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> I believe that each one of us had a nickname in one period of life and some people still do. As you know, there are ugly nicknames, that came out of mocking like savages and barbarians that my Fran gave to my luvs, or hatred and fear like Natzi or Gestapo couple that our workers gave to my luvs. But there are some cute nicknames like Gorgeous, the nickname Antonio gave to my Ivy. Anyhow, during the break we talked in my office and the subject was nicknames. My Prince shared an anecdote from his father when he was in the orphanage. There was a guy with big ears who arrived one day from some village and the kids immediately called him Donki (donkey). But it seems that the guy wasn't bothered with it. One day the older kids asked him why he was not upset about such a disgracing nickname. The kid replied:

- Everyone thinks that donkeys are dumb animals, but they aren't. They have just been stubborn. But the best in this is they have veeeery big dicks, bigger than horses. Why would I be upset because someone complimented me that I have a big dick?

Everyone blasted in laughter. But, my Prince's father learned to deal with his nickname in a very positive way. They called him Pjegavi (Spotty) because his face was covered with freckles which was considered ugly at that time.

Edited by Evaloves4


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