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  • behavior mudcrab
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  1. You guys are discussing wonderful things. Unfortunately I do not have the time right now trying to understand all of it. But one thing came into my mind immediately when I read about your 200-250% assumption relative to current FNIS load count.. If you are right, and the max number would simply be doubled., then it might be that the new limit is even higher than 200-250%. Keep in mind that we only measure the effects on custom animations, and we don't know what the base impact by vanilla animations already is. Now the number of vanilla animation isn't that high (only about 1650 3rd person character), which by itself wouldn't even justify those increase from 200 to 250%. But this limit isn't an animation limit, it's a "behavior limit", and "other" behavior features have big impact as well. Some of which which we might even not know of. And the ones which we know of are much more used in vanilla, than they are in FNIS generated/modified behaviors, e.g.: - number of behavior files - number of animation variables - re-use of animation files in different clip generators (each vanilla animation file is used about 2.5 times in the behaviors -> approx. 5000 vanilla clip generators) Has someone checked the value of this variable in a totally vanilla environment? Would be VERY interesting to know.
  2. What do you mean EXACTLY by " some animations play, while some don't"? Which ones? For example the Oriental Swordmanship, if you ONLY tick those? Most of the time when user make this claim it is only because they don't understand how PCEA2/FNIS work. As always, you should read description, and here in particulae "FNIS Background". If you still have problems then explain what you experience, what you expect, what you set in MCM, how you test. And everything in utmost DETAIL.
  3. Not only does it use a chunk, it use more than it actually neede: "NOTE: CoverSelf has at least one AASet definition without any animation files provided" Like DD, DD2 DD3, NAR. You have many mods that waste AA resources. Tell the authors, and make THEM work on THEIR problems.
  4. Not the error message, but the second to last line says it all: "Too many Alternate Animation groups overall (> 128)". You have too many mods that use the FNIS Alternate Animations functionality. That is limited, and PCEA2 alone uses almost a third of the whole quota. Therefore removing some of the included PCEA2 subfolders already might solve your problem. To figure out which of your mods use AA you need to look into the FNIS log file (temporary_logs\GenerateFNIS_LogFile.txt). Look for lines starting with "AA files:" greater "0". The lines above that show the corresponding mod.
  5. No, you didn't answer. You put out an assumption, and sell it as truth. Since almost a year, when we "discussed" these issues, you came up with countless assumption that have been proven untrue. In this case it is untrue, because for example the idlebehavior.hkx (which you quote yourself later) shows the exact opposit. idlebehavior.hkx is not referenced in 0_master. Bot the vanilla animations referred there, and the FNIS custom animation, are counting against the CTD limit. What do you talk about "AA" animations. Do you really mean "Alternate Animations". And what is a "the Preloader of the AA animations"? You make this sound like a part of the engine? No need to explain to me. Alternate Animation is MY VERY OWN "invention". It denotes custom animations that are put together with their vanilla base animation into clipgenerator lists, so the user can chose between vanilla and one of the custom alternates, whenever the vanilla game would play the original one. For example a Sexy Move fs30_mt_walkforward.hkx instead of the vanilla mt_walkforward.hkx But the is no special pre-loader for AA. And for the AA the CTD limit counts the exactly same way as it counts for the vanilla base animations. And also the selector between base and custom AA counts, although it is no an animation. Remember: it is (was) a behavior imposed limit. Not an animation one. I really start to get angry when I have to read all that crap. You are using some half knowledge based on my work. And sell it as your very own enlightments. And probably noone except myself understands how much nonsense you put out. Where is your very own input to all of that? For example that "only SOME of the FNIS_xxx_Behavior files need be referenced inside 0_master.hkx"? Would be great to hear, because I tried and never managed to get FNIS behavior files being called from anywhere else but from 0_master.hkx. Where was your input when I did invite you to the FNIS 7.5 Beta test? No time for reaL WORK. Just for smart talk.
  6. Remember: the most urgent problem is the one which happens at game start. The Skyrim behaviors are collected in some way, and during the processing of this data (be it collection or release) the system CTDs. However, the size of this collection is NOT determined by the number of animations, it is determined by some functionality in the behaviors which is necessary to define these animations. And this size is VERY deterministic. Therefore you can have 26162 simple "motiondriven" (poser like) animations before CTD occurs. But you can only have 8720 "animationdriven" ones. While animation files (or the behavior functions that make the animations play) require 1 unit of space, the use of an animation variable that makes the same motiondriven animation being played animationdriven, requires 2 units. Wtice as much as the animation file itself. And there are numerous other examples.
  7. Interesting find, but wrong conclusion. I never noticed that magic_readiead wasn't called from 0_master.hkx. Because not all other behavior files are called from 0_master. Only 12 of 17. Idlebehavior.hkx, for example, is called from mt_behavior.hkx (via "hkbBehaviorReferenceGenerator") But that doesn't mean that magic_readiead is used in a different way. It means that magic_readiead isn't used AT ALL. Interestingly they have (unnecessarily) called magicbehavior.hkx TWICE. Probably wanted to call magic_readiead, but used the wrong name. Still doesn't explain why those mag/magcast animations aren't counted. Because they are all referenced in magicbehavior as well.
  8. No, sorry. There is nothing I feel familiar in any way. I'm also afraid that this might be a ghost chase. 19cb/6603 is your number of character animations? Where do you get this number from? I'm asking because I never found "number of character animations" an important criteria. (except in the list of animations in default(fe)male.hkx. This 26162 is a "behavior value". And when reading animations (for pre-cache) the game will always read only a small subset.
  9. AA (if you talk about FNIS Alternate Animations) are nothing but replacements of vanilla animations. The place which makes AA's beeing read (for pre-cache) is in the animationSETdatasinglefile.txt. I have added entries for each the AA's at every place where I already found an entry for the base vanilla file. And that was usually several time per animation file. But this type of reading was not done during start, as far as I remember. It was always done (for the respective set of animations) when the player changes the weapon.
  10. I have tested successfully with 26k for character PLUS 2 time 28k for 2 different creatures.
  11. It's not really that easy. I cannot simply remove the limit, change a few parameters and everything is ok. FNIS wasn't designed to be extended indefinitely (actually it all started with hundred lines of Excel script). And every time I extend the limit it takes 2 or 3 releases to figure out which one of the dozens of arrays might overflow as well. And it will also effect performance drastically. Especially for users with "potatoes". This game is 8 years old, and user have learned to live with 11 to 13k. If they have 26k now it is twice as much. Or more, when I make it a round 30k. But isn't that REALLY enough?
  12. That it seems to be part of the clean ups does surprise me a bit. Because CTD is always right at the calculated point. Which means there must have been some activities way before that which have determined which data has to be stored. And usually I would expect at that time the data was not only calculated, but also stored. Why did the overflow not happen at that time? That could also mean that the game still collects the data. But does the collection with proper register size. More than 10 calls? Maybe 15 or 16? 18 is the number of all 3rd person behavior files. But I found out that all changes made mag movement and magcast movement didn't have any impact on the animation limit (first time I had doubts that this CTD causing code didn't what it was supposedly made for). I would like to look into dumps, but I'm not sure if I can really understand something. Maybe something based on any string values. Or some crc value patterns, like they are used today in the ASDSF files.
  13. fore



    I think you have hit the jackpot.

  14. Congratulations, mrsrt, for a great finding. Whatever the result of your plugin might be in the end. When I first read your description I was VERY skeptical. Why should a software team that is by no means known to make one statement too much especially when it comes to error checking, have code in their system that is regularly executed, but can simply be removed? On second thought I have a THEORY now why this very well can be in this case. The interface that Havok provides is not sufficient for Skyrim. Therefore there are a couple of files (meshes/animation(set)datasinglefile.txt). These files contain information from the behavior files which have been created during Beth's game creation process. And they are really needed. Because when FNIS adds certain types of files (e.g. attack) A(S)DSF have to be manipulated as well. But the process which leads to the Animation Load CTD uses information which comes in part directly from the custom behavior files during game start. Information which is NOT part of the A(S)DSF.txt files. I have asked myself repeatedly, why would Beth use 2 different methods to get to the same kind of information. Information which even overlaps in part. The reason might be very simple. In the beginning they read everything they needed directly for the behavior files. But over time they needed more and more information that way, and so they decided to extract the necessary data in an pre-processing step. And while they removed the old code for 1st person and creatures during transition, they simply forgot to remove it for 3rd person. And this UNNECESSARY code is causing the Animation Load CTD as of today. As I said: a theory. But with your finding there is enough evidence now to make it look very possible. Maybe you could prove it by not only deactivating the current path you have. But maybe even deeper in the call stack. And it also could noticably reduce the game starting time. It's really worth trying. In any case, I really look forward to the test results of the users.
  15. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/articles/1168
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