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About this blog

With the hindsight of playing the Mass Effect series and The Witcher 3, this time round coming back to Skyrim there was just something lacking - the absence of any romantic content whatsoever with characters you can potentially spend much longer with than in the other titles.  


Fortunately I already had a knowledge of modding, it was just a matter of applying it to a more creative purpose.  I decided to set up a virtual photo studio. 


My Skyrim character's downtime consists of equal measures Hugh Hefner and Austin Powers.  Nothing like a few candid photos to release the tension.


These are the ladies of Skyrim, and some of the mods that helped bring them to you.

Entries in this blog

Barmaids of Skyrim: Elda Early-Dawn, Candlehearth Hall

As far as Elda would ever be aware, it was all just a memorable and pleasurable dream.  The candle the inn was named after wasn't the only fire burning that night.  She would "wake up" later in bed like she'd never left.   Only the Dragonborn would know the reality of the experience.  As "real" as anything could be in a world whose structure was laid bare to you anyway...   


Diluted in Graphic Novel Style

Barmaids of Skyrim - Hulda, The Bannered Mare

Click, click...  "And I'm spent..."   Continuing my series of photo shoots featuring the barmaids of Skyrim, this is Hulda from the Bannered Mare in Whiterun.  From a storytelling perspective for the sake of my blog, my Dragonborn have access to their own minor plane of Oblivion where these photo sessions take place.  In the Austin Powers movies it was called "Mojo".  Call it what you will in Skyrim, maybe "Code Magic" but the Dragonborn have the ability to convince almost any NPC to p


Diluted in Graphic Novel Style

Iona, "Muse" - Graphic Novel Style Pictorial

Most of my blog posts so far have been purely graphical in nature without any descriptive text. I think it's time to give a bit of context by sharing some of the influences behind my pictures.     Butterscotch is the name of an adult series I remember from the late 90s.  The title character had been made invisible during some kind of experiment; although nobody could see him there was the scent of butterscotch in his presence.  There were "sex scenes" but these were almost e


Diluted in Graphic Novel Style

Some Quality-of-Life Improvements I've Learned for Taking Screenshots in Skyrim

The best quality of life tip I could offer would be use a second screen, so you can keep track of your photo shoot and what shots you've taken in real time.  I try to tell a story through pose and facial expression sequence during a photo shoot, and having my screenshots constantly displayed on another screen gives me the advantage of not having to alt-tab to another window to review my photos.  I find this really helps me build a sense of momentum in a photo session because I have a clearer sen

Generation ENB: Gwynne & Gudra - Red Light. Ostim Couples Slideshow Pictorial

"Mara's Embrace Brothel."  The sign above the establishment reads.    'Well, this is new...'  The Dragonborn thinks to herself, noting another new addition to the world of Tamriel that she alone will ever even recognize.  Next to Breezehome, her home in Riften, the place looks for all intents and purposes as old as the seedy reputation it's no doubt earned in the years the townsfolk are programmed to believe it is.  Gwynne knows for a fact the building wasn't next door at all the last
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