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Adult oriented Skyrim mods that are not finished yet, but wish to be made public for testing purposes

43 files

  1. [Beta] DEM Intergation (Demonica NPCS)

    Mod: Adding Demonica NPC to Skyrim
    Description: Adds Demonica NPC to the Games.
    Note: Please Request mods you would like Demonica Npcs added to and I will see what I can do.
    Current Features:
    1.Uses Current Armors listed Below
    2. Added To Bandit Spawns
    3.Test NPC in Pine Forest (First Bandit Camp)
    4. Merged Esp To Save You Space (Armors) Go To 4a. To looked at what is merged.
    5. No Scripts
    6. Only two .esps total
    6a. Does Not Replace any NPCS
    7. Please use Bashed Patch for Any Compatibility Issues.
    8. They Show At LVL 1 so you will see at lot and low levels.
    I will be adding Demonica Npcs To Skyrim.
    I will not upload them.
    Demonica Lilith
    Demonica LB3 TBBP v1.01
    Demonica Lilith 1.4 TBBP http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1075-demonica-ladybody-3-tbbp-conversion/
    Demonica Havok PE http://www.loverslab.com/topic/31885-demonica-ladybody-3-tbbp-conversion/
    DEM Gothic Leather TBBP by pclp http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1232-demonica-gotiic-leather-armor-tbbp-by-pclp/
    [DEM] Lady Sexy TBBP http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1174-demonica-lady-sexy-tbbp/
    DEM BES Catsuit v1.4 http://blackelf-skyrim-en.blogspot.com/2014/06/dem-bes-catsuitcosmetic-pack-v14.html
    DEM Accessories 1.0 http://blackelf-skyrim-en.blogspot.com/2014/05/dem-accessories-by-emay.html
    For Version 1.2. of Mod DEM Lady Sexy http://blackelf-skyrim-en.blogspot.com/2014/06/dem-lady-sexy-v11.html
    For Version 1.2. of Mod Blood Daedric TBBP-v1 http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1176-demonica-blood-daedric-armour/
    DEM Accessories.esp
    DEM BES Catsuit.esp
    DEM Blood Mage.esp
    DEM Clothes.esp
    DEM Gothic Leather Armor by pclp.esp
    DEM Helmet.esp
    Demonica Morag Tong.esp
    DEM War Lydia.esp
    Demonica Bone Corset.esp
    Demonica Havok PE.esp
    DEM Lady Sexy.esp
    Demonica Daedric TBBP.esp



  2. [WIP] Paradise Hall (Continued)

    Reworked the main description page (second post)
    Ever read the main description page before posting any problem, thanks. Only support on version in developpement (0.8 and more) will be done here.
    This mod is the continuation of Paradise Halls.
    All the versions of Paradise Halls and it's 2 original add-ons (paradise_halls_farengars_study and paradise_halls_fellglow_slave_camp) are to download on Nexus.
    All files downloadable in this thread will be done for 0.8.x, including the new versions of the 2 original add-ons.

    Version 0.8.3 : be carefull this an alpha test version for experimented users wanting to help or modders, don't base a real play on it.
    Removed soulgemmed slave collar Added/updated some IO functions, getter/setter for submission , respect, base combat and collars lists add (see source). Add-ons can now define their own collars to completly remove chance to escape or reduce the chance to escape by 50% Updated the full starter to use the sample collars


    Previous versions



  3. [WiP] Succubus Punch

    Succubus Punch
    Please note that many of the things posted here are still a WIP and some are nothing more than an idea just yet.
    The general Idea...
    ...of this mod is to make it possible to play as succubus/incubus (from now on i will only write succubus, but both should be applicable). Being a succubus should be a viable and interesting option in combat and also when roaming around in cities. The former will by done by creating spells that increase the arousal of enemies and by making it possible to drain health from enemies when the enemies are aroused. The implementation of the latter is still very vague, but one idea is to limit health regeneration and to force the player to visit towns to regen their health by sucking lifeforce.
    The main design consideration is that the player is a demon and that people will recognize you as such. Therefore when in combat it should not be possible to initiate sex with an enemy and to steal his lifeforce while the other enemies just sit and wait for you to finish. When there is only one enemy left and the succubus is strong enough to seduce him then this should be possible. At higher levels the succubus might even become strong enough to seduce multiple enemies at the same time. Tthis principle and the focus on combat is what will hopefully set this mod aside from other succubi mods.
    The mechanics so far...
    ...consist of two spells: Arouse and Lifeforce drain. Arouse increases the arousal of the target and forces them to masturbate when their arousal has reached the arousalcap (Forces a sexlab animation). Lifeforce drain allows the player to suck the lifeforce of enemies that are having sex/masturbating (only when in sexlab animation). Add them with commands.
    Further ideas include (This section has been expandced to give a more clear idea of where this mod hopefully will go):
    The succubus will start as a low level demon with a very limited set of powers. As the succubus earns levels, skill/perk point can be assignmend in three categories: Body, Mind and Magic. These three categories should hopefully represent all the different skills and powers that a powerful succubus should be able to master. Most of the skill names and some of the ideas were taken from: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Succubus_Physiology. How this will be exactly implemented has not yet been decided.
    red = unimplemented, yellow = implemented but needs refining, green = done
    The body categorie focusses on the development of the succubusses body in to a sexual and attractive body. All these skills are passive.
    - Pheromone manipulation: passive arousal increase of npcs.
    - Supernatural beauty: passive arousal increase of npcs.
    - Supernatural power: faster health/magicka/stamina regeneration.
    (- hypnotic breasts: undefined)
    The magic categorie focusses on magic skills that the succubus will be able to learn. Some of these skills are active and some passive.
    - Sexual empowerment: get a temporary bonus from having had sex.
    - Seductive magnetism: passive arousal increase for npcs.
    - Subliminal seduction: active arousal increase for npcs.
    - Lifeforce drain: active health drain spell (player not in sex act).
    - Tantric metabolization: passive health drain spell (player in sex act).
    (- A passive skill that does an automatic drain (only for high levels)
    The mind categorie focusses on stealing the succubusses mind. Limiting the own arousal increase and increasing combat skills.
    - Sexual stimulation combat: fighting with fists will increase the arousal of the target npcs.
    - Force of mind: limit own arousal increase
    - Succubus queen: a high level skill that allows the succubus to get a succubus follower
    Other notes:
    In the beginning the succubus will not be able to control her own arousal therefore this needs implementing:
    - Faster arousal increase for player
    - A passive skill that increases arousal when enemies hit the player
    (force rape when arousal to high)
    - Make spells increase magic skill
    - Limit effects of supernatural beauty when not nude
    This is my first ever mod so feel free to come with suggestions for bug fixes and or implementation improvements. I am also very interested to see what you want to see in a succubus mod and maybe we can come up with some nice mechanics. So please leave a message.
    (BTW let me know if the provided files work for you. They do for me but i dont know if they do for you)
    Known Bugs:
    - The healthbar does not always show up when using lifeforce drain (Seems to work now for some reason, but will have to confirm)
    - Sometimes strange things happen to the bodies of targets that die from lifeforcedrain/when in sexlab animation
    - Sexual stimulation combat might turn brawls in to real fights (as it uses a cloak spell). Turn this skill off if when that happens.
    - Sexlab arousal
    Suggested mods:
    - SLA monitor widget (this mod makes the arousal level visible, so you know something is happening)



  4. Arachnophobia

    This is a mod that is aimed at providing additional functionality and maybe challenge with frostbite spiders in Skyrim. It was originally inspired by Ms Leeches (Now Princessity, I believe) original mod Arachnophobia. The intent of the mod (from what I understand, at least) was simply to demonstrate the application of the animations and web equips in-game. However, the mod would see little to no further support.
    Before I begin, let me make two things very clear:
    1) This mod is not, never was and never will include any sort of sex from spiders. While we are here at LL, this isn't intended to include any sex/beastiality. There are no plans to rape the victims with oversized spider schlongs, impregnate them or anything of that sort. This is only in the "adult" section because it makes use of the ZaZ Animation Pack, which contains adult material for use in other mods. As a result, this mod also does not require or interact with SexLab in any way shape or form.
    2) This is my first attempt at modding! It's also particularly early in development and while I have a handful of scripting knowledge in general, this mod is going to be far from stable and will have issues, hence the beta (thought it should probably be alpha) tag.
    Oh and if you're arachnophobic, this mod might not be for you!
    Opening Note
    If you experience any issues, please post about it including the steps needed to reproduce the problem. No doubt there are still things I've missed some of which are probably major. Consider yourself a tester, should you decide to brave this download.
    VERSION 0.32: (Current as of 19 March, 2018)
    Oversized spiders have been rather unintimidating to fight. The tactics you'd use to tackle the arachnid threat would hardly differ from just about any other threat, be it lesser or greater. This mod aims to change that a wee bit.
    The Spiders
    Targets hit by a spider's spit or bite attacks will become entangled and basically helpless until they struggle their way out.
    Upon getting entangled, a mater will appear below the compass to indicate how much web needs to be struggled out of. The meter will drain as you make progress in struggling out, but fill if more web is applied or you struggle incorrectly.
    More web is applied if the victim receives attacks from any spider. If the meter fills beyond certain thresholds, more layers are applied, increasing the difficulty to escape and make progress. If the meter is emptied below those same thresholds, layers will be removed, making escape a bit easier.
    If the meter fills (and it can fill beyond the maximum displayed), the victim begins to lose consciousness. If the victim somehow struggles enough to bring the filled amount below the maximum (highly unlikely), they'll be able to continue struggling without the threat of losing consciousness.
    If entangled, the forward, left, right and back keys may be pressed in clockwise (A->W->D->S by default) or counter-clockwise (A->S->D->W by default) to struggle against the web. Again the meter displays the progress made toward escaping. If an incorrect input is received progress will be lost. Once the meter has been completely emptied, the victim successfully escapes.
    Dragged Off
    If a victim fails to escape from their webbing and loses consciousness (or they are defeated through Death Alternative), they'll be dragged to a spider's den to be saved as a meal for later. Currently there is only one den.
    In here, the cocoon may seem highly difficult to escape from, especially at early-game levels. However, as you damage the cocoon further, escape will become easier. Once certain progress is made against the cocoon, the webbing will start to fall off, visually indicating that there is less web resisting the victim's struggle. This will make the meter progress faster with each escape attempt. Additionally, there's a chance during the escape that you'll shake yourself loose from hanging upside down. If this occurs, escape will become significantly easier but it comes with its own risks....
    Victims aren't alone in the spider's den. Every so often, the spider will come back to check on their victim. The victim may find themselves wrapped back up if the spider thinks they aren't secure enough. The chances of the spider re-wrapping its victim increases with the more progress you have made towards escape - even more so if you're not hanging upside down anymore. With that said, there are some additional options:
    When the spider decides to investigate its captive, the captive may:
    -Continue struggling: This allows you to continue struggling, but you'll suffer an increase in the chance to be wrapped up again.
    -Hold still: You'll stop struggling, giving the spider a decreased chance in deciding you're not going anywhere as you are.
    -Kick spider: If you're near escaping, chances are the spider's going to wrap you back up, but you can make one last ditch effort to kick it away while you get those last few strands off of you. If the spider recovers before you can escape however, you'll be in for another silky embrace.
    If the victim has a follower, they can then attempt to free them by sneaking next to them and waiting for the webs to come off. Eventually, they too will be helped free. If you leave a follower behind, one of two things will happen: If they are essential, they will reappear at their home location. If they are not, they will simply die.
    Getting Back to it
    Successful escape from the den will place the player back in a safe location near the area they were originally captured at. This could be the entrance to the dungeon they were in, or the edge of the area they were caught in. If Arachnophobia can't find a safe place to put the player, they'll be taken directly back to the exact location they were originally captured at. This is merely a fail-safe - the chances of this happening should be relatively infrequent.
    There are still probably plenty of bugs scurrying about (apart from spiders) so be sure to report on them appropriately with as many details as possible to help identify the source of the problem. If it's within my power to fix, I will do what I can.
    This mod uses vanilla image space modifiers to simulate the fading of the screen to black and back to normal. In certain ENBs (such as RealVision), image space modifiers do not function correctly, therefore, you may experience some odd functionality occurring that is supposed to occur behind a black screen. You have been warned.
    VERSION 0.10.1 is unsupported but still available
    - ZaZ Animation Pack v6.11 or later and its associated requirements (like FNIS)
    - SKSE 1.7.3 or later
    - SkyUI if you want MCM functionality
    - Death Alternative - Your Money or Your Life by BralorMarr
    Death Alternative will also take the victim to the spider lair if they are defeated.
    Things to be aware of:
    Let me reiterate that this is my first attempt at a mod and has been a very large learning experience for me. While the features are few, and there will be plenty of bugs, this was more to see if I could simply just MAKE a mod (or edit one in this case). I'm pretty sure there are some things I have forgotten.
    Right now there is support for only one follower when it comes to the cave. Any others might glitch around or just stand there looking at you funny waiting for you to die or escape. If the victim is taken to the cave, their one follower will end up cocooned next to them somewhere and can be freed by attacking them. I intend to expand upon this more, later.
    With all that said, use this at your own risk and please be patient with me. I am open to constructive criticism and suggestions on how to do things better (there usually is a better way) and it's actually highly appreciated.
    Known Issues
    - If using more than one follower, expect things to possibly misbehave.
    - Followers that don't follow the normal follower rules (i.e. Serana, Sofia, Vilja, etc) won't always work properly. The mod will still be playable, but their behavior might produce unexpected "immersion-breaking" results.
    -It is intended for the meter to go beyond the maximum displayed amount during combat entanglement ONLY. It should not go beyond maximum in the lair capture scenario.
    -The follower may sometimes not be equipped with a web mesh when taken to the spider's lair.
    -Combat entanglement and Death Alternative bleedouts could possibly cause some problems (mainly when an attack that entangles also damages a player to below 0HP). I tried testing this out as extensively as circumstances would allow and for the most part, my workarounds appear to be working correctly. However, this will still need further user testing.



  5. Argonians Are Made For...

    This is a set of lore-friendly nsfw dialogue questlines based around vanilla NPCs. 
    While initially the first two quests are about Argonians, I'm always willing to branch out if there's something fun enough.
    This mod's a conquering fetish, of sorts. A lot of corruption stuff mindwarps the protagonist and makes her unrecognisable by the end, but where's the fun in that if you're not getting the original uptight asshole to sleep with you, so I wanted to keep the personality the same even when things get more and more perverse.
    well, that and lizard tits.
    I'm slowly figuring this all out, the dialogue writing is fun but the coding is like shoving pencils up your nether regions. Fancy animations and cutscenes will hopefully be possible down the line.
    Rolff - Stand up to the racist! What could go wrong?
    Requirements - Argonian race.
    Step by Step -

    Keerava - I'm not a big fan of NTR, so expect Talen to just be out of the picture for this one. Make the innkeep serve the Dragonborn.
    Requirements - Do their favour, be a guy.
    Step by Step - 

    Brenuin [Beyond WIP] - Shame a beggar in the streets, and reluctantly offer him a place in Breezehome until you work off your moral debt and get your stuff back. 
    Requirements - Own Breezehome
    Step by Step -
    Credits to Thief for the inspiration, I'm a fan of how the protag is written.



  6. BeeingFemale More Potions

    Adds 2 potions to the game for the player's use.
    Fertility Potion - Changes the player's state to ovulating and allows the player to get pregnant.
    Abortion Potion - Induces an abortion.
    Added support for NPCs but I have yet to test it out extensively, do let me know if there are any issues.
    This was made as there does not seem to be any addons of this sort for BF. This is also my first foray into Skyrim scripting, do let me know if anything isn't working or if there is anything else that you would like to see added!



  7. BestialityRape

    Hello, this is a mod of rape by animals.
    It is based on the "animation" Gone.
    Requirements :
    - Pack animation - Gone
    - FNIS 4.0 Beta
    - Creature Pack 4.0
    - SKSE
    - SkyUI
    Installation :
    Copy the file in the directory "data" on your skyrim installation.
    Launched "GenerateFNISforUsers" is clicked on the "FNIS Behavior Characters" and "FNIS Behavior Creatures" button.
    if you do not have is the Button you do not have the correct version of FNIS.
    Bug wolf / Dog
    FNIS Message :
    Animation available
    - Draugr
    - Werewolf - 3
    - Wolf - 2
    - Horse
    - Falmer - 3
    - Bear
    - Sabrecat
    - Giant
    - Troll - Bug with the FNIS Modder it crash with the troll
    - Gargoyle
    - Vampire Lord



  8. Bianca

    Adds a dialog for prostitutes of TDFs Aggressive Prostitution to start a bukkake show,
    they will answer with We love bukkake
    and start to do some ZazAnimations ,kneeling sitting.
    In the meantime male people in a small distance will take the call, and will run to the performer.
    One after one is getting naked and starts to masturbate on the performer.
    Before your prostitutes can do the show, you need to find bianca, she is in Riften, scorched hammer.
    She can give you the needed item, once she trusts you.
    She will also make a nice prostitute, because she does not know anything else .
    Future plans:
    -- adding gangbang into the scene done
    -- adding creatures joining in
    -- let Pahe Slaves do the show
    TDF Aggressive Prostitution
    Sexlab Aroused
    Cumshots Scoclb
    Sexlab Cumshots
    Paradise Halls
    please add your comments and questions here:




  9. Bullets For Skyrim

    This is a very early test version of my bulles for Skyrim o get some feedback, at the moment they fire from CROSSBOWS so you will need Dawnguard DLC to be able to use them, to get them in console type help bullets to get there code, as i said this is a very early version just for feedback i know the texures are not complete and the animations are off but this was just converted to crossbow to get them ou there for testing



  10. C32 Custom Armors

    This is the first piece in my custom armor mod, It currently only contains 1 piece of armor that i am uploading to ensure the custom assigned slot works correctly for everyone and the weight slider is properly set,
    I have included OPTIONAL BODY MESHES that they were fitted around because im not sure if they were standard CBBE or HDT so if you have problems its upto you if you wish to install them, If you do i advise you make a copy of your original body meshes in case you wish to switch back
    Can be crafted at the tanning rack and its called Skin Tight Rings......
    Please leave any feedback as all input would be hugely appreciated......



  11. COC MOD

    A MOD Based on Corruption of Champions
    Corruption of Champions is a text-Based game that i really love so why not make it 3D.
    I plan on making all characters, enemy with Bad ends
    and much more....
    keep in mind im not a 3d modeler
    so if anyone can make the meshes/textures would be greatly appreciated
    you can find test meshes outside the drunkenHuntsman in whiterun
    credit to the person who created katia



  12. Crash Test Dummy Follower

    ****Download main file and NEW esp to replace Old esp****
    This is a follower I'm working on from a combat style point of view only. Her assets have been reduced to very low file size for my sake uploading every change I make.
    Her name is Natasha and she's somewhat a jack of all trades heavy armor by default spell sword for hire.
    She's located in Whiterun Hall of the dead
    She is overpowered to hell I think but then I designed her with some ability to soak damage and to inflict a lot as I play on Legendary difficulty. Master for those without all Legendary game pack.
    I'm tweaking her abilities so she will hopefully stay in close range as well as use the various spells I hope she gets around to casting as you and her level up or test.
    Skillset: Duel wields, sword and board, sword + spells. Will sometimes do two handed combat but will need a powerful 2h
    All the banish spells for summons I think
    I think she also has poison damage to any melee weapons she uses.
    It's hard to tell is she ever uses all this stuff as it's my first follower mod and I went over the top and hoping most of this works.
    Please give me your feedback and tell me if there is anything I can change if you know enough about creating followers to tell me where to look at.
    My goals are simple.
    Spellsword that soaks - tanks. Looks like an interesting mix it up follower in combat!



  13. Creature Sex - Spell

    This mod adds the spell to be relation with animals
    It is based on the "animation" Gone.
    Requirements :
    - Pack animation - Gone
    - FNIS 4.0 Beta
    - Creature Pack 4.0
    - SKSE
    - SkyUI
    Installation :
    Copy the file in the directory "data" on your skyrim installation.
    Launched "GenerateFNISforUsers" is clicked on the "FNIS Behavior Characters" and "FNIS Behavior Creatures" button.
    if you do not have is the Button you do not have the correct version of FNIS.
    *If you had to install BestialityRap you could overwrite files. he used the same animations.*
    Access to the test room
    There was a spell to teleport into the testing room "Teleport animalsex Testcell"
    Bug wolf / Dog
    FNIS Message :
    Animation available
    - Draugr - 3
    - Werewolf - 3
    - Wolf - 2
    - Horse
    - Falmer - 3
    - Chaurus - 2
    - Spider
    - Giant
    - Troll - 3
    - Bear
    - SaberCat
    - Bonus Draugr GangBang
    - Bonus Spider Team



  14. Cursed Chests

    I was looking for a vore-like mod since i started playing Skyrim and somehow enjoyed the idea of the Mimics in Dark Souls...
    After i found nothing thats similar to it, i tried to make something like this.
    The idea is to have cursed chests around, that pull you into them when you are close.
    At the moment there is only one type of chest near the sawmill of Riverwood, when you go close enough, you get teleportet to a very small area (which should remind a bit to a stomach). Inside is a Furo-Tub and a small door which is the way out (I tought about locking only the inside door, butm im not sure if the auto-teleport works then...)
    And yeah, thats it for the moment
    The technical:
    The Chest is just an auto-load door, that teleports you into the interior i´ve created, nothing more for the moment...
    About the Mod:
    I uploaded it, to share the idea, see if it works and maybe get some support, since i have no idea about scripting, animations etc.
    Of course the mod is "Work in Progress" at the moment, so it would be great if share the experience with the mod, to help me working on it.
    I hope you like the idea and maybe help me creating this mod
    Feel free to share your ideas in the support-thread
    Requirements: ZaZ-Animation Pack
    What is planned: (What i can do/ What i don´t have the experience for)
    - Different type of Chests with different interioirs
    - A vore-animation when entering the Chest
    - A script that strips the player and locks him inside



  15. Dangerous Game: Hunting Ground

    Dangerous Game: Hunting Ground
    Based on NateNexus'
    'Forbidden Luxury'
    Have you ever eyed a Khajiit trader and wondered just how soft their fur really is?
    This is your chance to find out.
    You've all heard the bandits yell 'You'll make a fine rug, cat!'; well, this is a chance to do just that.  Equipped with a skinning tool and a rather morbid education in biology, the Dovakiin may now embrace their status as 'apex predator' and collect grisly trophies from that most dangerous game of all...
    Just don't let anyone see you doing it.
    'Hunting Ground' is an continuation/expansion of NateNexus' 'Forbidden Luxury'.  That mod is not required for Hunting Ground to function.

    Welcome to Hunting Ground v. 0.9a!  Patch notes are below. 
    Since the mod is much 'cleaner' from a design perspective, I've decided to remove the previous version from the download list.
    This mod requires Campfire!  There are no Frostfall hooks yet.
    Hunting Ground is not currently Realistic Needs and Diseases ready. Look for RND hooks in a future update.
    Thank you for putting up with my terrible delays and restarts; Hunting Ground is my first large-scale Skyrim project, and I'm glad to finally get it (mostly) done.

    Hunting Ground 0.9a Patch Notes:

    Version 0.9a is a reduced 'test' version, because I did a fairly significant script rework and a lot of changes internally.

    Note: For testing, the player has been provided with the 'Fur Trader's Tool' and a copy of 'Confessions of a Khajiit Fur Trader'.  Open the book to obtain the 'Skinning' perk, then equip the tool and 'activate' an Imperial, Breton or Redguard corpse.
    Testing focus:

    ⦁    Food items and ingredient requirements
    ⦁    Merchant value of food items
    ⦁    General mod functionality.
    Known Issues:

    ⦁    For testing reasons, this release is limited to three races: Redguards, Bretons and Imperials.
    ⦁    Hides may not drop in some circumstances.  This is a design issue and will be corrected in the next update.
    ⦁    Texture colors on the 'harvested' bodies may be mismatched.
    ⦁    Bodies may still wear hats despite being headless.  W/A: count to five before skinning.
    ⦁    Bodies may not switch to 'harvested' outfit on every occasion.
    ⦁    Physics may 'fling' items if they get stuck under the NPC's body.
    ⦁    All harvested food items create the same 'cooked' foods; this is intentional, and will be expanded on in a later update.
    ⦁    While Campfire is a required master file, there is no Frostfall functionality yet.
    ⦁    Food items can be sold to merchants with no issue; the 'keyword' support from previous releases has not yet been reinstated.
    ⦁    'Cannibal' animation will not always play.  As it's an issue internal to Skyrim itself, there's little I can do.
    New Features:

    ⦁    Skinned bodies will now switch to a 'harvested' body upon skinning.
    ⦁    Bodies will now drop items instead of placing them directly in the player's inventory.
    ⦁    Skinning script now takes the NPC's weight into account when determining which parts to drop.
    ⦁    Skinning a body in view of another NPC will cause them to become hostile.
    ⦁    Food items can now be cooked at a 'Campfire'...er, campfire.



  16. Devious Body Alteration

    Devious Body Alteration was inspired by Devious Training from Skyrimfet and Devious Cursed Loot from Kimy. Both transformed the body beeing aroused or while wearing Devious Devices. I would like to mention Emily and her YPS Devious & Immersive Fashion, too. The Cinderella feet made me think about a shortend achilles sinew and implement a foot feature.
    Because I disliked the scriptheavy "onEvent" monitoring from some other mods I loved to use, I decided to write my own. Hopefully I will make a good job.
    Thank you to my inspiration
    This mod is a basic one right know.
    Maybe I will Implement buffs (->started ), debuffs (->started ), SlaveTats, etc. but that is not on my to do list right now, because there is a lack of time (still true). Many hours of working showed no issues. No Errors spamed from DBA in any of my logs. I consider this working as my first idea was.
    What´s the meaning of this: Don´t expect to much right now.
    What does this mod:
    Depending on what restraints you are wearing your body will transform over time. Rubbersuit or hobbleskirt will pinch your waist and make you loose weight, but not as much as a corset will. Try to eat, when your stomach is constricted with iron. Legcuffs or boots will alter your legs, armcuffs and gloves your arms, a collar your neck... You get the idea. One thing I almost forgot: shortening your achilles will disable you to wear normal boots or shoes. You will get the meaning over time.
    I wrote already a lot of MCM tips with numbers for you. You can figure out the time settings and updatetimers on your own, if you read the MCM hints.
    This mod has no dependency or connection to ZAZ Animation Pack. Neither version 7 nor 8. I did this, because there are so many bugs in there, that I didn´t want it in my loadorder anymore. Perhaps I will change that over time. Should be easy, because my detection functions are keyword dependent.
    This mod will only work with Devious Devices Integration and the complementary mods, which are based on this mod.
    Because there is a bodyweight option, food is no longer useless. You will have to eat to replenish your weightloss during your devious alteration journey.
    The first debuff / buff is implemented: The walking speed is now a possible option. Depending on your foot and leg training there is now possibilty to add a speed debuff / buff (yes, buff. The slider is going beyond 1. I remember a thread someone complaining about every restraint having a speed debuff and I don´t want to see this complaint in my support thread ). If wearing hobble skirts or bondage boots or ankle chains (the system is keyword dependend) your walking / running / sprinting speed will change.
    Who knows...
    If there is a real weight morph mod in your loadorder, I recommend to deactivate the weightmoprhing of my mod, because they will do a better job than mine (hopefully ? ). I just monitor the eating event (there is no eating event... in fact a slice of bread in skyrim is a potion O_o) and calculate the weight gain using the effects like healing or stamina gain or whatever positive effect is given. I did no matrix of food, because I was lazy and it is not the goal of the mod, to simulate eating habits. But it could...perhaps in future
    Immersive First Person View will prevent some body transformations to happen. I wanted to prevent a visible twitch during the body alteration procedure. I have an Idea in mind to make a workaround. But lack of time is preventing the updates I want to make.

    Skyui v5.0 or higher
    Devious Devices Integration 4.2 or higher
    Racemenu v3.4.5 (you´ll need the Nioverridefeature implemented in there)
    BodySlide v4.4 or higher (you´ll need the provided esp active in your load order for the ingame sliders)
    SexLab v1.62
    and of course all the mods needed to run the above.
    Soft Dependencies:
    The following mods are checked within this mod, because I used or use them.
    YPS Immersive Fashion v 5.4.1 or 6.0 .0 is working
    If the speedcalculation from DBA is used, disable the YPS Immersive fashion calculation ot vice versa
    Milk Mod Economy v 29-10-2019
    If the breast calculation from DBA is used disable the MME calculation or vice versa
    SexLab Inflation Framework v 1.2.1a or higher
    Toys Framework  v 1.83 or higher
    Install all requirements Install Devious Body Alteration Start Skyrim Enjoy. Nothing fancy right now.
    Users of any beta can just update to version 1 without any cleaning. There is no new game needed. It should just work out of the box.
    If you want to uninstall ,I recommend to disable the mod in game and just delete it in your load order. Without cleaning the first startup without DBA will spam some errors in your log file, but nothing serious or save crashing.
    First time I write credits. If I forgot someone, please don´t rip my head off. Just tell me I made a mistake and I´ll apologize.
    Thank you Skyrimfet. Your idea made me work on this.
    Thank you Kimy, Min, Feuertin and El Duderino for your inspiration and the Devious framework, making my mod possible.
    Thank you Xinafay for letting the community (and this way me too) use his barefoot meshes.
    Thank you Emily. I used to love your Cinderella feet feature. I now have a reason to use my own approach.
    Thanks to all the good people offering their free time to help, to mod, to code, to do whatever people ask them to do and still have the patience to calm down, even if there are loud people out there
    If there is any rule violation in making this mod public, please tell me. I´ll put it down if necessary.
    Don´t upload this mod to any other site, because I don´t have the time to watch every site.
    If you want to use my mod for your own good and change code: Do whatever you feel is necessary, but you still have to keep the code and the mod public and free. No paywall! I made this mod having in mind to share it with the Skyrim community for free. This will never change.
    Suggestions are welcome. But I´m only one grown man, working for money in a real life. Don´t expect wonders.



  17. Devious Chastity Piercing

    First of all I would like to thank for the help from Darkpig and Targultoon, without them this mod would never have been created.
    About the device
    it's a lockable ("permanent") chastity piercing blocking vaginal sex.  The animation is automatically switched to oral or anal sex.  Your character will remain a "virgin" forever ?.
    It is available in two versions, four and eight rings.
    The piercing is also available for two different slots 49 and 50.
    NOTE: I placed the piercing according to the body I use, it is possible that the rings will not be in the correct position.
    SexLab Framework
    Devious Device - Asset
    Devious Devices - Integration
    I hope I didn't forget anything ?
    Plans for the future:
    I'll add a few color variations (texture replacer), better gold look and also silver version
    I'd like to add support for BodySlide (I can't do it yet)
    All DD modders
    If I forget something, give me a message and I'll fix it.



  18. Devious Devices Escape Overhaul

    This is an in-development mod. Please, read the notes section.
    I've never quite liked the way DD framework handled escaping from devices. It puts me out of controls as a player. Then I had my time playing with the mod "Devious Lore" which provided a good alternative, putting me back in control. However, I didn't feel fully satisfied with it so I've decided to create a mod that would handle escaping (and escaping only).
    Current features:
    By pressing a configurable hotkey you can open an escape menu. There you can choose what device you want to escape from.
    Three supported ways of escaping from a device: unlocking with a key, struggling out of a device, or picking its lock.
    To unlock a device, you must succeed in a minigame. You have to balance a key in order to unlock a device via a minigame.
    Struggling is implemented as a minigame where you are supposed to guess in which direction you should move your body to weaken the device by pressing W, A, S, and D. Each attempt to guess costs you a bit of stamina. Failing or succeeding to struggle out of a device exhausts your character (configurable).
    Picking the lock is implemented as an actual Skyrim's lockpicking minigame! Beware that you have only one shot at picking a lock before failing. Breaking the lockpick may jam the lock.
    Lock repairing minigame.
    Difficulty and availability of all escape methods are based on DD's settings as well as various settings provided by this mod.
    Wrist restraints (also known as heavy bondage) can be configured to prevent certain ways of escaping from them. They can also block ALL lockpicking.
    Blindfolds and bondage mittens can make it harder (or even impossible) to escape in certain ways.
    NPCs can assist player in escaping from a device (not fully finished).
    Devious devices 5.0 and its requirements.
    The mod is currently in a relatively early stage of its development. Expect bugs to happen. Escaping from devices may feel too easy or too hard because I didn't spend a lot of time balancing the difficulty. Try adjusting DD's difficulty levels to your liking and see if it helps. Although the mod is called an overhaul, it doesn't modify DD framework itself (almost). The standard way of escaping devices is still there. The mod supports only generic devices. Non-generic and quest devices aren't properly supported for obvious reasons (you can enable a setting to bypass them, but it is recommended to do so only if a mod explicitly suggest that you have to struggle out of a device). Known issues
    Devices with lock shields aren't normally supported. Unfortunately, it is a limitation cause by DD framework. Lock timers aren't supported. This means that if a timer elapses, this mod won't recognise it. Unfortunately, it is a limitation cause by DD framework. Planned features (these are supposed to be added at some point of time in the future, priority order)
    Finish NPC support Possibly add magical means of escape  
    @S.MayLeR - Russian translation



  19. Devious Strike - beta - LE/SSE

    This is my first Mod and english is not my bla bla ... who even cares? Let's get right into it.
    Have you ever thought:
    Skyrim's combat is not exciting enough?
    There are almost no mods that handle Devious Devices during combat? 
     < OOhhh BOY do i have a solution for you >

    ! Check below to see how to properly upgrade to new Versions !
    For short version scroll down to the Features list.
    This mod adds a new enemy the world of Skyrim, you can find them amongst various factions. These enemies are called 'Strikers', they have deviously enhanced weapons and spells on them. Their sole purpose is to wrap up the dragonborn in Devious Devices.
    How? Well.. these weapons and spells have the ability to transfer one or multiple Devices from attacker to target. This means that the Strikers, who are already covered in Devices from top to bottom will render you more and more helpless with every hit you take . If they manage to get a set amount of hits on you, ALL their devices will be transferred at once! But don't worry, it gets worse (or better, depending on your point of view): when they deplete your health to a set percentage, you will receive extra punishment, in the form of heavy bondage or devious furniture.
    If you manage to kill one of those Strikers, they will drop device keys and some other loot. This should give you a good motivation to kill a Striker when encountering one. If you are very lucky you might get a weapon drop from them. With their weapons you can turn the tables and rid your devices on other folk! Also when deciding against a fight, be aware that they run faster than just normal bandits and will most likely catch up sooner than you think.
    The mod has high customizability through an ever expanding MCM Menu.
    Adds Striker enemies that attack you with devious weapons you can also enable default enemies to carry those weapons Devious weapons will transfer devices onto the victim device outfits can be selected in MCM for personal preference All device types can be toggled in MCM Enemies are found amongst various factions Striker Types: Mage, Archer, Dualwield Melee, One handed Melee, Two handed Melee Methods of punishment are included Transfer of all remaining devices Heavy bondage like armbinders, wtc. Devious furniture Almost everything is customizable via MCM Hardcore mode available Semi-Hardcore: Lock MCM when restrained Lots of other stuff, like key drops for killing those enemies, follower integration, etc, just see for yourself...  
    How to clean a save extremly carefully (some steps could be skipped):
    Teleport to an unused cell, for example: 'coc unownedcell' / 'coc qasmoke' Make a new save and quit out use a save cleaner like Fallrim tools' resaver to clean the new save uninstall Devious Strike go back in game and load the save clean save ingame press 'T' to wait about 3 days, so will reset its default stuff make a new save and quit out again  Open this save in your save cleaner and check for orphaned scripts, if yes clean the save again TO BE EXTRA SAFE: Go back in game and make a new save Quit out and install the new version Go back in and make a new save open save cleaner and check the save file, clean it if it's dirty Start playing.  
    Install like any other mod via Mod Manager or munually Don't forget the requirements!  
    Devious Devices 5.1 - https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/15078-devious-devices-le-50/ SKSE 1.7.3 - http://skse.silverlock.org/ All of their requirements...  
    SkyUI 5.1 (for MCM settings)  Ultimate Combat  Disables killmoves against player and overhauls combat in general TK Dodge   
    Thank you all for the amazing feedback you gave me so far! It is really helpful so keep it going!
    LOCALIZATION: Update 0.4.2 added the possibility of localizations, if you want to translate the mod to any other language feel free to do so. Would be nice if you then could share your translation by sending it to me so i can integrate it for the next updates.  FEEDBACK: I am always open for any kind of feedback you can provide: stuff you like, dislike, suggestions or changes for future updates, etc.. SCREENSHOTS: If you are talented in making good screenshots for the mod page, let your talents loose. PERFORMANCE: if you encounter lags when changing cells, try to enable devious weapon wielders and disable the outfit function for them. This reduces the impact that comes from DDs scripts every time a devices is equipped. This is espacially helpful when you are playing with a lot of strikers at the same time.  
    Devious Heatrise - soft incompatibility: Strikers can force equip additional plugs/piercings through chastity devices. When heatrise triggers a vibration event and the player has two plugs/piercings equipped, they will stay idle for a little while, if the game then tries to autosave, this save will supposedly be corrupted. (reported by @Farsh-nuke)  
    Punishment does not work when the target gets one-hit or Killmoved (mods like ultimate combat prevent killmoves against player) If you are in the inventory while strikers spawn a message box from DD will show up. There is not much i can do about this, if you have any ideas, let me know. If at some point during your playthrough devices will no longer transfer, take a look at the debug page and check for the option "Are events blocked?" when this is enabled and no other mod is currently doing something then you should be fine to tick the option "Reset Block Flags". BE CAREFUL WITH THIS AS IT CAN BRAKE OTHER MODS! if you are unsure, ask first.  
    Striker will redraw their weapons/spells mid fight after a successful transfer. Sadly i won't be able to fix this and i don't even know where it comes from Gender detection is a bit wonky at the moment, sadly i cant do much about it. ONLY against NPCs though When entering an interior cell and backing out again, the game will respawn strikers for every time you reenter and change there outfit. I will work on this for the next update Reanimated Corpses turn into strikers when changing cells.  
    If you encounter any problems along the way besides the already mentioned ones, let me now in the support thread. This goes for compatibility, bugs, etc.
    explain your problem as detailed as you can so i can pinpoint where it comes from Attach log message to report for even more information needs tobe enabled before encountering a bug in Skyrim.INI or SkyrimPrefs.INI these options need to be enabled or the log file wont be created: bEnableLogging=1 bEnableTrace=1 Disabling log messages from other mods e.g. DD/Sexlab keeps the log file clean, this would be very helpful Log file can be found in: C:\Users\Name\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Logs\Script\Papyrus.0.log Attach the file to your comment in the support thread  
    Special encounters (Gangfights/ Bossfights/ Special Striker)  rethinking the punishment script (how to set victims properly essential) (making a little quest maybe) Boundcombat for Striker if possible (Armbinder/ Straitjackets/ Petsuits/ etc.) -> Special encounter All of your awesome suggestions.. Also having this on my mind: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/149755-wearing-multiple-devices-over-one-another/?tab=comments#comment-3083520 This is a completely new mod idea, i might call it something silly like 'Deviously wrapped up'.  
    You can port this mod to SE if you want <> not needed  Don't steal any code without contacting me first As long as you mention and contact me you should be good to go  
    All the people behind Devious Devices! thanks for such an awesome resource  @Hylysi - The whole of version 0.4.2/0.4.3 - improving the spawn method and some other minor stuff for scripts - @Tron91 - suggestion: destroying devices when they dont get swapped - allowed me to use some of there script for the new spawn method, HUGE THANKS! - told me about the wait time after locking/unlocking devices for keyword updates - solved wonky gender detection issue @HexBolt8 -  telling me that this mod should work on SSE and their two suggestions: Key drop chance & transfer-single chance @BYJE137 - reminded me of hardcore option - reported the Transfer bug and tested the fixed version @CaptainJ03 - PC as only target option @MTB - his SCB script and helping me understand the function I needed
    @mrdoodle - telling me about SCB and its author MTB
    @Averagedann - pointing out the disappearance of important keys on Striker death/vanishing 
    @Lupine00 - Suggested the usage of Formlists for multiple purposes
    @El_Duderino - told me that DD has its own premade formlists
    Hungvipbcsok & Tron91 & rjn - convincing me to change the fundemantel spawn method of strikers
    @shiftbitlogic - suggested themed Device sets with color/Type
    @misterx - Told me how to make DHLP-blocking and the code work
    @hungvipbcsok - Reported a compatibility issue between DS and DMC, which lead to the DHLP-blocking method 
    @Player80 - suggestion: MCM setting for device removal on striker death
    @Yanme - Notified me about the Transfer functions blocking themselves via DHLP-Block event in ver-0.3.0, and tested the fixed version
    @ihatemykite - discovored a mistake in while loops @AshitakaOkita - striker spawns for only interior or exterior - Custom outfit slot @nimawi - Device equipping sound @Crota - Player can use devious weapons regardless of player only option @Arthacs - reported weird xEdit errors @RedDotGecko - reported Strikers not using their wepaons @pursona - reported Strikers not using their wepaons @ck2modfan- reported reanimate corpses turn into Strikers @SorryLag - werewolf bug report @ssonly - Transferall bug report @Richard1234 - Striker class bug  @kaiteyc - hard to see ghostly remains  @Slitpipes - Devious Furniture as punishment @A.Okita aka Caralis - interior & exterior spawn chances @Siudhne - feedback on overpowered strikers  



  20. FlowerGirls Necro

    FlowerGirls Necro Animation Fix Revived NPC.7z
    Adds 589 Funnybizness necro related animations to the FlowerGirls framework. This is the first animation pack for FlowerGirls, proving that it is a viable, lightweight alternative to SL.
    FlowerGirls BDSM Framework by Xider, FlowerGirls Subdue, FNIS and FlowerGirls for Legendary Edition from the Nexus by namtar.
    Does not require SKSE or SkyUI.
    This mod is still a WIP - positioning and sound effects can be tweaked in the script files. Use the provided source scripts in the "Projects" folder if you would like to polish this mod and upload it to Loverslab.
    Permissions: Anyone can download this mod, tweak it and reupload it onto LL, as long as the original authors are credited.
    Xiderpunk for the original FlowerGirls mod and highly detailed script examples.
    namtar55 for maintaining and working on the backported version of FlowerGirls.
    Funnybizness for the brutal animations. Stay brutal!
    Erstam for working on FlowerGirls in Xider's absence, and for providing crucial modding advice.
    Helied for solving a scripting problem that had me lost, frustrated and despairing for months on end.



  21. Forgotten lore

    Hi everyone, this is my first real big mod that i have ever attempted.
    My plan for this mod is to make a new questline featuring several new NPC's custom made dungeons and eventually the sexlab resources as well.
    It features a new dungeon, entrance to blackreach which is now more easily accesible, badass weapon and armours(sadly not custom... yet), some awesome draugrs, a dungeon home a new npc and a quest with an awesome reward.
    You may start the quest by going to labyrinthian and finding the new dungeon i have added there, it is on the bottom right of the image i have uploaded, or on the opposite side if the main building where the mage questline takes you.
    So what do i need you ask? right now this mod only relies on ZAZ Animationpack 5.4
    although the resources used are very limited at the momment.
    it is also possible that it requires fus ro doh but i have not been able to confirm this yet.
    NOTE: I am a very inexperienced modder so i have not been able to script the most awesome and badassest of quests at this point in time, the mod also does not feature any adult oriented content at this point but seeing as it requires ZAZ animation package and as i am going to be adding adult themed support for it soon i posted it here.
    Instaling the mod is simple enough just unpack the mod and move the files into your Skyrim/data folder and thats it.
    If there are any questions feel free to ask me i am more then happy to answer them.
    I hope you enjoy my mod



  22. Fort Blackrock Slaver's Fort

    This is my first attempt at making a mod of any substance whatsoever. Feedback is not only welcome, but encouraged.
    The mod is in Alpha, lots of bugs; I'm sure...
    This Mod is a Player Home/Location designed as an immersive way to spend time as a slave with Sanguine's Debauchery and as a place to train Paradise Halls slaves.
    Essentially, there are lots of mining, farming, crafting stations and food containers with lots of food to give to your master. There are also rooms that are separate cells to easily set up training and storage for Paradise Halls slaves. There are also Slaves and Guards in those areas. I also set up 3 unique NPC's in the master's chamber to serve as a Grand Master/Fort owner. There is no dialogue for them yet, but I am planning on adding some in eventually.
    OH! and a mixed assortment of Zaz furniture, of course.
    It is located in the Rift, North West of Riften, Directly North of Redwater Den, over the small mountain.
    Zaz Animation Pack
    Apachii Sky Hair + Sky Hair Females
    RP Chopping and Mining - allows essentially infinite mining and chopping. Mining just takes longer to get ore.
    -NPCs to serve as masters/guards and slaves Added NPC's, working on unique NPC's to serve as followers, Masters and quest givers
    -A plantable farming area
    -quick re spawning chests (not sure how to do this right now...)
    Thanks to the Zaz team for the resources to put that extra dungeon feel into, well, the dungeon!



  23. GGFriendlyWhore

    Author:: Galgat
    Needs SKSE
    Needs SkyUI 5.0+
    Needs Sexlab
    Needs Zaz animation pack
    Needs Dragonborn DLC
    Needs DawnGuard DLC
    Goubo :: with out his scripting Help Most of this little thing would have never got done.
    Will Make the Majority Of everything you Meet in Skyrim Like you, and some simple Prostitution >> Also on page 2 is now and Option to turn Off/On Random Dragons
    I did this for a lot of personal usage reason's.
    The option's in the MCM that are working are Page 1/ second Option, and Page two the prostitution option, click them till it the text box pops up and says Enabled " Might have to cycle through them one time to get them cleared, and right ". ( Important:: Need to repeat this if you reload, or restart the game, toggle through the disabled, enabled again stopping on enabled if you want to be friendly. )
    Addition;; added and Option on page 2 to turn Off/On Random Dragons ( This should have no impact on Quest Dragons, only Random dragons, which I find to be a real aggravation much of the time )
    pretty simple Friendly >>>Enabled you are Friendly with most everyone, and they like you, >>>disabled, some people really hate you.
    Simple Prostitution >>>Enable the prostituion Page 2 of MCM, and you can have some very simple sell your body fun, Clicking on the animals that i have added will set up a Creature rape, from the Creatures that I have added, I have many morte to add, so all creatures are not functional
    1. I have plans to expand this to a full prostitution mod, with hopefully quest's, maybe.
    I guess it could be used as a resource, for disabling the mobs, but it need to be enabled before you enter a bandit camp. once they become aggressive the toggle will probably not help.
    2. I needed a way to use JazPositioner in bandit area's with out having to kill them all. I used it to set up things in the game with zaira Maria, and this also kept me alive at times when the bandits AI went bonkers in maria.
    I also wanted to be able to prostitute to the many different crime elements of skyrim.
    3. It allowed me to enter, and test many Sexlab mods out on the bandits, and this gave me a lot larger Clientele, ( it gave me more Sex objects (NPC) to use, and was cheaper FPS wise than populated cities.) with out having to add a lot of More people or expansion Mods, just so a working girl could have a larger Clientele.
    I actually have a lot of expansion mods, but still this gave me a lot more people to enter act with while running some of the Sexlab prostitution mod's that require a partner, or a paying customer.
    3.1. This is also a major cheat, as it allows you to run around almost anywhere with out fear of being attacked. It is useful for me as a tool to also look around inside many area's, in the game, with out having to kill everything. or turn on, and off the AI in console.
    4. I just wanted to do something in skyrim, and Gourbo was so helpful, I managed to do this. I thought maybe others might have a use for it, mainly just a little toggle that I thought some people might like.
    5. Two ESP, one is Dragonborn DLC dependency Only (GGFriendlyWhore_DB.esp), I wanted some of the creatures from there to be friendly, and I really like that DLC more than the others.
    The other has both Dragonborn DLC, and DawnGuard DLC dependency (GGFriendlyWhore_DB_DG.esp), I needed the dawnguard DLC to stop those darn vampire's thrall from attacking me all the time.
    Only activate one of them, do not activate both you will have problems.
    6. It needs SL and Zaz.
    7. I is pretty basic right now the only option's working in the MCM are Page 1/ second Option, and page 2 Prostitution option, which turns on the prostitution dialogue, If you want the prostitution dialogue off, just Disable it in the MCM, right now it is just kind of a little extra, you might want some times.
    bare with me, I hate Skyrim CK,>>> the separation of the Scripts from the ESP make it suck balls for me, I hate it<< ( Scriptwriters love it, but I do not, I like building large area's to explore, and huge amounts of dialogue, and the Properties assignments just get to be to much of burden for me ) that is why I do mostly only personal, My use only mods for skyrim.
    If you restart, or reload your game you will need to toggle through disabled/ enabled again.
    I know how to fix this, But right now it is such a WIP I really hate to add a bunch of things that might need changing every time I upgrade it a little.
    8. This is a very simple thing, It does just two things right now, and I don't know if anyone would even want it, but I used it a lot for a lot of thing's, and found the non hostile NPC to be handy sometimes, and it is a pretty non bothersome mod to have, and I keep in most every profile now, so I thought maybe others might have a use for it. [ I mean if the MCM options are disabled, it is basically gone, and should effect nothing. ]
    9. I don't think it will conflict with anyone Else's mod [ Heck if some how it did, then just disable it in the MCM, and all will be fine ]. So having it installed, and using it when you want, and turning it off from the MCM when you don't want it should not be a big thing. It does not cast a cloak, or do any constant spell casting, so I don't think you will ever notice it is even there, other than when you use it.
    10. If you don't like it, or want it, I am sorry, just uninstall it, and move on.
    11. Some of the Creatures that i have added don't always do right, as in the Troll's tend to maybe rape you one or two times, then the second or third time you click on them, the dialogue will not follow through, you can change cells, and come back, and they will work again.. I am looking at it.. It is a strange one.
    I have to think about how I want to do the Horse's, as when you highlight them, you get option to steal, or ride, if you own it. So for now my simple dialogue will not work for them, I am looking at that too, and so Horse's are not at this time available in the prostitution dialogue.
    12. There are surly Mob's or Evil things out there that I have missed in my Friendly Whore part of the mod, so you may still get attacked by some creatures.
    I would use Mod organizer or NMM, so I could get rid of it if I did not want it.
    But I suppose you could drop the data folder from zip folder GG_FW into you skyrim folder, let it write it self in, and check it active.
    Clean your save with Save tool, or go to a clean save
    Then Install is now Only One ESP, and it requires Dragonborn DLC & DawnGuard DLC, Only way i could turn off the aggressive stat of some creatures in those DLC.
    Of course Ashal
    Beth for giving us a chance to create our Own fantasy's
    Goubo , he was such a help, just anything I asked, and he was just too good.
    Veladarius Such a nice person, even with the many personal problems he has, he stays focused
    Min Had some very helpful hint's, but most of the time he was way over my head..
    Lots of others I will think of in time.



  24. HexLife - A (hopefully) Large Quest Mod

    Firstly, as of now this is basically a player home. I am still learning how to mod but I am proud of myself for making this, even though its just a house "in the woods"
    For future plans I do plan to have a highly player controlled experience with lots of choice options, not just a bunch of fetch quests.  the story will start out when the PC returns to their grandmothers home to find her grandmother and father dead. The player then has to decide on what to do. this heavily revolves around the player deciding to continue on her families legacy as a witch.

    Choices are a large part of this mod leading the character further and further down the chosen path 
    While some choices have a permanent effect on the game play and relation with the NPCs disposition
    all in all the end goal would be to craft a separate section of Skyrim for the player but that's above my ability now so I will instead try to expand the town and focus on a story that goes with the majority of the mods we know and love here - starting with Live another life. if only I can figure out how to do that.
    Any who I will try to flush out the first "Good Ending" and create a mod around that while trying to keep it lore friendly. 



  25. I'm sorry for what happened... v3a

    Are you a sentimentalist? A tough, dragon-killing hombre on the outside, with a soft, sympathetic center?
    Do you feel sorry for the poor unfortunates of the land?
    Do you wish you could comfort those lost souls, pining spouses, and newly homeless farmers of the world?
    Well, maybe you can. A few of the right words can bring a smile to those NPCs who have been hard done by.

    This mod alters several NPCs (More to come! Stay tuned!) who have been beaten down by living in Skyrim.
    Sometimes all it takes is the right word in the right place, and folks might be happier with their lot in life.
    I made this after jordisslave (who has been the inspiration for most of my work so far!) mentioned that she wanted to be able to give some closure to Haming for having lost his parents, after killing Alduin.
    Thermius then suggested something similar with Torygg and Elisef.
    And this mod was born.

    Skyrim. Link in case you forgot, or don't know what Skyrim is.
    Fuz-Ro-D'oh for the silent dialogue lines.
    Sexlab (for v2 onwards) - compiled against v1.59c.

    This mod is a work in progress. It currently affects the following NPCs:

    I am taking suggestions and requests for other unfortunate or underpriveleged NPCs. Leave a comment in the support thread!

    Anything that alters the dialogue trees for the quests or NPCs mentioned above might conflict.
    Things that alter the NPCs directly (such as appearance mods) should be fine.
    A conflict may occur if you install Reward Your Followers, then uninstall it, then clean the scripts... I'm Sorry For What Happened contains a script (three scripts?) with the RWRD prefix, because I'm an idiot, so if you get rid of it there might be a CTD in store for you. Sorry about that... I'll fix it one of these days.
    Remove "is4wh.esp" from your data directory, and all scripts starting with "is4w_" from your scripts folder.
    Be careful when running a clean save, due to the aforementioned possible CTD.

    Most of the time, when you see "Frequently Asked Questions," it's because the author did not actually get questions asked frequently but instead decided to post some answers to questions that he or she feels may be asked, or points that should be made, or something like that. I hate to buck the trend, so here goes.
    Q: I'm having a problem with this mod.
    A: That's not only possible, it's likely. I'm a newb to modding. Leave a comment in the support thread and I'll get back to you. I can't guarantee I can fix a problem, but I'll do my best.
    Q: I have a question about this or any other mod. Should I PM you?
    A: No, please. Use the support thread. That's what it's there for.
    Q: Your mod conflicts with <other mod>.
    A: That's also highly likely. There's a good chance one of the NPC dialogue nodes I've edited is being referenced by any other dialogue-style mod. In general, for stuff like this, put whichever one you want more lower on the list.
    Q: Can I suggest <feature> or <NPC>?
    A: Yes please! I can't guarantee the request will get into the mod, because as I've said I'm not very good at modding, but I'll certainly consider it!
    Q: Can I translate your mod?
    A: Certainly! I didn't write it with any sort of translation in mind, though, and I do tend to use American English idioms and phrasing, so... good luck! Go ahead and post your translation in the support thread and I will link to it in the OP.
    Q: Can I or you upload this to another site?
    A: Nope. I don't personally have anything against other sites, but all of the stuff I do is Sexlab-based so it's all staying right here on Loverslab.
    --jordisslave for inspiring this mod's existence
    --Thermius for pushing it further
    --Anyone and everyone who makes suggestions!


    v1 - Lynly, Torygg & Elisef, Haming, wandering displaced farmers
    v2 - Torbjorn, Gisli, Neetrenaza, Nilsine
    v2a - Went back and fixed some potential bugs, added global checks
    v2b - Fixed Neetrenaza's dialogue appearing for everyone, and partially, sort-of fixed Torygg. Not really. Kinda.
    v2c - Fixed a bug that could prevent sex from triggering.
    v3 - Added Temba, her arms wide
    v3a - Fixed (hopefully) getting "quest completed" notifications/sounds when doing Temba and Torygg's quests.



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