Several serious talks
The weekend was very warm and sunshine. I couldn’t wait to get home after work on Saturday and sunbathe on our beach. My luvs, of course, swam in the sea. The water was still too cold for me and the children. I only wet my skin with sea water a few times in the shoal. After lunch and afternoon sex and nap, we went downtown for ice cream and to walk on the seashore. But we couldn’t be alone. Irena called me during our dressing up for going out asking me about our plans for the evening. She was thrilled to hear we are going on the walk and she asked me if she can join us. I usually like her company but this time I wanted to be with my luvs and children alone. I kindly told her she can join us next time. She sounded so sad and disappointed afterward, that I pitied her and let her come along, but I knew I had to seriously talk to her about it. And I did, later on when we were sitting on the beach bench while my luvs played with the children. I was afraid she wouldn’t take it well, but she did. She apologized. Anyway, we had a great time together. The children were soooo tired that they slept during supper. We took them to their beds and continued with our evening routine which ended with excellent sex.
Sunday was very warm and sunshine too. The whole family gathered on our beach. Antonio, dad Boss, and my dad grilled the fish and the chicken, my Fran and Stipe were in charge of drinks, and Lidija, and Malicija were in charge of salads. My Prince and Ivan were in a charge of dessert. Our moms and my Ivy and me watched our children and played with them. Do you think my Ivy could be long without my Prince? She replaced Ivan telling him to watch on our children with us. When he said he is not skilled in playing with them, she told him: “Then learn it! Would you let my cherry pie be worried and afraid whenever she has to leave your children with you when you’ll have them one day?” We all applauded her and Lidija rewarded her with a kiss on the cheek. It was “mistake”. My Ivy wanted to smooch with her. She started to run around while my Ivy chased her all over our beach making us all laugh hard with her comments.
Now, my dad is still behaving like a jerk sometimes. Not toward the other family members, but only toward my Prince, although he promised him several times, he will respect him. Namely, since we want our children to speak Italian fluently as they speak Croatian, our parents talk to them mostly in Italian. My Ivy and I too, but never in front of our Prince because he doesn’t understand it, although he never forbids us doing it. On contrary, he encourages us to do it, but we don’t want to because we want him to participate in our conversations. He tried to learn it, but unsuccessfully. Languages aren’t his thing. Anyway, somehow everyone started to talk in Italian often saying something funny. I was looking at my Prince. He wanted to know what we were talking about, but he didn’t want to interrupt our fun by asking us to translate for him. I pitied him and said we should switch to Croatian so he can participate in our conversation too. Everyone accepted but my dad who commented sarcastically:
- It’s not our fault that your husband is dumb and lazy to learn Italian, Eva …
My mom, Ivy, and I reacted immediately. I said:
- How dare you to insult him, dad? (My mom gave him sharp look saying very seriously: “Shame on you, Livio!” The others also commented it wasn’t nice of him).
His words hurt my Prince but he didn’t say a word. He joined our children and started to play with them. My Ivy became a little bit aggressive and steeping into my dad’s face, she threatened him very seriously:
- I had enough of you being jerk and idiotic toward our husband! … If you insult him one more time …
My Prince, seeing that she might hurt him, authoritatively shouted:
- That’s enough, Ivy! Step back! Now!
She obeyed him and she walked toward him. When she approached him, she firmly hugged him, kissed him, and said she loves him. (Only he has such authority and power over her. When it comes to him, she listens to no one, not even me or Antonio). Seeing everyone’s angry faces and hearing their disapproval, my dad realized he went too far. He said he didn’t mean it and he came to my Prince and he sincerely apologized, hugged him, and said he loves him. My Prince told him that he accepts his apology and he asked my Ivy to apologize to my dad. She did it, although unwillingly and everything returned to normal. Later on, our moms, dad Boss, and Antonio had a very serious talk with my dad about his mistreating my Prince. I also had a serious talk with my Ivy about her aggressive reaction toward my dad telling her that no matter how wrong my dad is, she has no right to physically attack him, unless he physically hurts any of us. She confessed she was wrong and that she will work on her issue. Then she kissed me and apologized to me. We had “reconciliation” sex afterward.
It is very interesting; the family is very sacred to my Prince and he will not harm any member of the family no matter how much they hurt him, while my Ivy is still learning the value of the family. (She and I had a broken relationship with our parents before we met my Prince. Thanks to him, we fixed it). She still has to learn that harming family members is not the same as harming some thug or a bully. That’s why everyone in the family is afraid of her, except of Antonio and my Prince. Yes, even Silvano is afraid of her for he knows she is equally dangerous as my Prince when she “goes crazy” just as he is caught by "Hulk syndrome". But I am sure, she will learn it. She just needs more time.
Edited by Evaloves4
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