$FPP_FORCE_TOGGLE_BUTTON Toggle Prostitution Mode $FPP_FORCE_TOGGLE_BUTTON_HELP The player can offer the NPC to have sex, as well as may serve to customers $FPP_PROSTITUTION_HOTKEY Prostitution hotkey $FPP_PROSTITUTION_HOTKEY_HELP Hotkey for toggling Prostitution mode $FPP_ASSIGN_MODE Role assignment mode $FPP_ASSIGN_MODE_HELP The player can assign different roles to the characters $FPP_ASSIGN_ROLE_HOTKEY Assign role hotkey $FPP_ASSIGN_ROLE_HOTKEY_HELP Hotkey for toggling Assign Role mode $FPP_GLOBALOPTIONS Global Options $FPP_DURATION Scene Duration $FPP_DURATION_HELP Scene duration in secs $FPP_FACE_ANIMS Face Animations $FPP_FACE_ANIMS_HELP Toggle face animations during scenes $FPP_OLD_BROTHEL_INIT Delayed Brothel starting $FPP_OLD_BROTHEL_INIT_HELP Brothel scripts starts when player exited and returned to brothel location $FPP_TRAVELING_BROTHEL Traveling Brothel $FPP_TRAVELING_BROTHEL_HELP When player traveling among brothel locations, prostitutes will travel with him $FPP_DD Devious Devices $FPP_DD_HELP Devious Devices integration $FPP_DD_CHANCE Chance to use devices $FPP_DD_CHANCE_HELP Chance to apply devices to the player after the end of the scene $FPP_PLAYER_OPTIONS Player's Options $FPP_PLAYER_CAP Cap reward $FPP_PLAYER_CAP_HELP The number of caps paer charisma that the player receives after sex $FPP_PLAYER_CHALLENGE Seduction success calculation $FPP_PLAYER_CHALLENGE_HELP Characters seduction by player in the prostitution mode will not always be success $FPP_PLAYER_BOOST Player's boost $FPP_PLAYER_BOOST_HELP The higher this parameter, the easier it is for the player to persuade NPC to have sex or refuse sex request from other character $FPP_PLAYER_NPC_BOOST NPC's boost $FPP_PLAYER_NPC_BOOST_HELP The higher this parameter, the easier it is for the player to persuade NPC to have sex or refuse sex request from other character $FPP_PLAYER_APPROACH Customer approach $FPP_PLAYER_APPROACH_HELP When the prostitution mode is activated, clients will approach the player $FPP_PLAYER_APPROACH_EXT Extended customer approach $FPP_PLAYER_APPROACH_EXT_HELP When the prostitution mode is NOT activated, clients will still approach the player $FPP_PLAYER_APPROACH_GENDER Clients gender $FPP_PLAYER_APPROACH_GENDER_HELP Clients gender who want to approach the player $FPP_PLAYER_FREQUENCY Approach frequency $FPP_PLAYER_FREQUENCY_HELP The time that must pass before a new client will try to approach to the player $FPP_PLAYER_ANGRY_CLIENT Angry customers $FPP_PLAYER_ANGRY_CLIENT_HELP Sometimes the customer will not be satisfied with the player's refusal and will force sex. In this case, the player's reward will decrease $FPP_PLAYER_BED Use bed $FPP_PLAYER_BED_HELP Player will try to use beds for scenes $FPP_PLAYER_BED_DISTANCE Bed search distance $FPP_PLAYER_BED_DISTANCE_HELP Player will search bed in this radius (100 point ~ 1 meter) $FPP_PLAYER_APPROACH_MORALITY Allowed client morality $FPP_PLAYER_APPROACH_MORALITY_HELP Clients with choosen morality (or lower) can approach player $FPP_NPC_OPTIONS Settings for common NPCs $FPP_NPC_TIMEOUT Satisfaction duration $FPP_NPC_TIMEOUT_HELP Time during which the NPC will be satisfied and will not want sex $FPP_NPC_TO_HOME Clients go home $FPP_NPC_TO_HOME_HELP Brothel clients go home after sex scene $FPP_NPC_NEW_DIALOGS New dialogs $FPP_NPC_NEW_DIALOGS_HELP Client NPC will gain a new dialog while he is visiting brothel $FPP_NPC_COUNT Clients Count $FPP_NPC_COUNT_HELP Max clients count for each brothel $FPP_NPC_GHOULS_ON Ghouls $FPP_NPC_GHOULS_ON_HELP Enabling or disabling permission for ghouls to visit brothel as clients $FPP_NPC_UNIQUE Unique characters $FPP_NPC_UNIQUE_HELP Enabling or disabling permission for unique characters to visit brothel as clients $FPP_HIRE_OPTIONS Hiring Options $FPP_HIRE_CHALLENGE Hiring success calculation $FPP_HIRE_CHALLENGE_HELP NPC may refuse to work for the player. Chance based on player attractiveness and NPC caution $FPP_HIRE_PLAYER_BOOST_MODIFIER Player's boost $FPP_HIRE_PLAYER_BOOST_MODIFIER_HELP The higher this parameter, the easier it is for the player to hire NPC $FPP_HIRE_NPC_BOOST_MODIFIER NPC's boost $FPP_HIRE_NPC_BOOST_MODIFIER_HELP The higher this parameter, the harder it is for the player to hire NPC $FPP_SLUT_OPTIONS Prostitute settings $FPP_SLUT_BED Use bed $FPP_SLUT_BED_HELP Slut will try to use beds for scenes $FPP_SLUT_BED_DISTANCE Bed search distance $FPP_SLUT_BED_DISTANCE_HELP Slut will search bed in this radius (100 point ~ 1 meter) $FPP_SLUT_TELEPORT_FROM_BED Move from Bed $FPP_SLUT_TELEPORT_FROM_BED_HELP Move prostitute and client from bed after scene ends $FPP_SLUT_TIMEOUT Resting time $FPP_SLUT_TIMEOUT_HELP Prostitute's rest time after the end of the sex scene and the beginning of the next seduction $FPP_SLUT_CAP Cap reward $FPP_SLUT_CAP_HELP The number of caps per charisma that the prostitute receives after sex $FPP_SLUT_CHALLENGE Seduction success calculation $FPP_SLUT_CHALLENGE_HELP Other characters can refuse services of the prostitute $FPP_SLUT_BOOST_MODIFIER Prostitute's boost $FPP_SLUT_BOOST_MODIFIER_HELP The higher this parameter, the easier it is for the prostitute to persuade NPC to have sex $FPP_SLUT_NPC_BOOST_MODIFIER NPC's boost $FPP_SLUT_NPC_BOOST_MODIFIER_HELP The higher this parameter, the harder it is for the prostitute to persuade NPC to have sex $FPP_SLUT_REST_DISTANCE Rest distance $FPP_SLUT_REST_DISTANCE_HELP Prostitutes will try not to depart from the safe further than the specified distance $FPP_SLUT_MONEY_BACK Putting money to safe $FPP_SLUT_MONEY_BACK_HELP Prostitutes will put the earned money in the safe $FPP_SLUT_POSITION_DIALOG Position change dialog $FPP_SLUT_POSITION_DIALOG_HELP Allow to change current sex position in dialog with prostitute $FPP_SLUT_NEW_DIALOG New dialogs $FPP_SLUT_NEW_DIALOG_HELP Prostitute NPC will gain a new dialog while he is working in brothel $FPP_SLUT_COUNT Prostitutes Count $FPP_SLUT_COUNT_HELP Max prostitutes count for each brothel $FPP_SLUT_APPROACH_GENDER Clients gender $FPP_SLUT_APPROACH_GENDER_HELP Clients gender who want to approach prostitute $FPP_SLUT_APPROACH_MORALITY Allowed client morality $FPP_SLUT_APPROACH_MORALITY_HELP Clients with choosen morality (or lower) can approach prostitute $FPP_SLUT_SETTLER_CLIENTS Settler can be a client $FPP_SLUT_SETTLER_CLIENTS_HELP Allow settlers to become a brothel clients $FPP_ENEMIES_OPTIONS Hostile Factions $FPP_ENEMIES_ON Hostiles can visit brothel $FPP_ENEMIES_ON_HELP Characters from hostile factions can visit brothel $FPP_DCC_OPTIONS Plugs of the Commonwealth $FPP_DCC Plugs of the Commonwealth $FPP_DCC_HELP Plugs of the Commonwealth integration $FPP_DCC_CHANCE Chance to use plugs $FPP_DCC_CHANCE_HELP The chance that the NPC will prompt the player to insert a plug $FPP_DCC_SLOT Plugs slot $FPP_DCC_SLOT_HELP Slot that uses plugs $FPP_DCC_COMMENTS A comment chance $FPP_DCC_COMMENTS_HELP The chance that NPCs will comment player's plug $FPP_DEBUG_OPTIONS Debug Options $FPP_FORCE_UPDATE_BUTTON Start Mod $FPP_FORCE_UPDATE_BUTTON_HELP Force updating, reseting mod and restarting all its quests $FPP_DEBUG_MODE Debug mode $FPP_DEBUG_MODE_HELP Set it OFF to prevent this mod logging into papyrus $FPP_FORCE_STOP_BUTTON Stop Mode $FPP_FORCE_STOP_BUTTON_HELP Stops all mod scripts $FPP_BROTHEL_LOG_HOTKEY Struct Logging $FPP_BROTHEL_LOG_HOTKEY_HELP Write structs info into papyrus log $FPP_MALE Male $FPP_FEMALE Female $FPP_BOTH Both $FPP_FORCE_NPC_CLEAR Clear NPC on game load $FPP_FORCE_NPC_CLEAR_HELP Force clear all NPC on game load $FPP_MORALITY_LOW Low $FPP_MORALITY_MEDIUM Medium $FPP_MORALITY_HIGH High