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Andaria and the Pilfered Blade




Hey Everyone! So I have gained a newfound respect for those posters who put up stories multiple times a week. When putting together this post, it changed from a short story about Andaria, to a slightly longer short story. If you enjoyed reading it, let me know in the comment section below!





Thanes are often times called act on highly sensitive issues within their keep. In their position, they wield the Jarl’s authority to appropriate means by which to solve these specialized problems. To mark this position of trust, Thanes are often presented with an enchanted ring with the emblem of their keep carved in exquisite gems.


For a Thane to be separated from their ring is an embarrassment to their hold. To shame a Thane by stealing their ring is a black mark on the prestige of a Jarl. When a ring is missing, a large reward is offered for it’s return often out of the disgraced Thane or Jarl’s own pocket. For cunning citizens of Skyrim, this is seen as an opportunity for riches….



Part 1: The Pilfered Blade



Andaria: Here I am, Captain Te’fre. Now what information do you have on our missing blade?


J’al Te’fre: Please call me, J’al, Madam Thane. And you know I don’t give information for free. I believe that I deal can be struck to provide you with the opportunity to recover the mighty Chillrend.


Andaria: Alright, J’al. I am prepared to offer the sum of 500 septims in gold ingots for the information you have to offer. Payable when the blade is returned.


J’al: Well Madam Thane, I can certainly offer the information for that price but the information will be useless without further assistance from me.
Andaria: Go on then, explain it to me.


J’al: Using my various contacts within Riften, I’ve learned that the blade will be made available in the next pirate gathering off the coast of Hjaalmarch. I propose that you pay me the sum of 10,000 septims immediately to recover the blade and return it back to Riften without making this public.


Andaria: That’s extortion, J’al and I will be the one to recover Chillrend, by force if I must.


J’al: Well, there is the pirate tournament. You could challenge the holder of Chillrend to a contest for it, however, it would require sponsorship from a captain.


Andaria: And I suppose you’re about to tell me what the price is for that as well?


J’al: I can sponsor you for 2,500 septims. But you would have to abide by the rules of the tournament once you’re there. I must warn you of the rules, Madam Thane. The winner of the tournament must entertain all challenges from combatants and is only excused from the ring once they are defeated. I don’t need to remind you that pirates are crude and unruly creatures. Some might have a few ideas about what to do with you.


Andaria: Call me Andaria, and I’m not concerned about a couple of pirate’s perverted fantasies. I’m certain, I can handle myself. I will pay you 3,000 septims and you will give me the chance to fight in a tournament for the blade. Do we have a deal, J’al?


J’al : We have a deal, Andaria.




J’al and Andaria drink well into the night and nail down the last minute details.


Andaria: It’s been a pleasure but I have to prepare for the tournament.


Andaria’s tone suddenly darkened


Andaria: But J’al, if there is any funny business at the tournament, it will be your balls on the line. See you at the docks in 2 days.



Part 2: Pirate Tournament



The Pirate Tournament was held on J’al’s ship known as the Okaazah.



Many pirates sent smaller crews with chests of goods to trade and prized fighters for the tournament. The dueling circle was outlined by several large chests.



As J'al described challenges could be made for anything of value.



Battles were often quick and champions were often short-lived.



However, one man stood above the rest. That man was Marius Drusius.



Andaria: That man is Thane of Morthal….and he has Chillrend.


After the most recent match, Andaria wasted little time.


Andaria: Marius! I challenge you for that blade. You have stolen it from MY hold and I seek to bring you to justice.



Marius: What could you have to offer me, Wench? I can take what I please.


Andaria: I am Andaria of Riften and I offer my proof of Thaneship. If I win, I will take back Chillrend and you will face justice. But if you win, you will have both the blade AND my ring.


Marius: Very well, Andaria. I accept, but you will only bring shame and debt upon your hold today.


Immediately, Marius lunged at her, but she dodged backwards effortlessly.


Marius countered by swinging the blade down, but Andaria had already began a counter attack of her own.




She lept into the air, avoiding the blade and slammed Marius with the broad side of her spear on his head.



Marius crumpled to the deck, out cold from the blow. Andaria quickly disarmed him before he could rouse himself.



Andaria: It’s over, Marius. Chillrend is mine now and you will answer for you crimes in Riften. The Jarl will not be as merciful as I was this round.



J’al: Good Show, Andaria. Good Show. But now I will be your next challenge.



Andaria: Don’t do this J’al, I don’t want to hurt you. It would be inconvenient if I lost you as an informant.




J’al: As champion of this pirate ring, you must accept all challengers and I, Captain Te’fre of this vessel challenge you. If I lose ; I will pay back all of the funds you gave me for this little excursion. But if I win, you will be my personal sex slave for the remainder of this trip. Either way, your next ride is free.



Andaria: I accept your challenge Captain. Just don’t complain, when I leave you broke and horny.


J’al: Very Well.




J’al drops into a crouched ready stance with his blade. Andaria quickly lunged at him with her spear, aiming for his shoulder. Had Andaria have gone for a killing blow, she might have grazed him.



J’al deftly dodged around the blow and using his superior mobility countered from behind



Weakness Identified: J’al thought to himself as he swung his blade into Andaria’s back



The blow stunned Andaria so that she dropped her spear.



J’al whispered: Magic blade, do your thing.



Without further invocation, Andaria’s armor exploded off her body. Exposing her body to all those present.



Andaria gasped at her sudden nudity. She quickly covered her breasts with her hands and said “that’s enough J’al, you’ve made your point”



J’al: I have disarmed and disrobed you, Madam Thane. As winner of our duel, I shall take my prize starting now.

J’al: You have a fine body, Andaria. I’m looking forward to making you shriek.


Andaria: It will take more than the likes of you to make me scream.


J’al: Let’s test that shall we?




J’al: He we go. Enjoy your Ride, Madame Thane.



J’al begins violently thrusting into Andaria. After a few minutes, the sound of Andaria’s own moans cause her to cover her mouth.


J’al: I’ll have you scream out yet, Thane. Bring me the leather bindings.




J’al: This wench is a feisty one, Marius. Come here and hold her down, I’ll make it worth your time.


Marius: With pleasure, Captain.



J’al: I’ve had some fun with your tight ass, but now, I will taste your pussy.




Andaria: You perverted freak! I’ll never forget this!


Andaria kicks fruitlessly as J’al licks her pussy.



J’al: Hold her steady, I’m close.
J’al begins thrusting quickly as the pleasure overcomes him. Andaria was tight and her cute expressions only served to further motivate him.


J’al: HNNNNGGGH….that was great. Go ahead, Marius. Try her ass.


Marius: This is revenge for taking Chillrend from me.




Andaria: No!....AAAHHH.



Part 3: Below Decks

Sometime later below decks, J’al and Marius take Andaria over a chest. Andaria has passed out from the exhaustion.



Andaria gags as both men cum again and raises her hands in reflex.


J’al: For this next part, we’re gonna need the floor. Move the chest.


As Marius moves the chest, J’al moves Andaria to the floor.



J’al then catches Marius him by surprise with a punch that sends him flying.


Marius: What are you doing J’al? This wasn’t part of the deal.


J’al: I’m altering the deal.


J’al: You failed to inform me that you were Thane of Morthal. I’m all for thievery but I will not take part in your warring or this Game of Thanes you northerners have created. I will come back to you after you’ve had some time to think on your actions.


J’al clicked the chest closed as he was suddenly slammed into a wall with a knife at his throat.



Andaria: J’al Te’fre, you son of a bitch. I said no funny business. I should kill you for what you’ve done.


J’al: I only challenged you to get you out of the Tournament! Besides I also caught the culprit of the theft right here.


Andaria: That’s no longer good enough, J’al. Start talking or else, I’ll kill you.



J’al: I was hired by that man for passage from Windhelm to Morthal. It was a simple courier.....smuggling job. I didn’t know he was Thane. I don’t want to get involved in your crazy Nord games.


Andaria forces J’al on the ground.



Andaria: We’re going to renegotiate our deal right now then, Captain. The only response I will hear from you now is Yes or I will turn you into a Eunuch.


J’al: Yes


Andaria: Good. Now I can’t have you looking like a weak captain in front of the other crews on board. It'll make use less useful to me. But, nor can I stand for this betrayal. I’ll have to find some other way to teach you a lesson. Maybe, through your wallet?


J’al: I don’t th…..AHHH.



Andaria pushes the blade against J'al's balls


Andaria: Yes, your wallet. Let’s make a game of it. I will be your sex slave for 3 days, however, every time you cum before I do, it will cost you 1 gold ingot. Deal?


J’al: Yes



Andaria: So you can learn. I want you to know that you haven’t satisfied me in the slightest. That act on the deck was just to hurry things along. Now start humping and don’t stop until I cum.






Andaria: Too early, J’al. That’s one ingot you owe me. Keep going.





Part 4: Aftermath





For the next 3 days, Andaria played the role of sex slave to J’al.




Andaria: What number are we up to now J’al? 15?




On the outside she would play the role of submissive damsel. But when the door closed. She was in control and she didn’t play fair.






Andaria: Come on, Captain. Don’t keep me waiting.


For 3 days J’al was unable to sleep as Andaria’s lust kept him up at night.


Andaria: It’s our last day together, Captain.


Andaria: Let’s make this one memorable. 32575827963_c1a7aa7391_b.jpg




Andaria: It looks like, after 3 days, you’ve finally learned your manners.




Andaria: Shame about my old armor and spear, but I suppose what you provided will be enough. Chillrend has been returned to it’s rightful place and I have you to thank for this.




Andaria: It’s been fun these last 3 days. I haven’t been able to cut loose like that in a while.




Andaria: But if you ever steal from Riften again, I’ll have to punish you.


J’al: Yes Ma’am.


Later at the Riften Docks:




Andaria: Thanks for the help J’al. If you’re ever back in town, come find me. I want to hear ALL about your exploits.


In the Jarl’s Throne room:




Andaria: My Jarl, I have returned with Chillrend.


Jarl: Andaria, you’ve been gone a long time, what happened to your armor?




Andaria: It was ruined in the battle for this blade, my Jarl. I have also returned with the thief in this chest.


Jarl: Open it and show me.




“He learned nothing” Andaria thought as she opened the chest. It was filled with nothing but gold ingots. As she approached looked closer, she found a ring with the Signet of Morthal included in the chest.




Andaria: Apologies, my Jarl, I did not bring back the perpetrator. But rather I return with the Signet Ring of Morthal and more than the initial investment given to me to reclaim the blade.




Jarl: You return back to me with both the missing blade and the Ring of Morthal? Well done, Andaria. We will fetch a fine ransom for the ring. Keep the chest of gold. You have earned it.




The Okaazah:




J’al: Get up, Trash. I would have words with you.




Marius: You backstabbing pirate; why couldn’t you just do your job and get me to Morthal? Where is my ring?




J’al: I’m a man of my word, Marius. But I hate being used as a fool by you Thanes. The only reason you’re in my brig as opposed to rotting in a cell in Riften is because of our deal. You will be taken to Morthal as a guest in my brig. But your ring will remain in Riften with the woman who beat you. I must say, you could have gotten away with your precious Chillrend, had you not preyed on my crew at the tournament.


In the Captain’s Cabin.




J’al thinks to himself: how long has it been since I’ve slept? I’m sore all over and my groin burns from chafing. Also, my ship’s treasure is a mere fraction of its’ former glory.




J’al: At least she left me a momento to remember her by.




J’al: First Mate! Tell the navigator to drop our guest off at Windhelm then set course for Solstheim. We need to sell these goods and I am need of Stalhrim. That should help with this chafing.



Recommended Comments

Very nice work. Andaria is beautiful.

Love your screenies. Keep them coming, please. :)

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Very nice work. Andaria is beautiful.

Love your screenies. Keep them coming, please. :)


Thanks Elf Prince! Keep up the good work with your blog! Publishing something new everyday is something I know I couldn't do.  

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Thanks djregs. I fortunate to have Eva and Ivy who helps me a lot. Especially Ivy. Actually, she is doing most of the work and I'm just helping her with English and suggestions. :)  I wouldn't be able posting stories so often without them.

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Yes, he's cheating : he has one woman who works and another one takes the screens. So he just need so surf on LL in fact, such an organized man. :P


Just kidding. Nice story Djregs, great screens, good scenario twists, great fights. And very sensual ! Very nicely done ! :)

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Yes, he's cheating : he has one woman who works and another one takes the screens. So he just need so surf on LL in fact, such an organized man. :P


Just kidding.


Hahahahahhahahaahhhahahhhahahahaha - that the team work. ;)

Eva rarely helps since she works most of the time but Ivy and I do all. She is always sitting in my lap while we playing Skyrim and she's taking the pictures and so on and so on. She enjoys in the project much more than me. I enjoy her sitting in my lap and ahem ... ;)

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Good job! Quite a unique scenario that you chose. Very interesting.  

Can I suggest increasing the font of the text for the next episode it's a bit hard to read. 

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