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All things Cyberpunk 2077 General Thread

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Graphic from demo was not some breathtaking thing to be honest, and many share same opinion on the net, and even on CP2077 forum.

Also CP2077 will come out for this generation of consoles so we already know how graphic on consoles will be, and on PC it depend how strong is your rig.


Not to be a asshole, but what superb reputation????  people need to stop praise CDPR like they are new jesus of game industry. 

CDPR only did one IP the Witcher, and even in that trilogy not all things was great, and their talk how they give 16 free DLC's for Witcher 3, lol no they give 13 items and 3 game options they add in game trough updates, if you go by that logic Blizzard need to say we give 1000000+ DLC's free in WoW. 

When other game developers also add free item to their game, no one is talking, but moment CDPR tweet about something, 10 youtube channels make a video about it and talk how CDPR is great, it get posted multipale time on reddit, game sites make full articles about it.

Lol this turn out to be long my apology.   

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Compared to the disasters we've been getting for the past six months alone, aside from RE 2 RemakeCP 2077 is looking like one of the few good games slated for 2019. I'll still wait one to two years for the Collector's Edition with all the DLC included but at least it's not a game I'm dreading.

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I don't really like first person games :( I like to perv on myself in third person. I did hear that CP2077 would make a very good VR game, which does sound kinda cool if I can look down on my Virtual Boobs while feeling my real Boobs it would be such a mind fuck, I probably would get to play much of the game first day...


Still I do hope they wake up and smell the $$$ loss by making it Only first person.

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I also didn't like that Obsidian RPG is first person too, but at lest they didn't give bullshit reason for that like CDPR, also new VtmB 2 is first person but they say mod support is from day one in that game, so i am sure modder will make good 3rd person.    

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8 hours ago, Koca87 said:

I also didn't like that Obsidian RPG is first person too, but at lest they didn't give bullshit reason for that like CDPR, also new VtmB 2 is first person but they say mod support is from day one in that game, so i am sure modder will make good 3rd person.    

sure not so easy, 3rd person has to be animated,  fight, walk, run, sprinting, the chain is infinite.
1rd person, all these animations are not needed, so CDPR saves a lot of work and money for development.
next point, I do not think this will translate a modder into reality! 
for the simple reason, CDPR will not release the complete kits. :classic_wink:

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They can fuck them self really, i like how people blindly praise them and say but they are so good they will save game industry they give 16 free dlc for witcher 3 and what they give are 13 items they add in game with updates and 3 game option, by that logic Blizzard need to say we give 1000000+ free dlc for WOW.


Sure it is not easy to add 3rd person, but look what modders do with other games or all 3d porns out there, plus since CDPR want to add MP in to Cyberpunk 2077 animation will be in game for other players, you need to see them after all.

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Correct me if I am wrong please. But, while CP2077 is "only First person", with the introduction of VR gaming does that not mean the game as a whole would be very VR compatible?

But, to experience real VR many animations would still be needed, including a Body Skeleton, Skin and so fourth. As otherwise the VR experience is really just a disembodied head (not even more like eye).


Or do I imagine VR to be much more than it is capable off, as I imagine a Virtual world where you can look down on yourself, touch virtual hands to virtual skin, look at and touch a virtual weapon, see to a virtual peripheral similar to your real (for example mine is slightly more than 180 or 90 what ever?). Get dressed or undressed Virtually and so on? Or am I asking for a bit much?

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2 hours ago, DarksideTinkerbell said:

Correct me if I am wrong please. But, while CP2077 is "only First person", with the introduction of VR gaming does that not mean the game as a whole would be very VR compatible?

But, to experience real VR many animations would still be needed, including a Body Skeleton, Skin and so fourth. As otherwise the VR experience is really just a disembodied head (not even more like eye).


Or do I imagine VR to be much more than it is capable off, as I imagine a Virtual world where you can look down on yourself, touch virtual hands to virtual skin, look at and touch a virtual weapon, see to a virtual peripheral similar to your real (for example mine is slightly more than 180 or 90 what ever?). Get dressed or undressed Virtually and so on? Or am I asking for a bit much?

I'd say that's asking for a bit much. Looking at virtual items is well within possibility without any additional mechanics; actual interactions between virtual hands and virtual objects requires a system of physics in place to handle such. Plus don't expect anything that isn't possible using the two wands most VR headsets come with. As for looking down on yourself, that requires a third-person model which won't exist in '77.


The sheer limitations of what current home VR tech can do, and the lack of any games that offer more than visual bonuses if they even support VR at all, is one reason a lot of people aren't jumping on the bandwagon yet. The other is that some of us don't want to/can't move around physically while using VR control wands. I live in a hole in the ground (pun intended) and don't have the space to swing my arms around in VR, for example. Not without potentially knocking into or damaging things.

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Reason they pick First Person was at first that HUD is so complex that it would not fit in 3rd person mod, after 50 minute demo all so that HUD is same as Batman Arkham games, HUD work perfectly there, after that CDPR say First Person is much more immersive and that's why they pick that, again that is not true, you can't claim first person is more immersive than 3rd person for all people.

I respect other people opinions and i would also be happy, that CDPR after game come out give VR option for people who want that, but i also would like to get 3rd person for me and people who like that, to me developing MP is total wast of resource and time, If they spend that time to make 3rd person camera many would be happy, but no they need to add MP to single player RPG for some reason, they want to compete against Rockstar games.

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MP = Multi-player? If so I am seriously not interested in MP games, they are guaranteed un-modifiable. Except to possible learn cheats and hacks that make you a dick in pvp, or more likely to then sell over-priced game packs and end up becoming a pay to win pvp slug fest.  Look at the short life span of recent MP games especially those that have pvp and also "pay to win" or are they still called gold sellers for action house items? 

Will game makers ever look at a game like Skyrim and what Bethesda did and say, "so thats the secret! They made it a game for players who want to play in peace, and re-invent their gaming experience" Oblivion, Skyrim these are games that have lasted years many many years in comparison to the games we have seen over the last what nearly decade. Better graphics come out, we upgrade pour game, better processors we up grade, the game constantly evolves.


I still hope CP2077 takes the same leap that the Grandfathers of single play RPG have set, by allowing a new world, different story and a more sci-fi aspect to RPG choice.


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MP yeah Multi-player, Skyrim live so far thx to mods and Bethesda know that sure they made dick move with Creation Club but still mods help Skryim and Fallout 4 to live till this day.


Yet CDPR look like really hate modders, kit they give for Witcher 2 is ok nothing special and for Witcher 3 i think still didn't come out, yet there are many mods for Witcher games so i hope some one will do 3rd person for CP2077, also one of CDPR stuff on their discord say how he/she really is against mods and is really happy when some one lose his save because mods.


Not sure how RPG CP2077 will be, there are few topic on their forum about it, and how they really move from RPG to more FPS type of game, and that come from people who play Cyberpunk PnP and many other RPG both on pc and tabletop.    

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A lot of Cyberpunk 2077's gameplay and graphics would have to be reworked for VR, and I don't see them investing in that when they said they're taking a wait and see approach on the technology. However, it would be nice if they made a VR demo where you could visit some in-game locations similar to Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - VR Experience.

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47 minutes ago, Jeff_9 said:

A lot of Cyberpunk 2077's gameplay and graphics would have to be reworked for VR, and I don't see them investing in that when they said they're taking a wait and see approach on the technology. However, it would be nice if they made a VR demo where you could visit some in-game locations similar to Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - VR Experience.

I am just a gamer, but even I can see that VR is the Future in gaming. I would even go so far as to predict, gaming evolution will be success = VR, Third Person (simply as both graphically pretty much go hand-in-hand) then First person (simply for those that don't like 3rd person or don't have a setup conducive to VR).  So really there is no excuse to wait and see, if anything they should be working towards VR in mind straight away, even if that may mean pre-release and then a later release for VR/3rd person. Kinda similar to what Bethesda started to do with Skyrim (until they fucked up and tried to get greedy with Mods). They can even learn from Bethesda and try (if it is possible) to keep programming language (or what ever it is called) the same, so they don't have the same problems that SLE and SSE compatibility have.

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19 hours ago, DarksideTinkerbell said:

I am just a gamer, but even I can see that VR is the Future in gaming.

Exactly. It's the future. Home VR tech hasn't had a chance to catch on widely for the simple fact that there are no consoles that have VR capability yet. Consoles are what popularize new gaming tech among the masses. That said, Sony confirmed they're including VR capability in their newest, as-yet-unnamed PlayStation system. So it will happen, as you said. But even then it will take time for the idea to truly take hold. And I'd expect home VR tech to be refined further as well, including additional peripherals like gun controllers, gloves, etc. I'd expect it to be 2020 or so before we start seeing VR gaming becoming truly common.


And once VR gaming does become common, I hope we see games offering more than just a 3-D view. When I was growing up, VR was understood to include environments we could actually interact with as opposed to the largely static ones we're actually getting.

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55 minutes ago, Alkpaz said:

As for VR, I wonder if it will hit the wayside like the NES Powerglove did, and the short life of 3D glasses. If I can't be bothered having to put on a pair of glasses on to play a game, what makes you think people would like to wear a helmet? Now, where is my Virtual Boy?

I doubt VR will go the way of either of those. For anyone who doesn't know, the glove was a primitive example of motion-sense controller technology that failed to live up to the hype. The Virtual Boy was a monochromatic visor using black and red LCD screens to form images, like single color computer monitors. It was an absolute disaster financially and was abysmal to use from what I remember hearing back in the day.


The Sega Master System had 3-D glasses and a few games that used them, but the idea never caught on. I actually still have both, albeit not in mint condition. The glasses' tech was cheap even by the standards of '86 and the left lens clouds over when its plugged in. The only reason I have it is because it came bundled with the console.


But we're getting off-topic. This is about CP 2077, one of only two games I'm not dreading. The other I've mentioned in the Gaming Gripes thread.


So far CDPR has not announced any plans for multiplayer and I feel confident enough to say it won't happen. Games that are meant to include multiplayer are always designed with such in mind from the start. But we've not yet seen any samples of actual game play so it's impossible to say for certain. What we do see in the demo videos are environments too small and cramped for multiple players to spread out during combat. It sounds pretty simplistic but it's actually a major issue in practice. Look at any MP game and how large and open their environments are compared to most of the ones in SP games.

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2 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

You should check out the Subnautica forums sometime, the devs get hammered for not adding multiplayer to their game. Most comments claim "Everyone wants multiplayer" "Multiplayer will help you sell more copies", "Games are better with friends", etc. 


As for VR, I wonder if it will hit the wayside like the NES Powerglove did, and the short life of 3D glasses. If I can't be bothered having to put on a pair of glasses on to play a game, what makes you think people would like to wear a helmet? Now, where is my Virtual Boy?

You are right about the VR req's likely a cause for it maybe not being more than a "shooting star". Also it's seeming limitations. My Dad built a gaming rig with VR in mind for Flight Sim, the graphics req means that VR is not within my reach yet, the VR tools are so seriously overpriced for what they can and cannot do. He tested it on an RPG more his style historical (he doesn't even want to know what I get up to in Skyrim lol). His words, "VR is great for Flight Sim and games like that, as for RPG's it still has a long way to go".


I can only imagine VR in a RPG would be the ultimate experience in immersion, either way VR or not, CP2077 will lose out not having a 3rd person camera, and even though Skyrim is not technically a VR game, does it not already have VR options though small and limited? Once again in Skyrim Bethesda shows that it is not impossible to make a game that is incapable of evolving with current tech. (Note not a fan of Bethesda (don't dislike them just don't love em either) but obviously a Fan of Skyrim LE.


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4 hours ago, Ernest Lemmingway said:

So far CDPR has not announced any plans for multiplayer and I feel confident enough to say it won't happen.

In few interview they say Multiplayer will be post launch, on CP2077 forums they also say multiplayer is post launch thing, they even make a deal with Digital Scapes studios who make multiplayer mod for some popular games and it is long tearm partnership, so yeah multiplayer is going to happened to CP2077.

Also Subnautica is some survival game like Ark or Forest and so on yeah that game need some way of multiplayer, but RPG really don't need it and not every game need multiplayer.

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On 4/21/2019 at 4:47 AM, DarksideTinkerbell said:

I am just a gamer, but even I can see that VR is the Future in gaming. I would even go so far as to predict, gaming evolution will be success = VR, Third Person (simply as both graphically pretty much go hand-in-hand) then First person (simply for those that don't like 3rd person or don't have a setup conducive to VR).  So really there is no excuse to wait and see, if anything they should be working towards VR in mind straight away, even if that may mean pre-release and then a later release for VR/3rd person. Kinda similar to what Bethesda started to do with Skyrim (until they fucked up and tried to get greedy with Mods). They can even learn from Bethesda and try (if it is possible) to keep programming language (or what ever it is called) the same, so they don't have the same problems that SLE and SSE compatibility have.



Are you sure it will be like this, the future is VR?
only play in 1st person, no hands, arms, body, visible. 
All weapons float in the air, no relation to the character.
I for my part will never play VR games, I feel myself fucked.
and here the proof the VR is anything but the future, I hope you understand German, but with a translator, it should not be a problem.


VR Developer: "Most VR Games Make Losses"


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/1/2018 at 5:03 PM, Hiderius said:

I am quite looking forward to this game and hopefully it will be moddable, my only problem is that its first person and I was hoping that it was third person or you could switch to third person or back to first person

Assuming that it is moddable, id imagine that the game is going to have a rather large community, and depending on what method the developers use to render player models/shadows id say that a 3rd person mod might be possible (if a little janky). Or perhaps the devs could add it in post-launch, but given what they have said I find that unlikely

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I hope it will not be a flop, but I do not care!
the past has shown, that game developer from good games (series) absolute crap developed, if they entered new territory.
Mass Effect Andromeda *Flop*, Anthem *Flop*, Fallout 76 *Flop*.
I suspect CyberPunk it will not be different, it will be a bitter disappointment to most.
There is a German proverb *shoemaker stay with your work*.
it means CDPR has with The Witcher a masterpiece created.
Now they develop this modern shit, which only appeals to a younger target group, but the older players of us be from CDPR kicked in the ass!!!! :classic_wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...


On 9/8/2018 at 10:45 PM, winny257 said:

I not, I am too old for this modern sh**.

Zu alt magst du sein, aber modern ist das - was Spiele angeht - absolut nicht.^^ System Shock und Deus Ex sind beide älter als Leute die sich hier legal aufhalten und das will bei PC Spielen schon was heißen. :) Fallout spielt sogar später als diese Spiele, und zumindest 1 & 2 sind auch nicht grade Neuware. Ich freu mich jedenfalls drauf CDPR hat bewiesen das sie gute Stories erzählen können, alles andere ist mir ziemlich egal. Mein Rechner schafft sowieso nix das auch nur annähernd so aussieht wie der trailer.^^


Game wise this isn't anything new. System shock was awesome, and so was at least the first Deus Ex but none can be called "new" by any means. :P I'm looking forward to it, CDPR proved they can tell great stories and i don't care much about anything else (although mods would be amazing ofc), my PC couldn't handle anything that would enforce looks like in the trailer anyways.


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I really would like to actually get a SciFi RPG/Shooter with enough of a storyline to keep me invested in the character and npcs, but not one that overshadows the gameplay, leaving me stranded in lengthy cut-scene narrative or drawn out discussions. Many of the games that do this use these tactics to increase in-game time to cover for shortcomings in the amount of actual gameplay time, like having to travel through large, empty landscapes between mission points/zones to give the illusion (delusion?) of an 'open-world'.


Besides, I still will not buy any game before getting the overall pros and cons of said game, gameplay videos that reflect actual gametime, and a 'feel' of what developers/publishers plan on beyond the initial release. THEN I might decide to purchase the game, since Teasers/Trailers do not influence my spending habits (and I have no 'Hype-Meter' whatsoever: this comes from several years of watching many gamers blatantly throwing away money on games that do not live up to expectations).


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