM tears and blushing) doesn't work on these transferred slaves unless you re-clone them when they are in PAHE If you think you can make your own buying system, i say go for it as there is still plenty of room for things in the PAHE family of enslaving mods, and having more just simply works, especially if, like the Sucubuss mod and HSH/AYGAS, things just dont work right and we need other methods or alternatives Edited December 3, 2024 by McLovin3
crazymango54 Posted December 2, 2024 Posted December 2, 2024 1 hour ago, a_random_user said: Glad you like it Using Bandit NPC templates to make a guaranteed supply is interesting. I believe Home Sweet Home uses a similar concept. I'll add it to the pile of ideas. 30 minutes ago, McLovin3 said: HSH and AYGAS have something but they can be both very buggy. It's not fun sitting through several in-game hours at either auctions only for things to not work and you lose money and get no slaves in the process and having to reload/restart your game Exactly. HSH/AYGAS does this, but it can be buggy and you need to either complete/skip the HSH questline, or raise/debug slavery to accepted status in at least one city. Neither of those options are very attractive, especially when the end result is usually a bugged out auction full of bad merchandise. Those auctions also don't seem to use the correct NPC lists as they tend to grab NPCs from the base-game leveled lists rather than anything you may have added with a modding setup, so you often see the same 5-6 slaves over and over again. For example, this mod does it correctly, and pulls from the encounter lists which means that if you expand your bandit leveled lists, you will see a wider variety of NPCs walking around. If you did the same in the prisons, you would be able to have a supply based on bandits (which makes sense since it's a prison) and each user expanding their own leveled lists would expand the available stock. I believe you would use the same spawning as is used in forts/dungeons, where you can specify all kinds of criteria such as race, gender, voice type, combat class, etc. Good examples of this in the regular game are how there is always an orc male and a dark elf female inside Halted Stream camp having a conversation, or how all of the enemies in Broken Tower Redoubt are female forsworn (except the boss). Basically, you could have the prisons filled with whatever you wanted, and the game would use leveled lists to fill the order. Sorry for the long post, I just thought I would drop some info I had, hopefully some of it is useful. 2
DonQuiWho Posted December 2, 2024 Posted December 2, 2024 16 hours ago, crazymango54 said: The prisoner options sound especially good. I wonder, would you ever consider making that a recurring thing in most prisons? For example, maybe have some randomly spawning prisoners available for sale at any given time, using bandit encounter NPCs to fill the spots? That would open up an entirely new way to get slaves reliably outside of combat, which is something that has always been lacking in the PAHE world. Agreed. But as an aside - not to derail this thread - DOM's 'abduction' capabilities really help on the out of combat enslavement, and you can up the number of targets available dramatically if you use something like Crowded Streets, which has the advantage of being, like this mod, a straight esl too https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/127723 Coupled with this mod, wherever it goes, we're now getting spoiled for choice! 😄 @a_random_user Thanks for this. Much appreciated DQW 1
Es.Ell. Posted December 3, 2024 Posted December 3, 2024 Quests:Riften Beggars and Nobles - Just installed the Mod. Was able to find Bunny and Astia. I went to Temple fo Mara and looked all around the city and don't see Bette. Is there someplace else she may be hiding? Or do I have to wait for days for her to show up? Thank You
Helveticos Posted December 3, 2024 Posted December 3, 2024 (edited) 17 hours ago, Es.Ell. said: Quests:Riften Beggars and Nobles - Just installed the Mod. Was able to find Bunny and Astia. I went to Temple fo Mara and looked all around the city and don't see Bette. Is there someplace else she may be hiding? Or do I have to wait for days for her to show up? Thank You When you exit Temple of Mara, go down the stairs and look left 🙂 And if she's not there, you will find her in Beggar's Row. Edited December 3, 2024 by Helveticos Update 1
a_random_user Posted December 3, 2024 Author Posted December 3, 2024 22 hours ago, crazymango54 said: For example, this mod does it correctly, and pulls from the encounter lists which means that if you expand your bandit leveled lists, you will see a wider variety of NPCs walking around. If you did the same in the prisons, you would be able to have a supply based on bandits (which makes sense since it's a prison) and each user expanding their own leveled lists would expand the available stock. 21 hours ago, DonQuiWho said: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/127723 Thanks for the suggestion, I'll see if I can adapt the same principle for a buying system. That's going to be a fun project. 16 hours ago, Es.Ell. said: Quests:Riften Beggars and Nobles - Just installed the Mod. Was able to find Bunny and Astia. I went to Temple fo Mara and looked all around the city and don't see Bette. Is there someplace else she may be hiding? Or do I have to wait for days for her to show up? Thank You In addition to what Helveticos said, she'll spend her nights at Beggar's Row. 22 hours ago, DonQuiWho said: Agreed. But as an aside - not to derail this thread - DOM's 'abduction' capabilities really help on the out of combat enslavement This was actually the reason that I switched this mod from Vanilla NPCs to custom NPC's. 2
Es.Ell. Posted December 3, 2024 Posted December 3, 2024 Thank You Helveticos and a_random_user. She was downstairs to the left. I loaded a game save that was earlier in the day, and found her there. So Thanks guys
Coom Nation Posted December 3, 2024 Posted December 3, 2024 Finally quest mod for PAH, great job! Quick bug report: Bette is stuck in Beggar's row, she never goes to Temple of Mara.
crazymango54 Posted December 4, 2024 Posted December 4, 2024 I just tried out a few of the quests, and you have a really good thing going here. Just a few small bugs/tweaks I thought you should know about. 1. You may want to consider calling the DoM abduct function rather than the PAHE enslave function for users who have DoM so the slaves go straight into DoM. This is because there is currently a serious bug in DoM where if you transfer the last slave you have in PAHE to DoM, it starts breaking things. It's fine if you never have a PAHE slave, but for some reason if you go from more than zero PAHE slaves to less than one, bad things happen. 2. On that note, I wasn't able to get the slaves to go into PAHE correctly in the first place. They were following, and showing in the slave tracker and the MCM, but the dialogues weren't appearing. I was able to use the DoM MCM to move them over and they worked properly in DoM, and their bonus training stats were correctly added. 3. Silvia's dialogue tree could use a tweak. During her intro dialogue, you can say "I have some questions" and it brings you to the list of questions. After asking one, it takes you back to the main dialogue branch and you have to say "I have some questions" again to ask another. Each question should probably route back to the list of questions. 4. The Altmer you buy from Belethor has some ZaZ devious devices items equipped. If you do not have DD installed, they don't have textures and show as the default purple mesh. The ropes and hood are fine, it is only the chastity items that are affected. You may want to consider some different ZaZ items for her kit, just an idea. 5. The thresholds you have set for the quests currently use submission, you might want to use resignation for DoM users, since resignation basically replaces submission in that mod. Submission in DoM is mostly a sexual issue, whereas resignation is the actual level of "breaking-in" the slave has. Submission could kind of make sense too, but I thought I would mention it. Anyway, this is really great! I think Bette is my favorite so far, but I really want to follow the Thalmor quest to the end soon as well. 1
Luka9470 Posted December 4, 2024 Posted December 4, 2024 8 hours ago, crazymango54 said: I just tried out a few of the quests, and you have a really good thing going here. Just a few small bugs/tweaks I thought you should know about. 1. You may want to consider calling the DoM abduct function rather than the PAHE enslave function for users who have DoM so the slaves go straight into DoM. This is because there is currently a serious bug in DoM where if you transfer the last slave you have in PAHE to DoM, it starts breaking things. It's fine if you never have a PAHE slave, but for some reason if you go from more than zero PAHE slaves to less than one, bad things happen. 2. On that note, I wasn't able to get the slaves to go into PAHE correctly in the first place. They were following, and showing in the slave tracker and the MCM, but the dialogues weren't appearing. I was able to use the DoM MCM to move them over and they worked properly in DoM, and their bonus training stats were correctly added. 3. Silvia's dialogue tree could use a tweak. During her intro dialogue, you can say "I have some questions" and it brings you to the list of questions. After asking one, it takes you back to the main dialogue branch and you have to say "I have some questions" again to ask another. Each question should probably route back to the list of questions. 4. The Altmer you buy from Belethor has some ZaZ devious devices items equipped. If you do not have DD installed, they don't have textures and show as the default purple mesh. The ropes and hood are fine, it is only the chastity items that are affected. You may want to consider some different ZaZ items for her kit, just an idea. 5. The thresholds you have set for the quests currently use submission, you might want to use resignation for DoM users, since resignation basically replaces submission in that mod. Submission in DoM is mostly a sexual issue, whereas resignation is the actual level of "breaking-in" the slave has. Submission could kind of make sense too, but I thought I would mention it. Anyway, this is really great! I think Bette is my favorite so far, but I really want to follow the Thalmor quest to the end soon as well. That's a good question, I was thinking the same thing after playing through the questline.PAHE has been largely un-updated and hopefully will continue to be developed on a DOM basis in the future. The questline is immersive, thanks for all your hard work! 2
a_random_user Posted December 4, 2024 Author Posted December 4, 2024 (edited) On 12/3/2024 at 6:58 PM, Coom Nation said: Quick bug report: Bette is stuck in Beggar's row, she never goes to Temple of Mara. I've seen her package do weird things, but I haven't seen her get stuck before. I'll take a closer look at this. 20 hours ago, crazymango54 said: 1. You may want to consider calling the DoM abduct function rather than the PAHE enslave function for users who have DoM so the slaves go straight into DoM. This is because there is currently a serious bug in DoM where if you transfer the last slave you have in PAHE to DoM, it starts breaking things. It's fine if you never have a PAHE slave, but for some reason if you go from more than zero PAHE slaves to less than one, bad things happen. This was my original plan, but I switched to basing it on Pahe for technical reasons. When I started, I couldn't compile DOM scripts because I was missing a dependency. So I wrote it to use Pahe, and used some tricks to support DOM. Now that TAK has published the Dependency Scripts for DOM, I can compile the scripts. Unfortunately, as of version 6, DOM uses header 1.71, which my older version of the Creation Kit can't open. If I want to use DOM as the main dependency, I'll have to update as well. And moving my 1.5.97 to 1.6+ is something that is going to take some time. Once I do migrate though, it's certainly possible to completely write the mod to use DOM. EDIT: tested a bit, it seems you can change a 1.71 header back to 1.7 in xEdit. This might mean I can actually work with DOM in the CK. 20 hours ago, crazymango54 said: 2. On that note, I wasn't able to get the slaves to go into PAHE correctly in the first place. They were following, and showing in the slave tracker and the MCM, but the dialogues weren't appearing. I was able to use the DoM MCM to move them over and they worked properly in DoM, and their bonus training stats were correctly added. I haven't seen that before. Hopefully, that's just Skyrim being Skyrim, but I'll keep an eye out for it. 20 hours ago, crazymango54 said: 3. Silvia's dialogue tree could use a tweak. During her intro dialogue, you can say "I have some questions" and it brings you to the list of questions. After asking one, it takes you back to the main dialogue branch and you have to say "I have some questions" again to ask another. Each question should probably route back to the list of questions. Good suggestion, this will be fixed next version. 20 hours ago, crazymango54 said: 4. The Altmer you buy from Belethor has some ZaZ devious devices items equipped. If you do not have DD installed, they don't have textures and show as the default purple mesh. The ropes and hood are fine, it is only the chastity items that are affected. You may want to consider some different ZaZ items for her kit, just an idea. I had completely forgotten that those items require DD textures. I'll change the outfit for the next version. 20 hours ago, crazymango54 said: 5. The thresholds you have set for the quests currently use submission, you might want to use resignation for DoM users, since resignation basically replaces submission in that mod. Submission in DoM is mostly a sexual issue, whereas resignation is the actual level of "breaking-in" the slave has. Submission could kind of make sense too, but I thought I would mention it. It may be possible to rewrite the conditions to use Resignation when DOM's installed, and Submission when it's not. I'll have to play around with it for a while. Edited December 4, 2024 by a_random_user 2
crazymango54 Posted December 7, 2024 Posted December 7, 2024 (edited) On 12/4/2024 at 7:09 AM, a_random_user said: I had completely forgotten that those items require DD textures. I'll change the outfit for the next version. There's also one other really small thing with her. She has male idle animations, like how female orcs hold their arms out to the side. You can't see it until you take her restraints off, so it took me a while to notice it lol. On another note, I just finished all of the quests, and they're all really good. No spoilers, I just wanted to say that I really like how the stories connect with each other, and all of the little easter eggs hidden in the dialogues if you care enough to look for them. With all of the various backgrounds for all of the NPCs, and all of the potential for roleplaying different reasons for picking up certain ones, this mod is definitely staying in my load order permanently. Edited December 7, 2024 by crazymango54 1
a_random_user Posted December 7, 2024 Author Posted December 7, 2024 4 hours ago, crazymango54 said: There's also one other really small thing with her. She has male idle animations, like how female orcs hold their arms out to the side. You can't see it until you take her restraints off, so it took me a while to notice it lol. Thanks, right in time to fix this before the new version. 4 hours ago, crazymango54 said: On another note, I just finished all of the quests, and they're all really good. No spoilers, I just wanted to say that I really like how the stories connect with each other, and all of the little easter eggs hidden in the dialogues if you care enough to look for them. With all of the various backgrounds for all of the NPCs, and all of the potential for roleplaying different reasons for picking up certain ones, this mod is definitely staying in my load order permanently. I'm so happy someone noticed all those references and Easter eggs 1
a_random_user Posted December 7, 2024 Author Posted December 7, 2024 Version 1.1 is out. Mostly fixes and tweaks. *Fixed Silvia's "Some Questions" dialogue branch to make it easier to navigate. *Fixed Belethor's "Rumors" dialogue branch to make it easier to navigate. *Made the quest where you buy Bette miscellaneous, it's more fitting for it's length. *Renamed the Thalmor quest, its reference to intelligence was a relic from an earlier version *Changed Curime's original outfit to no longer use items depending on Devious Devices textures *Curime and Yatava no longer use opposite gender animations *Changed Bette's package, hopefully stopping her from getting stuck. And she can now sit on the bench behind her. *Fixed the package of the Lucasta scouts in Solitude. If persuaded to leave, they will now actually leave. *Increased Bette's and Silvia's initial Submission/Resignation to be over 60, stopping them from running away after making a deal. *Tweaked Yatava's and Curime's starting stats to be more in line with their backstory. *Changed conditions on Curime's, Iniel's, and Fryssa's dialog check. If the NPC is loaded in DOM, it will now require resignation instead of submission. *Fryssa's dialogue check now only requires Submission or Resignation, Fear training is no longer necessary. This makes the checks more consistent. *Made a patch to make sure that these dialogue conditions also work in DOM7. Esl flagged Thank you everyone who gave suggestions and bug reports. As for plans on the future of this mod: I've taken a look at Crowded Streets, as suggested by @DonQuiWho and @crazymango54. I will try to use this as a base to make a buying system in the Skyrim Jails. I'll try to make the capturing system use DOM when it's installed. Preferably with native support. If this works, I'd consider fully migrating to Diary of Mine v7+. I'll only do this once DOMv7 is stable. As for a timeframe, that's going to take a while. There won't be much time to mod in the coming weeks, and it'll take a lot of testing to get the kinks out of these new systems. 1
crazymango54 Posted December 8, 2024 Posted December 8, 2024 11 hours ago, a_random_user said: As for a timeframe, that's going to take a while. There won't be much time to mod in the coming weeks, and it'll take a lot of testing to get the kinks out of these new systems. Patch notes look good! I'd be willing to test any "unstable" versions once you have something tangible with the new systems, as I'm sure others would as well. Best of luck with your efforts.
Lady Wintrish Posted December 18, 2024 Posted December 18, 2024 Are the slaves supposed to keep their equipment? Cause using the "you have to wear this" command I can't interact with the High Elf (Whiterun) clothes.
a_random_user Posted December 18, 2024 Author Posted December 18, 2024 10 minutes ago, Lady Wintrish said: Are the slaves supposed to keep their equipment? Cause using the "you have to wear this" command I can't interact with the High Elf (Whiterun) clothes. If I recall correctly, that is a problem of Pahe. It doesn't clear the slave's outfit. There is a dialogue option to set outfit to naked in Pahe, "Strip and set outfit". It will ask a confirmation question, you can say yes to this without problem. (It can be an issue for generic npc's, but not for uniques like Curime). If this option isn't available, try equipping a piece of clothing or armor to the npc, and/or tell her to "put her clothes back on". This should make the strip and set option visible. If you have DOM installed, you can also switch her to DOM, this will solve the issue as well. Usually, I transfer her to DOM, so I hadn't noticed this before. I'll see if I can find a more permanent solution for people who only use Pahe. 1
Wastelanddom Posted December 21, 2024 Posted December 21, 2024 Fantastic Mod! Thanks for making it! I'm going to go against the grain here and say I'm not so interested in there being a ton more slaves added to the mod. Thre are so many others that already do that. Adding more detail to the existing ones and fleshing out their stories and personalities more would be awesome. Maybe change some of the dialogue options as their DoM stats change to reflect them acclimatising to slavery and the player as their owner. That kind of thing. 1
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