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  • do drugs kill a bear​
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  1. Illusion is a bit cut and dry in Skyrim. It basically consists of calm, scare or frenzy your opponents up to a certain level. One downside is that dragons will never be affected by illusion magic despite level or perks. They are still fooled by invisibility because Skyrim.
  2. That would be a question to ask @FauxFurry But make no mistake a fake furry is more real than a real furry because science!😀 Are you sure Valkryie Bugs isn't doing anything for you? *sad emoji*
  3. Female versions of Tom and Jerry likely won't change anything considering there is little to no dialogue. Female Bugs bunny... not much of a change: I'm not against it though. Nothing is original anymore so we got to take what we can get and most things are based off the hero's journey anyway.
  4. Head pats for Earth Chan~❤️ Ah! I caused an earthquake
  5. Happy Earth day🍺 By the way Earth Chan you are not flat.
  6. “Darkpig and the Masters of the Universe”? I think I could get used to that title.
  7. I love parades. I love parading through the streets. The people in cars may think otherwise but that is their problem.
  8. A loverslab parade? Now I would pay to see that. I doubt it would gel with the locals where I live but fuck em! I wanna see some horny shit.
  9. All you’ll get is a lousy T-shirt.
  10. Things like that are hard to avoid. I get ya.
  11. Times have certainly changed. It used to be you couldn’t see violence like that outside of seeing it when it happened or maybe plays.
  12. How’d you get a video of that?
  13. We talking Chess, Checkers, Russian Roulette? I guess all of them can get ugly especially the last one for some reason. It’s only a shot to the head. Oh walk it off you big baby. Finnneee. We’ll have Doc Mitchell patch you up. Of course you’re more likely talking about the image a few posts up. I remember listening to a D&D podcast where an orc woman talked about breaking a man’s kneecaps in order to mate with him. With that said I suddenly want to play an orc now.
  14. Electricity going through an object can be measured but infinity cannot.
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